View Full Version : The Green-Eyed Monster

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 00:47
It has come to my attention that some of our viewers and indeed participants have expressed unjustifiable concerns that admin here seem to be a bit too enthusiastic about the merits of certain components or anciliaries used in our systems, notably mine and Marco's.

I don't think this extends as far as accusations of corruption (in that we may report positively on the performance of certain manufacturers' products in return for favours) as it is clear, too clear in fact, that the products recommended are actually used in our respective systems.

The accusations seem to be more of the willy-waving variety. The problem would appear to be a cultural one (and I say this mainly to our viewers/participants outside the UK who probably won't understand this peculiar trait amongst some of our compatriots who find it difficult to celebrate success and indeed deem it appropriate to stigmatise it instead) that it is regarded by some here (and they don't necessarily have the balls to vent their misgivings on the forum itself) that when anyone (particularly admin) states that they are happy with the progress they are making with their systems and are able to attribute their satisfaction to the use of certain products within the context of the system with which they are incredibly happy, that they are "banging on a bit too much" about the merits of these products.

I'd like to remind everyone (in particular a few who should maybe put their soldering irons down for a moment) that this is a forum for sharing experiences, particularly positive ones so that we may all further our enjoyment of recorded music.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, admin and mods play dual roles. We do the moderating thing on the rarerest of occasions and the rest of the time we share our experiences potentially for the benefit of everyone. The forum is open to everyone to share all experiences - both positive and negative so that we may all move forward and enjoy our recorded music collections more.

As well as departures from irrational comfort zones, it appears we now have to confront the green-eyed monster.

This is a shame as I'm sure everyone will agree if they stop and think about this for a few seconds. Envy should play no part in this forum as it is completely misplaced in the grand scheme of things.

As for my own system, it has become far too revealing of mains nasties for comfort. In the middle of the day my system sounds like the dog's bollocks - well balanced, coherent, times like a bastard and has dynamics of both the ballsy and subtle variety in spades. At other times it sounds thin, screeches like a banshee and makes me wince.

I must sort out my mains. One of Anthony's filters is on order - it is one I've already heard in my system before and was in use at Scalford Hall last year. It actually cleams up the mains nicely without sitting on the dynamics - a rare thing indeed. It doesn't cost the earth and Anthony will take orders. It's up to anyone to either take a leap of faith or even try to audition one - this can be arranged. The results are pretty astounding in a really no-brainer kind of way - you can listen to your music any time of day and it's big grins all the way (unless you are listening to Verdi's Requiem of course, in which case it's solemn faces all the way :D)

Furthermore I need to lower my mains' impedance to further improve dynamics as well as stop the crap from my own house feeding into and corrupting my system, including that fed into it by this bloody computer, by installing a separate spur with earth rods. This need not cost a fortune either.

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 01:20
Noticed: ''system, it has become far too revealing of mains nasties'' i remember a reviewer saying once ''if you system ever becomes this it needs dropping in the Ocean''

Jealousy! :lol:

12-12-2009, 01:28
To put an end to these accusations Steve, I suggest you send me the offending items for a full test & appraisal! If you send or better still deliver the items I will fully test them for a period of 3 months free of charge! Then I will report my findings back to the forum! ;) How does that sound :eyebrows:

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 01:39
Alfie, we can negotiate....

Andre, you are a pipe n' slippers man. If you want realism, you get it, warts 'n all. I want realism - from my music not the polluted mains. Solution: clean up the mains!

Recorded music is delivered to us by an electro-mechanical means. This will remain so until our knowledge of quantum and other physics allows us to completely bypass the electro-mechanical means of delivering our music to our listening rooms. Until then we have to manage the limitations of this means without applying the kind of sticky plaster that overly compromises the realism of truly enjoyable recorded music.

The filter will raise (slightly) the impedance on the mains. The separate spur will lower it more than the filter will raise it. The support/isolation will reduce and ground unwanted energy within the components as well as that in the air, floor and walls. The cabling can be selected to reduce RFI-introduced distortion. None of this need always cost a fortune.

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 01:55
Choice of programme material for yestersday:

Kings of Leon, The Mavericks, Chris Rea, Nanci Griffith, The Eagles, Charlotte Church, KD Lang, Katherine Jenkins, Newton Falkner.

No Prog Rock.

Ali Tait
12-12-2009, 02:02
A well-designed valve amplifier is pretty much immune to detrimental effects of poor mains IMHO.

Ali Tait
12-12-2009, 02:02
Light the blue touch-paper and retire.....

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 02:10
I thought so but these amps are so dynamic and revealing that they seem to show up everything you throw at them. This may be regarded as a flaw but get everything behind them right and they are soooo.... rewarding.

I'm happy to live with that. The filter on offer is really not expensive and I know it works so why otherwise shoot the messenger by substituting for a cuddly amp?

PS: Are you still using the black Mamba speaker cables - brilliantly coherent in my view - and yours as I recall?

I regard you as one of the really good guys in this hobby. :)

Ali Tait
12-12-2009, 02:23
Great,if it works for you,then happy days.:) Despite my job,mains is something I pretty much ignore as far as hi-fi is concerned normally. Following my recent visit to Mike, he gave me this large metal-clad extension thing.I ended up cutting off the cheap plastic jobbie I was using on the end of my DIY mains filter and substituting this large metal extrusion in it's place.A much improved sound is the result,especially in the bass.I admit to being a litle taken aback.

Sorry,I replied before I saw the edit.I'm no longer using the mamba cables,good as they are.My current cable is NVA LS3,which I found is a smidge better on my statics,but given they are designed to be a very low-capacitance cable,that's not so surprising.My statics respond really well to this type of cable. :)

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 02:32
Mike is also one of the good guys, one of the best as are most of the DIYers, some of whom go on to make it in the commercial world, like Anthony whose bespoke kit is what i bought into. His proper commercial kit cost thousands to buy but was mainly sold in the US as I recall. The Copper Amps were reviewed very favourably in the UK press by Jason Kennedy (the very one that Marco now owns) but still remained purely bespoke items built to order. Only four were ever built for sale. Marco and I now, respectively, own two of these rather uncompromising beasts.

Duncan (Tubehunter) makes killer DACs of which I own one and is working well in my system and really pissing all over the built-in one in my Bel Canto CD2 with its PRO2 transport.

The low-wattage SET amps that some of you guys use are legendary too when used with ultra-sensitive speakers. Some of the most awe-inspiring music I heard was at Owston last year.

I'm just a bit perturbed by the background bitching that comes my way from some quarters. My suspicions of the core may lie with some of the DIY fans within your midst who may not actually do a lot themselves....

No names, no packdrill.

Ali Tait
12-12-2009, 02:52
Mike is sound as the proverbial.I'm only just getting over the hangover! Steve,frankly I'm really not interested in agendas of any kind.I really could not give a toss.It's only words on a screen after all.I like this place for the simple reason that there are a lot of nice people here,some of whom happen to be somewhat on the same wavelength as my befuddled brain,and having a giraffe is what it's always about! At least it should be!
Thank you for the sentiment. :)

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 03:03
No worries Ali, I hope you stick around. :)


12-12-2009, 11:45
Good topic, Steve :)

You make some pertinent observations, and I’m glad that these are now being aired in the public domain.

I’ve recently had some rather rude and narrow-minded remarks aimed in my direction, such as "who does he think he is?" simply because I’m enthusiastic and passionate (a word which sadly some people don’t appear to relate to much in reference to audio) about the equipment I use, and indeed equipment in general that achieves a high standard of performance, sonically and musically, often at relatively low cost (in 'hi-end audio' terms).

It’s time some people understood the truth rather than being blinded by their fertile imagination! ;)

Therefore, everyone, please read this bit very carefully in order to prevent any future misunderstandings:

When I "bang on" about equipment or cables I use, it’s got absolutely BUGGER ALL to do with 'willy-waving', so if people think that then it is simply their misguided imagination, perhaps due to the 'Green-Eyed Monster' Steve refers to, or simply just not understanding me properly. I do it because I genuinely believe that whatever it is I’m "banging on" about is a great product, and thus wish to share that information with (hopefully) appreciative like-minded enthusiasts looking to achieve great sounds from their system and favourite music – that’s it, end of!

Isn't that what we're all in this for??

Forums like this are about sharing information for everyone's mutual benefit. Anyone who believes differently shouldn't be here. I've learnt loads of things on AoS from other people, which I'm very grateful for, so the learning and receiving of useful information is by no means all one-way!

Even if I didn't use Mark Grant cables, for example, but had heard them in my system, and liked them, I'd still be as vociferous in promoting them, simply because they deserve to be promoted. I rate and recommend the Beresford DAC too (and its various incarnations), for example, although I don't use it myself. It's not about my cables, or my anything; it's about great products (and this also applies to the 1210, DL-103s, Tannoys, Anthony's valve amps, or anything else I "bang on" about).

What gives me immense satisfaction is when I recommend equipment, cables, or whatever, and it results in someone else trying it and getting more pleasure from their system (and music) as a result. This happens all the time. It is *precisely* that which motivates me to recommend certain products in the first place, and the fact is, people joining AoS for the first time as a result of reading what I’ve written about modified 1210s, or whatever, thank me for it both on the forum and in private, and I genuinely enjoy helping them.

Therefore, the misguided who think I "bang on" about equipment I use to 'willy-wave' and say how 'wonderful I am', might wish to spare a thought for those people from all over the world, reading and participating in AoS, who are very grateful for my recommendations. Many of those people have acted on them and are now enjoying their music through the equipment I've recommended every day, especially when a lot of it is stuff that they might not otherwise have thought of trying (modified 1210s, Jelco tonearms, MC transformers and such like).

There are a lot of very happy modified Techie, Jelco, DL-103 and Mark Grant cable (amongst other kit I've recommended) users out there as a direct result of what I've written about them on this forum and elsewhere. That's not me 'blowing my own trumpet', but simply cold hard facts!

People can think what they like, but I'm rather proud of that and I’ll continue doing the very same thing in future, so the envious, misguided or {insert your own adjective here} tittle-tattle merchants amongst us better deal with and get used to it! :exactly:


12-12-2009, 11:52
If I kept all the great products I listened to, I couldn't enter my house... ;)

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 11:59
If I kept all the great products I listened to, I couldn't enter my house... ;)

Yeh i know i couldnt get in the back room at one bit :lolsign:

Marco do you know what green eyed moster means? I doubt very much people are envious tbh

12-12-2009, 12:01
Andre, Steve chose the title, so he must feel that it's relevant. Envious, misguided, narrow-minded or just plain daft - take your pick! :lol:


12-12-2009, 12:03
If I kept all the great products I listened to, I couldn't enter my house...

Indeed, Dimitri; hence why I've kept only what I consider as the best ones! ;)


Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 12:03
Andre, Steve chose the title, so he must feel it's relevant. Envious, misguided, narrow-minded or just plain daft - take your pick! :lol:


None of them mate, just don't take no shit of anyone, i'm a cancer remember you out to know that being Leo there like crabsters in their ways..

Laters got nurture the wife she's been in bed ill two days...

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 12:06
If I kept all the great products I listened to, I couldn't enter my house... ;)

Dimitri..You'll not believe this but i had 150, Thorens 'TD160' wood surrounds piled up in the spare room once, piles of old gear at the back, the wife was doing her nut :lolsign:

12-12-2009, 12:13
Dimitri..You'll not believe this but i had 150, Thorens 'TD160' wood surrounds piled up in the spare room once, piles of old gear at the back, the wife was doing her nut :lolsign:
:eek: a hundred and fifty !!!
Gosh, mate, you're hard to live with... or perhaps it was part of your job ? :scratch:

12-12-2009, 12:17
None of them mate, just don't take no shit of anyone, i'm a cancer remember you out to know that being Leo there like crabsters in their ways..

I think there's definitely something in that - 'fire signs', eh? Is Cancer a 'fire sign'? I don't have a scooby-doo! :eyebrows:

However, this exercise is about altering perceptions and hopefully certain people understanding better where we're coming from. I really don't want this sort of nonsense aimed at either Steve or me again in future! :rolleyes:

So hopefully what we've written will have sunk in................

Laters got nurture the wife she's been in bed ill two days...

Sorry to hear that, dude. Hopefully she'll make a full recovery soon :)


Mr. C
12-12-2009, 13:59
Well you lot have girlie pig tailed dynamics and timing as accurate as Tony Blair's Polygraph in comparison to me :fence: however like the Murphy's I'm not bitter :ner:
Interesting thread,
all forum's do have this 'fanboy' kit fetish from time to time, weather it's tricked up valve amps/ quality home brewed dac's/ uber-jap moist your silkies specials, weighing in at £10K's+ / Old DJ decks made good/ European speakers etc.
They all generate a following simply down to peoples personal likes, a few will love what the set up does, other will be indifferent, some will even put a hex on it :lol:
Just believe in your own ideal in a positive way, yet respect others ideal's, it may not be for you, however it does not make it any less valid to other individuals.
Back to some 'real' music now you hicks :eyebrows:

12-12-2009, 14:02
What Mr C wrote x100!

12-12-2009, 14:21
Absolutely! I also completely agree with Tony.

People should be allowed to be themselves in peace, whether that means them "banging on" about modified 1210s, Beresford DACs, the latest music servers, or whatever, without sniping and unfair remarks being made about them behind their back...

If you've got a problem with someone, or something they've written, then have the balls to tackle them in person about it, instead of doing it behind the scenes like a snivelling two-faced back-stabber! ;)


Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 14:38
Mike is sound as the proverbial.I'm only just getting over the hangover! Steve,frankly I'm really not interested in agendas of any kind.I really could not give a toss.It's only words on a screen after all.

I think in this instance it isn't words on a screen but tittle-tattle down phone lines. I can just imagine a particular fog horn booming the words "willy waaaaavin!" down the phone... I have my suspicions but we'll leave it there.

You and Mike are not the problem. You have simply heard it from the guttersnipes and with good intentions have passed on the concerns.

I called the thread the Green-Eyed Monster because I couldn't think of any other motivation for this kind of shit-stirring. Thinking about it, envy probably isn't it, it's probably boredom coupled with mischief tapping into the British culture of belittling success and happiness and supporting the underdog (whover he is - that guy who's not waving his willy anyway. :rolleyes:)

Well, we aint changing because there's no reason to. Whoever it is, carry on sniping and trying to cause rifts. It clearly makes you happy.

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 14:41
Tony, nice post. See you Monday, when I've found your place that is.

12-12-2009, 14:42
I say it was Colonel Mustard in the ballroom with the revolver.

12-12-2009, 14:49
I think in this instance it isn't words on a screen but tittle-tattle down phone lines. I can just imagine a particular fog horn booming the words "willy waaaaavin!" down the phone... I have my suspicions but we'll leave it there.

Hang on a minute, I think I know who you mean... :eyebrows:

He's a sniping shit-http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4812/stirthepot.gif (http://img31.imageshack.us/i/stirthepot.gif/) par excellence!!


12-12-2009, 14:53
Now we just need Sgt Columbo to shamble in and reveal all.

Ali Tait
12-12-2009, 14:53
Well all I would say is,why give a shit? You are obviously very happy with what you have,and why not,it's all that matters isn't it,not what others may think.You prefer PP,I prefer SE.No big deal.Others prefer SS.Live and let live.Doesn't matter what others think,if you're happy that's all that matters. :)

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 14:55
The issue is the bad vibe that's all about people not the kit.

12-12-2009, 15:02
I don't think making insinuations and dropping hints is going to help though.

Ali Tait
12-12-2009, 15:12

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 15:31
I dunno. If certain people get seen for what they are it may lessen the effect they have in the future. It is only hi-fi and forums but shit-stirrers are everywhere.

12-12-2009, 15:32
Yes but if they aren't actually named, what effect will hints and insinuation have?

12-12-2009, 15:33
Well all I would say is,why give a shit?

Because I do. It was an un-called for personal remark.

Maybe that sort of thing doesn't bother you, Ali, but I take exception being referred to in such a way, especially when a) it isn't true, and b) the person (or persons) responsible don't have the balls to tell me in person what their feelings are.

That's extremely low-life behaviour in my book :rolleyes:

Either they should shut the f*ck up and mind their own business or do their own dirty work.

You are obviously very happy with what you have,and why not,it's all that matters isn't it,not what others may think.You prefer PP,I prefer SE.No big deal.Others prefer SS.Live and let live.Doesn't matter what others think,if you're happy that's all that matters.

I don't disagree with your sentiments. However, personal remarks have been made which go beyond arguments about equipment.

We're all different, I guess, regarding how we handle these things. If someone's got something to say about me, I'd rather that they had the gumption to say it by PM, on the phone or in person.

That's not unreasonable is it?


12-12-2009, 15:35
Yes but if they aren't actually named, what effect will hints and insinuation have?

Because we're fairly certain who the instigator was and that they read this forum regularly. Hopefully, when they read this thread, they'll get the message and stop acting like a cock in future, or they can feel free to contact me anytime and we'll have a nice chat! ;)

The issue is the bad vibe that's all about people not the kit.

Indeed, Steve. It's got bugger all to do with kit - it's the personal remarks that have been made, which as you correctly say has created the bad vibe.


Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 15:37
Because we're fairly certain who the instigator was and that they read this forum regularly. Hopefully, when they read this thread, they'll get the message and stop acting like a cock in future

Aye, that's the one!

12-12-2009, 15:40
Ah, gwan, give us a name!

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 15:41
As for amp topologies I love the separation and delicacy of single ended into big, efficient speakers. I love the compromise of push-pull - you can use a more conventional reasonably efficient speaker.

The three-legged things with semiconductors in the output stage can be made to work too although we're still waiting to hear this killer one that is going to put all the valve topologies to bed... :laugh:

My favourite amp of all is a hybrid with single-ended output valves.

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 15:43
Joe, you said it wouldn't help. Now you want names. Sorry, but no we don't want the whole shebang going up. The cap will fit and they'll know who they are. Job done!

12-12-2009, 15:44
Quick, nurse, the screens!

12-12-2009, 15:45
Fair enough, though the whole thing reminds me of a conversation at a girls' school.

12-12-2009, 15:49
That's easy to say when you're not invloved! Anyway, shweety, talking about girls, you perform more strops than a pre-menstrual schoolgirl! :lol:


12-12-2009, 15:52
And you're more paranoid than Black Sabbath!


12-12-2009, 15:54
Hahaha... Doncha just lurve this shit on a Saturday afternoon?

Here, Matilda, go and play on your trampoline:

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/4219/10811.gif (http://img695.imageshack.us/i/10811.gif/)



Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 15:54
This is the guy who stropped off from here how many days ago?

12-12-2009, 15:56

12-12-2009, 15:57
This is the guy who stropped off from here how many days ago?

Exactly! We should get Joe some new toys for his pram for Christmas :lolsign:


P.S Me thinks someone here is good at dishing it out, but not so good at taking it back in return! ;)

12-12-2009, 16:26
P.S Me thinks someone here is good at dishing it out, but not so good at taking it back in return! ;)

Methinks someone here is able to delete other people's posts!

12-12-2009, 16:36
Me thinks that if someone makes a remark like that again, a strop won't be what makes them leave, but something rather more permanent! I'd quit while you think you're ahead ;)


Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 16:49

Steve Toy
12-12-2009, 18:24
Hmmm. My system is sounding like the dog's bollocks again right now. I really don't want to go to work.

Steve (willy waving).

12-12-2009, 18:31
My system (currently playing Nils Lofgren) always sounds the dog's bollocks, 'cos my mains set-up is sorted and I use the best equipment man has ever made - and I don't need to go to work now! :ner:

Marco ('willy-waving' with knobs on, sez 'get it right up ye, ya two-faced sniping jobby-boys'!!) :upyours: :finger:


12-12-2009, 18:36
New poll at AoS : is your system sounding the dog's bollocks ? :stalks:

(this will keep some constipated out of here...:lol:)

12-12-2009, 18:58
your all mad!!!

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 18:58
I think i'm missing something over the last three pages!


12-12-2009, 18:59
Well you lot have girlie pig tailed dynamics and timing as accurate as Tony Blair's Polygraph in comparison to me :fence: however like the Murphy's I'm not bitter :ner:
Interesting thread,
all forum's do have this 'fanboy' kit fetish from time to time, weather it's tricked up valve amps/ quality home brewed dac's/ uber-jap moist your silkies specials, weighing in at £10K's+ / Old DJ decks made good/ European speakers etc.
They all generate a following simply down to peoples personal likes, a few will love what the set up does, other will be indifferent, some will even put a hex on it :lol:
Just believe in your own ideal in a positive way, yet respect others ideal's, it may not be for you, however it does not make it any less valid to other individuals.
Back to some 'real' music now you hicks :eyebrows:


12-12-2009, 19:13
I think i'm missing something over the last three pages!


Any sense of normality?

http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/600/freerandomsmileys352.gif (http://img269.imageshack.us/i/freerandomsmileys352.gif/)

Here, say hello to Fluffyboz:

http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/6765/madcat.png (http://img710.imageshack.us/i/madcat.png/)


12-12-2009, 19:25
Well I was preparing a nice spiel, all about what I thought, but f*ck it!


12-12-2009, 19:29
Well I was preparing a nice spiel, all about what I thought, but f*ck it!



12-12-2009, 19:31
Green eyed monster or willy waving call it what you like, i bet most of us are guilty of this on more than one occasion, be it a new car, a new garden ornament or a new settee this is human nature, perhaps it should be called "proud of what you have got and have achieved"

Steve, you and Marco seem to be in a good place and are satisfied with what you have got and good luck to you:), others here perhaps take offence to both of your postings including the flat earth debate which i waded through, god help me,(i got where you were coming from but thought you were complicating matters using the term in that way and ultimately flogging a dead horse by the way), all this comes across to some people as my system is the best and all else sucks, this is obviously (to some) not how you intend it and if you read into you comments and not through your comments you would perhaps come up with the same conclusion, your enthusiasm and passion for your own kit does come over to some people as willy waving and gets up some peoples noses me thinks ;) or am i totaly wrong and made myself look like a total knob and you really have a hidden agenda after all:lol:

I'm still what you would call a box swapper and perhaps always will be, the grass always seems greener on the other side but until you try it you will never find out, this is where Marco will suggest some sort of ladys attire or depraved sexual fetish, don't knock it till you try it:eyebrows:

Enough of my rambling bollock i'm off to find some tea

12-12-2009, 19:59
Indeed ! :lol:

(I'll change it later)

12-12-2009, 20:22
Hi Jon,

Great post!

Green eyed monster or willy waving call it what you like, i bet most of us are guilty of this on more than one occasion, be it a new car, a new garden ornament or a new settee this is human nature, perhaps it should be called "proud of what you have got and have achieved"

I think that last bit in bold is spot on! That's exactly what it is, and why not? I've worked bloody hard for anything I've achieved in life, and the 'trinkets', hi-fi or otherwise, which come as well-earned rewards :)

Anyone who's envious or resents that, or if it 'gets up their nose', has got serious issues!

Steve, you and Marco seem to be in a good place and are satisfied with what you have got and good luck to you, others here perhaps take offence to both of your postings

Why on earth should they, Jon? That's just silly. No offence, mate, perhaps that makes sense to you, but it makes bugger all sense to me... I'm always pleased for others when they do well and buy something nice, whether it’s something for their hi-fi, a new car, or whatever. I say good luck to them and enjoy it! :confused:

Surely that's what all well-adjusted, normal, people do? I class myself as that even though I'm off my nut in many ways! :lol:

...all this comes across to some people as my system is the best and all else sucks, this is obviously (to some) not how you intend it and if you read into you comments and not through your comments you would perhaps come up with the same conclusion, your enthusiasm and passion for your own kit does come over to some people as willy waving and gets up some peoples noses me thinks or am i totaly wrong and made myself look like a total knob and you really have a hidden agenda after all

Nope, there's no hidden agenda, as far as Steve and I are concerned whatsoever - when you see as what you get, as they say!

Seriously though, "my system is best and all else sucks" is the furthest thing from my mind when I'm commenting on or recommending equipment or cables that I use - it's simply, as I said and as you mentioned, my passion and enthusiasm for the product coming through, and also my hope that someone reading what I'm writing might try whatever kit it is for themselves and obtain the same satisfaction as me from it.

Honestly, that's all it is, and people who know me well easily recognise it as this :cool:

this is where Marco will suggest some sort of ladys attire or depraved sexual fetish, don't knock it till you try it

Well I do my besht, shweety, but I'll always look up to my idol and sex god:

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/739/mikeyr.png (http://img687.imageshack.us/i/mikeyr.png/)

...What you can't see is his pink tutu and ballet shlippers underneath :D

Eh Mikey? ;)


12-12-2009, 20:27
I know where you live....

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 20:28
Hi Jon,

Well, I do my besht, shweety, but I'll always look up to my idol and sex god:

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/739/mikeyr.png (http://img687.imageshack.us/i/mikeyr.png/)

...What you can't see is his pink tutu and ballet shlippers underneath :D


Don't wanna come across thick but who's that with the red leather kecks on the right?

12-12-2009, 20:35
Don't wanna come across thick but who's that with the red leather kecks on the right?


Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 20:40

:scratch: Though it was some kinda pop star or summert

12-12-2009, 20:43
Don't wanna come across thick but who's that with the red leather kecks on the right?

Nah, mate, that's just a pair of false legs lying there which happen to be wearing red leather kecks.... The 'real action' is happening under the turquoise jumper! :eyebrows:


12-12-2009, 20:49
Actually... They're one piece leathers custom made for me by Crowtree in Louth. 'Kecks' indeed! :rolleyes:

12-12-2009, 20:52
Do they still fit?

12-12-2009, 20:53
Do they still fit?

Not a chance in hell!

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 20:54
Ok den who's that on the left that looks so much like that dude out of Oasis it's painfull?

12-12-2009, 21:09
Why on earth should they, Jon? That's just silly. No offence, mate, perhaps that makes sense to you, but it makes bugger all sense to me... I'm always pleased for others when they do well and buy something nice, whether it’s something for their hi-fi, a new car, or whatever. I say good luck to them and enjoy it! :

Surely that's what all well-adjusted, normal, people do? I class myself as that even though I'm off my nut in many ways! :lol:

What i was trying to say in a roundabout way is that not everybody agrees with the all of the things that you both write and it infuriates some people, but thats life.

Does that make more sense to you or am i just stating the obvious and still making myself out to be more of a numpty than you already think i am

Totaly agree and you are off your nut:ner:

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 21:11
What i was trying to say in a roundabout way is that not everybody agrees with the all of the things that you both write and it infuriates some people, but thats life.

Correctamundo, nothing to do with envy it's exactly what you just stated

12-12-2009, 21:22
It is a tricky one - I definitely don't think it is envy - I don't think it's as strong as "infuriates" - maybe sometimes it comes across a little pompus? But, I agree some people will misinterpret enthusiasm to a more negative quality.

And if you don't agree with me you've got to get past him to get to me:


12-12-2009, 21:28
Hi Jon,

Great post!

I think that last bit in bold is spot on! That's exactly what it is, and why not? I've worked bloody hard for anything I've achieved in life, and the 'trinkets', hi-fi or otherwise, which come as well-earned rewards :)

Anyone who's envious or resents that, or if it 'gets up their nose', has got serious issues!

Why on earth should they, Jon? That's just silly. No offence, mate, perhaps that makes sense to you, but it makes bugger all sense to me... I'm always pleased for others when they do well and buy something nice, whether it’s something for their hi-fi, a new car, or whatever. I say good luck to them and enjoy it! :confused:

Surely that's what all well-adjusted, normal, people do? I class myself as that even though I'm off my nut in many ways! :lol:

Nope, there's no hidden agenda, as far as Steve and I are concerned whatsoever - when you see as what you get, as they say!

Seriously though, "my system is best and all else sucks" is the furthest thing from my mind when I'm commenting on or recommending equipment or cables that I use - it's simply, as I said and as you mentioned, my passion and enthusiasm for the product coming through, and also my hope that someone reading what I'm writing might try whatever kit it is for themselves and obtain the same satisfaction as me from it.

Honestly, that's all it is, and people who know me well easily recognise it as this :cool:

Well I do my besht, shweety, but I'll always look up to my idol and sex god:

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/739/mikeyr.png (http://img687.imageshack.us/i/mikeyr.png/)

...What you can't see is his pink tutu and ballet shlippers underneath :D

Eh Mikey? ;)


bloody hell mike,:eek:
i have seen that pick before but didnt realise it was you, but now i can see the resemblance!
where was that, and what were you doing with leathers on?

12-12-2009, 21:29
What i was trying to say in a roundabout way is that not everybody agrees with the all of the things that you both write and it infuriates some people, but thats life.

Indeed. Jon, I get on well with the vast majority of people in real life and on-line, trust me. If whoever made those remarks wanted me to take them on board and change in some way, then they've gone completely the wrong way about it and shot themselves in the foot. All they've done is pissed me off because of the snide way they've handled it, and made me want to rub their nose in their stupidity instead! :eyebrows:

If what you say is true though then all I can say is that some people are easily 'infuriated'... I think that says far more about them than it does about me......... :rolleyes:

Mind you, to be honest, I'm laughing now more than anything else about the whole thing!! :lol:


12-12-2009, 21:31
Ok den who's that on the left that looks so much like that dude out of Oasis it's painfull?

The guy stuffing his face with bacon & egg is my mate John. He came along to do the spannering.

The picture was taken at Mallory Park in 1991 before morning practise when I was racing a Suzuki RGV250 in the supersports 400 championship. I seized it in the first race on the entry to Gerrards. :(

The Grand Wazoo
12-12-2009, 21:32
Hmmm. My system is sounding like the dog's bollocks again right now.
Steve (willy waving).

Well, I've done some extensive listening tests this evening.
And I've spent some considerable time listening very carefully to the dog's bollock's.


I tried & tried but I couldn't hear a thing - Is this what people mean when they say a piece of gear sounds like nothing?

If so, then I don't understand why anyone might be jealous of your gear Steve.

Me & the mutt (and his nuts) are listening to this now:


12-12-2009, 21:32
bloody hell mike,:eek:
i have seen that pick before but didnt realise it was you, but now i can see the resemblance!
where was that, and what were you doing with leathers on?

See above... Post #79

12-12-2009, 21:34
Actually... They're one piece leathers custom made for me by Crowtree in Louth. 'Kecks' indeed! :rolleyes:

I used to live just down the road from Crowtree in Louth. That brings back loadsa memories.

12-12-2009, 21:37
The guy stuffing his face with bacon & egg is my mate John. He came along to do the spannering.

The picture was taken at Mallory Park in 1991 before morning practise when I was racing a Suzuki RGV250 in the supersports 400 championship. I seized it in the first race on the entry to Gerrards. :(

Mallory Park; The Devils Elbow...!!! An old mate of mine once smashed himself up at that bend back in the seventies.

The Grand Wazoo
12-12-2009, 21:37
I don't know, you go away for 5 minutes to photograph a pair of dog testicles. What do you find when you get back? Bloody cats everywhere.

Rare Bird
12-12-2009, 21:37
Me & the mutt (and his nuts) are listening to this now:


Chris what you just do look at the amps & speakers or do you have a secret invisible source somewhere?


12-12-2009, 21:40
Well, I've done some extensive listening tests this evening.
And I've spent some considerable time listening very carefully to the dog's bollock's.


I tried & tried but I couldn't hear a thing - Is this what people mean when they say a piece of gear sounds like nothing?

If so, then I don't understand why anyone might be jealous of your gear Steve.

Me & the mutt (and his nuts) are listening to this now:


now i know you've lost it!.

12-12-2009, 21:40
I don't know, you go away for 5 minutes to photograph a pair of dog testicles. .


The Grand Wazoo
12-12-2009, 21:42
Chris what you just do look at the amps & speakers or do you have a secret invisible source somewhere?


It's just really transparent Andre

12-12-2009, 21:45
I don't know, you go away for 5 minutes to photograph a pair of dog testicles. What do you find when you get back? Bloody cats everywhere.


12-12-2009, 21:46
It's just really transparent Andre
The source is under the dog... :eyebrows:

12-12-2009, 21:47
I used to live just down the road from Crowtree in Louth. That brings back loadsa memories.

I believe Alec and Linda have retired now. Shame, they used to make the best 'leathers' in the business! :(

mercury1 (trolling as Dave K)
12-12-2009, 21:49
The source is under the dog... :eyebrows:

Where the hell else would you expect to find the dog's bollocks? :lolsign:

12-12-2009, 21:52
Chris has got himself a discrete Airport Express!

12-12-2009, 21:52
Where the hell else would you expect to find the dog's bollocks? :lolsign:


12-12-2009, 21:55
Chris has got himself a discrete Airport Express!


12-12-2009, 21:58


The Grand Wazoo
12-12-2009, 22:05
Did you hear the clang as the penny dropped?
By the way, are you trying to out me?

12-12-2009, 22:28
Coming out ?, you did live very near Brighton, and i still do Lovey

12-12-2009, 22:53
Maybe he's more interested in 'going in' than 'coming out', dahling - or rather going in and out and in and out and in and out..........

http://www.smileys4me.com/getsmiley.php?show=3889 http://www.smileys4me.com/getsmiley.php?show=3889

Chunter chunter...... Watch out for stray dewdrops ;)

Only kidding, babby!

:lol: :lolsign:


13-12-2009, 12:42
Hang On!!

I missed most of this thread and, TBH can't be bothered to read it all. Is this all about people throwing their toys out of the pram because a couple of guys started a forum where they like to get across their point of view on Hifi?

Fuck me, we're hardly discussing the best way to save the world are we. Cant we just say that "You're probably a nice bloke and all but get a reality check and grow up" or something like that.

Really, I don't understand how people can get so precious and highly strung over the hifi. Are these the same people that sit down and watch a program on TV for an hour and then complain to the channel that it was offensive.

Rare Bird
13-12-2009, 16:18

13-12-2009, 17:39
Dear Marco and Steve,
I would like to write a letter of complaint about the language that is used on this forum, i certainly don't find it big or clever to use such expletives and shows a uneducated way of being able to communicate your thoughts in a civil and intelligent way,

CC Mary Whitehouse, oh fuck she’s dead

13-12-2009, 18:09
Dear Ms Whitehouse,

Thank you for your letter regarding your complaint. We have carefully noted the contents therein, and after due consideration have decided to file it in the bin where it belongs.

We trust that our decision in reference to this matter meets with your approval, however should that not be the case, then please accept with our thanks a substantial donation to the contents of your (currently) lightly-soaked (but soon to be saturated) incontinence panties:

http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/3977/piss.gif (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/piss.gif/) http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/3977/piss.gif (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/piss.gif/) http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/3977/piss.gif (http://img709.imageshack.us/i/piss.gif/)

May the next turd you pass be a stiff one.


Forum Admin.

13-12-2009, 18:18
You'll have difficulties in printing the animated gifs...

13-12-2009, 19:47
This whole thing has passed me by and surely I can't be the only one? I have no idea who the culprits are and care even less.

I think Steve and Marco are big boys and capable of taking care of themselves.

By the way, Steve, what you need is a PS Audio Powerplant Premier to sort your mains problem. I have no variation in quality by time of day, just excellent quality all the time :)

Steve Toy
13-12-2009, 19:55
The Tube Distinctionss filter has been tried in my system. It is excellent and affordable.
Thanks anyway.

13-12-2009, 20:43
I didn't think that the use of filters was particularly "flat earth",are they acceptable now ?

13-12-2009, 20:48

13-12-2009, 20:49
...the nurse said as she....


Steve Toy
13-12-2009, 21:32
The issue of flat earth-ness and filters was raised on the FE thread.
Can anyone remember WHY they are generally considered a no-no?

13-12-2009, 21:34
Answers on a post-card to....


13-12-2009, 21:50

13-12-2009, 21:58
Not worth the stamp

Oi, behave! :spank:


14-12-2009, 09:46
Just as another point of reference on the subject of me "banging on" about stuff, you may have noticed that I do precisely that too with Duncan (tubehunter's) D.I.Y designs, even though that (currently) I don't own any of his kit.

The reasons for this are threefold:

1) They are genuinely superb designs and offer quite astonishing SPPV.

2) He's a mate and I like to see him receive the recognition he deserves.

3) I'd love as many people as possible to buy his stuff and obtain superb sonic performance from their systems, thus leading to their increased enjoyment of music - i.e. I wish to 'spread the news' for other people's benefit. This is precisely what an audio forum for enthusiasts is for, no?

I wouldn't hesitate to do the exact same thing with anyone else's D.I.Y designs (or other manufacturer's commercial products) if I'd heard them and rated them, even if I didn't use them...

That's the honest truth, people. My "banging on" about anything is about how good the product/kit is - nothing else! :)

Anyway, I just thought that I'd underline this again while Dunc's copper DAC was in my mind ('cos he's just sold it).


Steve Toy
14-12-2009, 10:13
I dunno how much that counts though, you not owning any of his stuff because:

a) you've considered getting one of his DACs
b) I own one of his DACs and it's bloody brilliant.
Am I banging on about it a bit too much?

14-12-2009, 10:33
Oh yes indeedy - you're a banger-on, banger-oo bugger of the most bangy-on kind! :eyebrows:


14-12-2009, 10:51
Stop talking about this dac, it depresses me... :(

14-12-2009, 12:01
LOL - I'm sure you'll end up with one soon (just like me), Dimitri :)

Dunc's not 'going anywhere', as it were ;)


14-12-2009, 12:25
Duncan know his stuff around DACS and I just have a more basic design that still performs at a high level It will eaisly beat a Benchmark pre