View Full Version : Rip. Pete burns

24-10-2016, 18:00

24-10-2016, 18:02
apparently the doctors were not sure if he was dead or alive !

The Black Adder
24-10-2016, 18:45
Sorry, had to alter your title there... thanks.

The Black Adder
24-10-2016, 18:47
RIP - Not a great fan myself but it's sad all the same.

24-10-2016, 18:53
Sorry, had to alter your title there... thanks.

24-10-2016, 18:55
apparently the doctors were not sure if he was dead or alive !

Too soon?

I used to see him quite often in Liverpool in the 80s. I think he got beaten up quite a lot. You couldn't dress like he did there, back then anyway. Shame, he wasn't much older than me I don't think.

24-10-2016, 19:36
He was 57, mate....

Del mentioned that when she was in Liverpool Poly, during the 80s studying for her art degree, he used to pop by the flat she was sharing with friends, one of whom was going out with Mike Percy, the bass guitarist, from Dead or Alive. Apparently Pete also used to hang outside the old Probe record store, along from Matthew St. Bit of a manic depressive, by all accounts.

Yup, RIP Pete. As an 80s boy, I very much enjoyed the 12" version of 'You Spin Me Round (like a record)', which I occasionally still play to this day...
