View Full Version : THE AUDIO LONDON SHOW 2016: A civilian’s impressions

Neil McCauley
18-10-2016, 10:07
Editorial note.

We gave away twenty tickets to the show last week including a few to AoS members. It’s something we are going to do throughout the year for subscribers to www.hifianswers.com If you want to be part of the free ticket scheme then please take a look at http://www.hifianswers.com/manage?action=register

Anyway, I couldn’t find the time to go and so HP went in my place. He’s currently writing his account. In the interim though, here is an account from a ‘civilian’ i.e. a member of the public rather than ‘in the trade’ which the writer sent to HP

Thanks – Neil


Hello Howard

Some notes on my impressions from the Indulgence show:

Firstly, I wouldn't have gone, without the complementary ticket. Partly because I had been unaware of the event, and because I'm suffering a heavy cold. This affected my patience, and also affected my hearing. However, I was able to make some general observations.

Too many audio demos seemed to be set up to sound 'impressive', therefore too loud, and edgy (for the room, whether small or huge) . One presenter I mentioned this to, said that they had to do it for people to hear and then come into their room. Wrong!

The presentations that held me to sit and listen, and return, were on the whole ones playing at domestic levels, usually in small rooms, and with fairly modest in size (but not quality) loudspeakers. Those were also where others seemed to linger more attentively, and make serious enquiries about the gear. Exceptionally, PMC were demonstrating very favourably their new line of speakers in a very large room. Later I discovered that the fellow with whom I'd had quite a lengthy chat there is the company chief.

Generally, the 100% digital outfits (with music from laptops, streamers, uniwhatsits, etc. and so on) struck me as .....

Continues at http://www.hifianswers.com/2016/10/the-audio-london-show-2016-acivilian-visitors-impressions/