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View Full Version : EWA Ltd (Alan Elsdon / Colin Wonfor) test review of product #01; the MC5 power cord

Neil McCauley
03-11-2016, 11:27

Colin Wonfor
01-12-2016, 09:02
New design in speaker cable about to ready to buy from EWA.

A snap shot of the New EWA Speaker cable.
This speaker cable supersede any cable I have designed in the past. And will be a costing you less than some cables I have designed.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/15272117_10211406714107795_805956570577081630_o.jp g

OK it looks like another brand I designed but it is 10mm less wide. And it is constructed in a completely different way, things you learn from other designs are always useful to improve designs.

Colin Wonfor
03-12-2016, 13:47
A question on another forum:-

"It is ironic to see both cables and amplifiers made by the same manufacturer costing approximately the same on the same price list - we all know that the intricacy and complexity of an amplifier is many orders of magnitude greater than a piece of wire. And the amplifier contains a fair amount of wire itself."

My reply:-

The parts in the cable are few but the rare earth material and combination of parts to make a good cable are not cheap, let alone to tooling cost to extrude the cable which needs in one case 8 tools set and made in ceramic not mild steel not cheap at all, to pay for one tool we need to sell 100Km of one cable let alone 4 types and over 25 tools set, are you suggesting we should ignore this? would you could you afford to we can't.
The parts in the amps are produce in large number but the PCB and case tooling is still a lot less than the cable tooling.
On top of that the labour cost to assemble this cable set is high as the PCB is built by robot pick and place machine.
The soldering iron are not standard because of the material used the temperature must be high 400C+ and thus so does the solder no lead, and a few other bits added.
Timing the solder is also critical to long heating and good bye cable to short no solder, a skilled job I can do it but others are far far better.