View Full Version : Upcoming sale of Orbe SME1V Te Kiatora Rua and Tom Evans Groove..

05-12-2009, 11:10
Sadly, money problems mean I am soon going to be selling my Michell Orbe turntable, its SME1V arm and a little used Te Kiatora Rua cartridge, along with my Tom Evans Groove phono stage.
Ideally I would like to sell the lot together, but will see what response there is.
Currently this is all in Spain, but I plan to get it taken over to the UK early in the New Year.
So far I have not worked out what to ask for it, as I have no idea what it is worth, but it is all in very good condition, all boxes, and about 2-3 years old - the Orbe may be more like 4.
I am clearly in no rush, but if anyone is planning a major purchase like this soon and is possibly interested then let me know !