View Full Version : My New Speakers...

20-11-2016, 16:11
Just got home with my new (to me) speakers

I've got some Living Voice Auditoriums

Funny but I've always fancied some Living Voice speakers but I can't remember why :doh:

I believe they were voiced using a 300b amp and as that's what I now have them paired with I am expecting good things, and at 94 dB they are pretty easy to drive

Initial impressions are very good :)... and very first thoughts are 'super smoothies'....:D

20-11-2016, 16:25
I've been toying with the idea of avatars or even IBX's but I haven't tired of my current ones so I might as well stick with them for a while. I would love to put a pair of sensitive speakers on the end of my valve setup.

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20-11-2016, 16:28
I've been toying with the idea of avatars or even IBX's but I haven't tired of my current ones so I might as well stick with them for a while. I would love to put a pair of sensitive speakers on the end of my valve setup.

What are your current speakers Lawrence and what valve setup do you have?

Some time ago I purchased a pair of Audio Note speakers, I can't remember if they were K or J's, and where I purchased them from they sounded fantastic but when I got them home they did not like my room at all and sold them on very very quickly

20-11-2016, 16:49
They are big wharfedale lasers with the isodynamic tweeters and kt66 monoblocs with a Siemens Ba valve DHT Tektron pre amp. I think you commented on a photo of them a few months ago.

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20-11-2016, 16:50
Interesting comment on the audio notes rooms are such an important factor in speaker choice. it's so hard to try before you buy with big ones!

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20-11-2016, 16:57
Interesting comment on the audio notes rooms are such an important factor in speaker choice. it's so hard to try before you buy with big ones!

Yes I was worried about the LV's working or not but they seem very happy indeed in my room so far. I have to say they are effortless sounding if that makes any sense... :doh:

If you have a KT66 amp do you really need very sensitive speakers for them?

20-11-2016, 17:01
No you're right I don't need avatars but I'm interested to know if the dynamics and bass response would tighten. In the meanwhile i just use this power amp for everyday listening.

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20-11-2016, 17:02

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20-11-2016, 17:02
Pictures or it never happened :worthless:

Pleased that they are hitting the spot for you Bev :)

20-11-2016, 17:04
Is that Class D ?

20-11-2016, 17:05
Pictures or it never happened :worthless:

Pleased that they are hitting the spot for you Bev :)

Ooops sorry Alan, I'm working on it...:D

20-11-2016, 17:16
Is that Class D ?

Yep 1000wpc into 4 ohms!

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20-11-2016, 17:17
Please excuse the decor... I'm working on that... after hifi :D


20-11-2016, 17:19
I think the finish is Cherry... ;)

20-11-2016, 17:21
Lovely. That tweeter reminds me of speakers I had years ago possibly Heybrooks.

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20-11-2016, 17:41
To be honest I have no idea what the drivers are. I believe the new Living Voice uses Scanspeak but mine are MKI's and I just cannot remember what they are using... I have an article somewhere but can't find it at the mo..;)

20-11-2016, 18:56
Scan speak soft domes are very nice tweeters, detailed but not in your face. Looks like you have a pair of decent size woofers too!:D

20-11-2016, 19:11
Does this link work to a pic of the heybrooks?

https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=heybrook+heylo&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=sivn&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&fir=Vgq3TVoBaZLT1M%253A%252CyzHK1P_7OefG-M%252C_%253BueDK4E57G1QnLM%253A%252CyzHK1P_7OefG-M%252C_%253BEybCFf7-YS1P4M%253A%252CNfGWfgC0715NZM%252C_%253B48ZXpIJpG AIvCM%253A%252CyzHK1P_7OefG-M%252C_%253BKscrbSfoNo0RzM%253A%252C6cwb9cHKlpikaM %252C_%253BL0fRbgjziq99dM%253A%252Cn94kijEWBsCNgM% 252C_%253BNnj2BpHpenoq7M%253A%252CuiDtzYJhawW_iM%2 52C_%253BO9zceuuI8zb-GM%253A%252CM5HUJSs5AtfPWM%252C_%253B2HRWyLQUXLhnE M%253A%252CsoZBLBTBGBT-fM%252C_%253BwJOSoN9hYs_unM%253A%252CoudkY54zC9dSY M%252C_&usg=__WPEjxbq7Ku41hDBuBPy56s5Rr8g%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj3mJC6hLjQAhUBLsAKHYagBbMQ7AkIIQ&biw=320&bih=529#imgrc=EybCFf7-YS1P4M%3A

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Spectral Morn
20-11-2016, 21:08
Nice speakers. Heard a set a few times and they always impressed me.

20-11-2016, 21:37
Heard them a few times Bev, not a bad speaker at all, I quite like them. They have some wallop to them so surprised that you have gone for something so big. But I guess they work at low volumes too, I've not heard them played quietly.

BTW I see you get your carpets from the same place as Jerry :)

20-11-2016, 22:41
Nice speakers! Though i'm pretty sure the tweeter is a SEAS rather than ScanSpeak! :)
Have you had any other speakers between the Heresys and these?

21-11-2016, 20:00
Heard them a few times Bev, not a bad speaker at all, I quite like them. They have some wallop to them so surprised that you have gone for something so big. But I guess they work at low volumes too, I've not heard them played quietly.

BTW I see you get your carpets from the same place as Jerry :)

Yes the LV's are pretty big speakers especially compared to the little Rega RS3's

To be honest wallop is not how I'd describe the LV's. They might at high volumes but I have to respect my lovely neighbours... If the neighbours are out then I could wick them up a bit though ;)

I am finding the LV's just very happy to be in my room and so very musical and as smooth as silk.... I hope that makes some sense as I'm really rubbish at describing what I hear :doh:

Like I say please ignore my decor... it's c**p I know... it's just that I don't put too much importance on it to be honest and hifi always comes first for me as well as friends etc and the home comes very far down the list of spending money on :D

Maybe I do have something in common with Jerry then if his carpets the same :eek:

21-11-2016, 20:09
Nice speakers! Though i'm pretty sure the tweeter is a SEAS rather than ScanSpeak! :)
Have you had any other speakers between the Heresys and these?

Mike you might be right about the tweeters being SEAS. I did have an article somewhere saying what drivers the LV Auditoriium MKI's used but I can't lay my hands on it at the moment

I sold the Klipsch Heresys some time ago and have used the Tannoy System 800's and Rega RS3's before getting the LV's

At the moment I have 4 pairs of speakers: LS3/5a's, Tannoy System 800's, Rega RS3's and now the LV's...oops :doh:

I have the LS3/5a's and the Tannoy 800's up for sale but won't part with the Rega's just yet

22-11-2016, 06:08
Congratulations Bev,
Living Vouce seems a very popular choice lately.

22-11-2016, 16:30
Funny but I've always fancied some Living Voice speakers but I can't remember why :doh:

That's easy, Bev.

It's because I don't like them.

It really is quite remarkable how consistent we are in the diversity of our tastes!

Enjoy! :cheers:

22-11-2016, 16:46
That's easy, Bev.

It's because I don't like them.

It really is quite remarkable how consistent we are in the diversity of our tastes!

Enjoy! :cheers:


But apparently we have the same taste in carpet though Jerry...not ....:doh:

22-11-2016, 16:48
Maybe I do have something in common with Jerry then if his carpets the same :eek:


Yup, great choice in carpet. :thumbsup:

22-11-2016, 20:21

Yup, great choice in carpet. :thumbsup:

Cheers Jerry... :doh:

22-11-2016, 20:28
That tweeter looks like a Vifa D26 to me Bev.

22-11-2016, 20:39
That tweeter looks like a Vifa D26 to me Bev.

Geoff you could well be right I 'think' LV used all Vifa drivers in the MKI's as far as I can remember

I have no idea if Vifa drivers are any good but the LV's do sound mighty fine to me.. ;)

22-11-2016, 21:10
I've listened to most of the LV models over the years, and enjoyed them all ... good choice, Bev!
Are you using the Oto or the Meishu at the moment? Would imagine the latter might be the better match.

22-11-2016, 21:13
I've listened to most of the LV models over the years, and enjoyed them all ... good choice, Bev!
Are you using the Oto or the Meishu at the moment? Would imagine the latter might be the better match.

Thanks Peter yes I am really enjoying the LV's

Currently using the Meishu, not tried the Oto yet

22-11-2016, 21:20
So Bev, are you preferring them to the regas, or is it a case of different? they are pretty anyway

22-11-2016, 21:44
So Bev, are you preferring them to the regas, or is it a case of different? they are pretty anyway

To be honest Grant the LV's are so different to the Rega's it's a bit tricky to say at the moment whether I think they are better or not

I will live with the LV's for some time before going back the the Rega's so I can get a complete 'handle' on their sound if that makes sense.. ;)

22-11-2016, 21:53
Funny how speakers all sound different. If they were perfect, they'd all sound identical surely and not have any 'sound' of their own.

22-11-2016, 22:12
Funny how speakers all sound different. If they were perfect, they'd all sound identical surely and not have any 'sound' of their own.

So true Geoff.. I guess that means that really no speaker is 'perfect' :D

22-11-2016, 22:38
So true Geoff.. I guess that means that really no speaker is 'perfect' :D

except mine :rfl::rfl::rfl:

22-11-2016, 22:44
Ahem. :nocomment:

23-11-2016, 17:52
I think I have come up with a word that describes the LV's best and that's ..'cultured'

Sorry that's the best I can do at the moment... :doh:

23-11-2016, 17:59
I think I have come up with a word that describes the LV's best and that's ..'cultured'

Sorry that's the best I can do at the moment... :doh:

Hmm. Petri dishes spring to mind. ;)

23-11-2016, 18:00
Hmm. Petri dishes spring to mind. ;)


26-11-2016, 20:06
I've come up with another word... :doh: and some more :doh:


They are really growing on me :D

I really do have too many speakers now...

26-11-2016, 20:16
I sold the Klipsch Heresys some time ago..........

Out of curiosity, how did you get on with the Heresys Bev?

Also I'm very surprised your Stirlings haven't sold yet. We are moving but I'm holding off changing speakers until I find out what kind of space we'll have. I'd be very tempted should they still be around come the time. ;-)

26-11-2016, 20:34
Out of curiosity, how did you get on with the Heresys Bev?

Hi Loz

I loved my Heresys, I actually owned Heresys twice, the only speaker I have owned twice

However if you asked me would I have another pair the answer would now be 'no'

Heresys are certainly very easy to drive but in the end I prefered my Rega RS3's or Tannoy 800's and I guess now the LV's

I still love my LS3/5a's and if I had a suitable amp to drive them properly, which I don't, I'd be keeping them as they have a 'special sound' in my opinion

26-11-2016, 20:36
Hi Loz

I loved my Heresys, I actually owned Heresys twice, the only speaker I have owned twice

However if you asked me would I have another pair the answer would now be 'no'

Heresys are certainly very easy to drive but in the end I prefered my Rega RS3's or Tannoy 800's and I guess now the LV's

I still love my LS3/5a's and if I had a suitable amp to drive them properly, which I don't, I'd be keeping them as they have a 'special sound' in my opinion

Sound-wise. How did you find the Heresy's in comparison to the RS3?


26-11-2016, 20:52
Sound-wise. How did you find the Heresy's in comparison to the RS3?


Hi Shane
That's very difficult to answer as I'm not very good at describing 'sound'

The best I can come up with is that the Heresys, in my opinion, are 'flawed' in comparison to the RS3's (as well as the Tannoy's and LV's)... the Heresys are somehow 'thin' sounding if that makes any sense and the RS3's (and others) are more rounded in their sound

Although I am no bass freak, and I don't like too much of it to be honest, and as it's the frequency that annoys the neighbours the most, the Heresys are certainly lacking in this department even though they have a massive 12" driver

I only have experience of the Heresy II's and not the latest ones

However the Heresys are probably better built, and will last longest of any of the other speakers I own, they are tough !

26-11-2016, 21:00
Interesting, thanks Bev. Wouldn't mind hearing the Heresy III someday.


26-11-2016, 21:00
That's a helpful description for me Bev, I've also heard/read that they can sound 'unrefined'. I guess I'll just have to get to demo some to find out for myself.



26-11-2016, 21:04
That's a helpful description for me Bev, I've also heard/read that they can sound 'unrefined'. I guess I'll just have to get to demo some to find out for myself.



Yes Loz in some respects the Heresys can sound 'unrefined'

However the best sound I have ever heard was a pair of Klipsch La Scalas driven by an amp that was literally falling apart!

26-11-2016, 21:28
Yes Loz in some respects the Heresys can sound 'unrefined'

However the best sound I have ever heard was a pair of Klipsch La Scalas driven by an amp that was literally falling apart!

I think Classic Album Sundays might agree with you about the La Scalas. They frequently use them for their events.


Anyway getting off topic Bev, glad you are enjoying your new speakers. :-)

26-11-2016, 21:38
I think Classic Album Sundays might agree with you about the La Scalas. They frequently use them for their events.


Anyway getting off topic Bev, glad you are enjoying your new speakers. :-)

Yes the La Scalas are 'special'. I heard them in a huge warehouse and they really did sing and they are just so 'real' sounding. I borrowed a pair for a short while but the room I had at the time just didn't suit them at all and they certainly dominated the room too much

Thanks Loz I am really enjoying the LV's ;)

08-12-2016, 19:16
Have I found my 'final' pair of speakers?

Well maybe I have as I am just loving the LV's

They are completley effortless sounding when driven by the 300b amp and they are very natural sounding to me

They have no weak points that I can mention and as they are as smooth as silk there is absolutely no listener fatigue at all

Also they don't mind being driven at low volumes deep into the night/morning and still sound fantastic doing so

I think the LV's are definitely one of my best buys hifi wise... :)

09-12-2016, 15:09
Excellent! It's funny how different people 'finalise' with different speakers. For me, it was big Tannoys ... for some, it's electrostatics ... lowthers, even ... and others, it's the LV range. All very different, but the same comment from all 'tribes' ... "it just sounds right to me!"

The Black Adder
09-12-2016, 15:16
Very nice, Bev. :)

Very sexy speakers :) Really well made too.

10-12-2016, 18:44
Thanks for all your comments

I don't know about the LV's being 'sexy' though :D

I've not thought about them being like that to be honest...:eyebrows:

11-12-2016, 21:51
You would've done if there'd been a cucumber in there somewhere!! :lol:


12-12-2016, 19:51
You would've done if there'd been a cucumber in there somewhere!! :lol:


Well now you're talking my kind of language... :D :eek: