View Full Version : JR149 Again - this time Logo's

10-11-2016, 14:29
Hi All - I'm slowly doing a cosmetic renovation of the JR's. The metal base of my JR's are in poor condition so I'll clean them up and I will respray them. However I will need to mask the base carefully and especially the paper serial number etc but I can't really mask around the JR logo on the front of the bases it will look naff as will my attempt at reproducing the logo by hand.

So, thinking that a stencil may be the best idea or get a decal made up ?

Does anyone have a stencil or better idea ?



10-11-2016, 17:14
Just an idea....

Take a good digital photo of the logo. Use something like photoshop to clean up any blemishes and to scale up so it prints life size. Print onto an OHP transparency (available from Staples and suchlike). Cut out to size and stick to refurbished base.

Audio Al
10-11-2016, 17:14
You could try watercolour masking fluid

11-11-2016, 22:02
Thanks Shane & All. Good ideas thanks. Hopefully I'll get s decent result 😁