View Full Version : WTD CD Transport

09-11-2016, 13:27
Looking to buy a CD Transport around the £500 mark WHYG

Regards Rob.

09-11-2016, 13:48
You could get a Cambridge Audio CXC new for £300.
It is supposed to be quite good.

09-11-2016, 18:30
The Cambridge Audio CXC is very good. I had one but I now mainly stream. The Cambridge was almost as good as a Cyrus CDT.

09-11-2016, 19:21
I've got a Rega Apollo R that can be used as a transport, for £300.

PM me if you're interested.


10-11-2016, 14:30
Tad over budget but i have a audiomecca mephisto with a spare transport and laser assembly

10-11-2016, 14:38
If you are happy to spend less my HHB CDR100 is the best of many Pioneer stable platters I've owned. It's an upgraded Pioneer elite recorder with a copper chassis. I don't have the remote but I've seen one on ebay. I would let it go at £150.

10-11-2016, 14:40
£500? You're wasting your money, especially considering it *will* break eventually. Get a Pioneer DV-505 or DV-717 for around £30.

...if you're happy to, then at your budget you could move to a USB to SPDIF front end, use a laptop or desktop, and get a Halide Bridge with an AQVOX power supply, which will spank a CD transport.

Johnny nocash
10-11-2016, 14:55
Hi Grimwould, why don't you use the Consonance player as a transport? Or are you wanting a change of scene on the rack.
I've got a lovely MIT Digital ref interconnect available if you wanna match up to your existing loom;)

10-11-2016, 15:09
Yes the dv717 is an excellent transport. Maybe £30 is hopeful these days but 40/60 for a good one is still cheap. A lot of excellent old dvd players with no hdmi can be had cheap and some are works of art inside. Many cost thousand plus

10-11-2016, 15:33
I have been using as a transport however because it is a valve player you have to turn off on all the time and it just seems to be a waste not to use it as a normal player.:)

Hi Grimwould, why don't you use the Consonance player as a transport? Or are you wanting a change of scene on the rack.
I've got a lovely MIT Digital ref interconnect available if you wanna match up to your existing loom;)

10-11-2016, 15:40
Yes the dv717 is an excellent transport. Maybe £30 is hopeful these days but 40/60 for a good one is still cheap. A lot of excellent old dvd players with no hdmi can be had cheap and some are works of art inside. Many cost thousand plus

I actually use mine for playing DVDs believe it or not. :D

10-11-2016, 16:12
I actually use mine for playing DVDs believe it or not. :D

And very good they are at it. Need a scart though. Lot of tellys dont use em now

10-11-2016, 17:58
£500? You're wasting your money, especially considering it *will* break eventually. Get a Pioneer DV-505 or DV-717 for around £30.


I have 2 x DV-717's and used as a transport they are very good indeed and so cheap to buy so if it goes wrong can be replaced for next to nothing. The DV-737 is about the same as I had one of those as well. I also use a Pioneer Stable Platter as a transport and that is superb as well

I did try a Rega Apollo (non R) a while ago and was not that impressed with it either as a stand alone or as a transport and the 717 sounded better to me

10-11-2016, 22:13
PM sent.

Tad over budget but i have a audiomecca mephisto with a spare transport and laser assembly

12-11-2016, 13:29
Looks pretty, but... http://www.lampizator.eu/lampizator/REFERENCES/mephisto/Mephisto1/Mephisto1.html

12-11-2016, 13:40
Thanks for the information interesting.


Looks pretty, but...

