View Full Version : Wanted: Valve Tester ...

26-10-2016, 19:41
Do you know where I can get a resonably priced but competent valve tester from? They all seem so expensive!

I've got boxes full of valves and I would personally like to have the ability to test to see if they are OK.

26-10-2016, 21:43
A bit like a reasonably priced car, there are plenty if you know which compromises you are prepared to accept and can pay market value. The best value is probably a pi-tracer, but you will have to build it yourself. Otherwise for a decent machine you must pay up, and learn how best to judge it, and then to use it.
Sorry if that isn't the advice you were hoping for but a poor tester is a lot of headache without usable results.

Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

27-10-2016, 12:04
Do you know where I can get a resonably priced but competent valve tester from? They all seem so expensive!

Much depends on your budget?

May I suggest that before you go any further (unless you have already read it of course) you read this:-


Especially the section on buying valve testers on Ebay!

Arkless Electronics
27-10-2016, 13:14
I advise against valve testers personally. I design and repair valve amps and have never used one nor would I touch one with a barge pole....
They are infamous for saying dud valves are fine and ones you know work fine as you have just taken them from a working amp, are dud. Also unless you have the technical knowledge to interpret the information you get from one they are pointless...