View Full Version : The Cat (kitten) who came for Christmas

01-12-2009, 10:51
Last Thursday morning ' just as i was heading for work i found this tiny little ginger Kitten .

She was scavenging in the gutter with an old yogurt carton , i just instinctively picked her up and took her home ' i would guess she is about 9-10 weeks old , maybe more ' but far too young to be out on the street ' so far have not found the owner ' but my wife has a suspicion who the owner might be ' and is not too happy about handing her back.

If it is the case ' the person ' has made no effort to find the kitten ' no nothing ' quite disgusted really , but i am not surprised if it is the person in question.

We are going to inform our local vet 'and see what happens , but she is certainly a feisty little character ' started chasing my other (adult mogs) all other the place:lol:.

01-12-2009, 11:06
Lets see some photos then Chris.....

Rare Bird
01-12-2009, 11:37
Aye poor little bugger. Keep it chris they obviously aint bothered about it, if there's no collor they aint really intrested are they?

01-12-2009, 12:33
Kitten for Christmas?

Thinking of something a little different this festive season? Looking to liven up the usual old Christmas dinner? Then try this, delight your family and guests with our Kwik 'n easy Kitten for Kristmas starter. This unusual and tasty hor d'oerve is easy to do and can be served hot or cold so can be prepared in advance, to make the cooks' life that little bit easier on the day itself. Makes such a change from the old prawn cocktail or melon your family and friends will remark upon for it years to come, and it really couldn't be simpler, the only difficult part was catching your kitten in the first place but these days those nice people at the RSPCA have taken care of all for you....

Ingredients, Serves 4

1 medium kitten, gutted, skinned and spatchcocked (ask the nice rspca people to do this for you, I'm sure you'll find them only too happy to help)

for the marinade

small onion, finely chopped
clove garlic, minced
juice and zest of half a lemon (or lime)
teaspoon balsamic (or raspberry) vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil

mix all the marinade ingredients, spread over kitten and allow to marinate in the fridge for 4 hours or even overnight

heat a heavy skillet or grill pan, add a dash of oil and fry your kitten on high heat for no more than 2-4 mins per side, drizzle the marinade over just before the kitten is done
the meat should be nicely sealed on the outside but lovely and pink in the middle

serve on a bed of mixed green leaves to the TOTAL AMAZEMENT of your guests and be assured of your place in your family history for generations to come


Recipe reproduced with kind permission from the 'BUNGA-da-KINNIT Kebab House and Sweet Center' (now awarded one whole Gold Star for hygiene and health).

01-12-2009, 12:33
Lets see some photos then Chris.....

Here she is

01-12-2009, 12:34
Kitten for Christmas?

Thinking of something a little different this festive season? Looking to liven up the usual old Christmas dinner? Then try this, delight your family and guests with our Kwik 'n easy Kitten for Kristmas starter. This unusual and tasty hor d'oerve is easy to do and can be served hot or cold so can be prepared in advance, to make the cooks' life that little bit easier on the day itself. Makes such a change from the old prawn cocktail or melon your family and friends will remark upon for it years to come, and it really couldn't be simpler, the only difficult part was catching your kitten in the first place but these days those nice people at the RSPCA have taken care of all for you....

Ingredients, Serves 4

1 medium kitten, gutted, skinned and spatchcocked (ask the nice rspca people to do this for you, I'm sure you'll find them only too happy to help)

for the marinade

small onion, finely chopped
clove garlic, minced
juice and zest of half a lemon (or lime)
teaspoon balsamic (or raspberry) vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil

mix all the marinade ingredients, spread over kitten and allow to marinate in the fridge for 4 hours or even overnight

heat a heavy skillet or grill pan, add a dash of oil and fry your kitten on high heat for no more than 2-4 mins per side, drizzle the marinade over just before the kitten is done
the meat should be nicely sealed on the outside but lovely and pink in the middle

serve on a bed of mixed green leaves to the TOTAL AMAZEMENT of your guests and be assured of your place in your family history for generations to come


Recipe reproduced with kind permission from the 'BUNGA-da-KINNIT Kebab House and Sweet Center' (now awarded one whole Gold Star for hygiene and health).

MMMMMMM yummy ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
01-12-2009, 12:36
we didnt let our cats out intil they were 10 months old never mind 8-9 weeks, you should take it to the vets anyway these little mites are quite suseptable to lergie at that age and if these people let the thing out at that age then you can guess it hasnt had any relevent jabs!

The Vinyl Adventure
01-12-2009, 12:39
Here she is

cute cute cute.. keep it

01-12-2009, 12:46
Kitten for Christmas?

Thinking of something a little different this festive season? Looking to liven up the usual old Christmas dinner? Then try this, delight your family and guests with our Kwik 'n easy Kitten for Kristmas starter. This unusual and tasty hor d'oerve is easy to do and can be served hot or cold so can be prepared in advance, to make the cooks' life that little bit easier on the day itself. Makes such a change from the old prawn cocktail or melon your family and friends will remark upon for it years to come, and it really couldn't be simpler, the only difficult part was catching your kitten in the first place but these days those nice people at the RSPCA have taken care of all for you....

Ingredients, Serves 4

1 medium kitten, gutted, skinned and spatchcocked (ask the nice rspca people to do this for you, I'm sure you'll find them only too happy to help)

for the marinade

small onion, finely chopped
clove garlic, minced
juice and zest of half a lemon (or lime)
teaspoon balsamic (or raspberry) vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil

mix all the marinade ingredients, spread over kitten and allow to marinate in the fridge for 4 hours or even overnight

heat a heavy skillet or grill pan, add a dash of oil and fry your kitten on high heat for no more than 2-4 mins per side, drizzle the marinade over just before the kitten is done
the meat should be nicely sealed on the outside but lovely and pink in the middle

serve on a bed of mixed green leaves to the TOTAL AMAZEMENT of your guests and be assured of your place in your family history for generations to come

Recipe reproduced with kind permission from the 'BUNGA-da-KINNIT Kebab House and Sweet Center' (now awarded one whole Gold Star for hygiene and health).

Feckin' hilarious, Ralph! Yer some boy :lol: :lolsign:

And I say that as a cat lover... Mind you, I couldn't manage a whole one.


01-12-2009, 12:46
we didnt let our cats out intil they were 10 months old never mind 8-9 weeks, you should take it to the vets anyway these little mites are quite suseptable to lergie at that age and if these people let the thing out at that age then you can guess it hasnt had any relevent jabs!

You are so right ' Hamish she was riddled with worms and had fleas ' we treated for both so far so good ' her tummy was very bloated ' but much better now . fleas under control .

Rare Bird
01-12-2009, 12:49
Here she is

she's a cutie int she

01-12-2009, 12:52
It it definitely a 'she'? Have you checked? ;)

Normally gingers are male... Our ginger tom 'Leo' was just like that when he was a kitten. He's now 10.


01-12-2009, 14:01
He/she will need checking for ear mites, pardon, what was that..??:lol:

Rare Bird
01-12-2009, 15:07
It it definitely a 'she'? Have you checked? ;)

I can tell it's an 'Her' without looking up it's flusey

01-12-2009, 15:23
She's absolutely beautiful and will rule your household for many, many years I reckon :)

Wish we still had a puss to call our own, although next-door's feline ruler-of-the-multiverse has adopted us as "the annex" and visits regularly for a furry fuss.......

Dave Cawley
01-12-2009, 15:35
Probably a male, trust me. But ginger cats have their own lovely purrsonality!



Jason P
01-12-2009, 15:46
Deffo a keeper. Anyway, cat's choose their staff and it was merely amusing itself with the yoghurt pot whilst waiting for you to arrive.

When we moved in to our new abode (some 4 years ago now) we found a cat that had belonged to the previous owners - the place had been empty for over 6 months. No note, no message with the neighbours - anyway, upshot is that 4 years on he's still happily here, so we're obviously doing a good job in looking after his house (for the moment).


01-12-2009, 17:16
You're a lucky person Chris ! ;)

Rare Bird
01-12-2009, 19:03
Here's our mog just having a wash now..he's 14 year old


01-12-2009, 19:32
Just looking at the "shining" of its fur, it shows a happy, healthy cat, Andre. ;)
Some years ago I used to have 23 cats. Now I keep only one.

01-12-2009, 19:42
I really dislike mistreatment of animals. I can't believe that lovely little kitten was out wandering by itself! I am sure it has now found a happy home.

01-12-2009, 20:06
Our cat is called Cooking Fat, thats what i call her at 4 in the morning when she is clawing the achitrave on the bedroom door frame and wants to be let out.

01-12-2009, 20:31
Interesting that.....because on the very rare occasion that our cats stay in at night, it's usually about 3.30 - 4am when they want to go out.

01-12-2009, 20:40
I really dislike mistreatment of animals. I can't believe that lovely little kitten was out wandering by itself! I am sure it has now found a happy home.

Me neither - I was going to ask Chris to PM me the details of the people he thinks are responsible - I'd quite like to "educate" them...

01-12-2009, 21:18
well done for taking her/him in chris, keep hold of it, it will obviously have a much better, happier,and longer life with you than its original couldnt careless owner. its the one thing i always dread about this time of year!

Rare Bird
01-12-2009, 23:32
Just looking at the "shining" of its fur, it shows a happy, healthy cat, Andre. ;)

That's just the 'head & shoulders' shampoo :lol: aye he's a nice cat, life of riley.Doesnt look his age..

01-12-2009, 23:40
Just looking at the "shining" of its fur...

It's all that turps he feeds it! http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/1134/hahaha024e.gif (http://img268.imageshack.us/i/hahaha024e.gif/)

http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/4219/10811.gif (http://img6.imageshack.us/i/10811.gif/)

http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/600/freerandomsmileys352.gif (http://img145.imageshack.us/i/freerandomsmileys352.gif/)


02-12-2009, 00:59
Me neither - I was going to ask Chris to PM me the details of the people he thinks are responsible - I'd quite like to "educate" them...

It might not be such a good idea ' this person is one of those that when riled is right in your face ' finger wagging ' then poking ' can you imagine how iritating that is ' my wife absolutely detest's this person.

Still ' thanks for all the kind comment's guy's , Dave i had another look and well ' i can see 2 arse ' ole's :scratch: but i could be mistaken .

We have another Mog (macie) who was a stray and living up a tree would you believe ' she is terrified of this little bundle ' and mini mog (no name yet ) can sense this and chases her everywhere ' so funny :lol:.

02-12-2009, 07:37
Still ' thanks for all the kind comment's guy's , Dave i had another look and well ' i can see 2 arse ' ole's but i could be mistaken .


Ginger cats are normally male, however there could be exceptions, although it would be rather unusual...

Are any of your other cats male? If so, they may try to 'mount' her (unless they've been snipped)...http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6388/smileysex016.gif (http://img109.imageshack.us/i/smileysex016.gif/) http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6388/smileysex016.gif (http://img109.imageshack.us/i/smileysex016.gif/)

Then you'll know for sure, unless the others are gay! :lol: :lol:


02-12-2009, 08:26
You'd soon know a male cat by their "bunch of grapes" and the swagger they develop :lol:

If you lot haven't already done this, look at Dave cawley's cat family on Dartmouth Pussycat .com.. Also, the "Simon's Cat" animation, which is hilarious and SO true ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
02-12-2009, 08:37
As me and hannah have three cats I decided to read your story out to her and showed her the pictures... "aw how sweet" and "ahh, cute"'s were wailed. Ten mins later when I was in the depths of listening to this crazy tom wait song on my new tuner (:)) she says "can we have a Ginger cat, we can get one of those more sandy female gingers that way ... ..."
"yeah, yeah shh shh I'm listening to this a second hannah" was my response. 5 - 10 mins later "so when we getting a new kitty then?" ... Aparently I had agreed that we could have a new cat?? Bloody women they are tricky sometimes!!

Dave Cawley
02-12-2009, 09:02

As I said, gingers are purrfect!


02-12-2009, 11:18
He looks very contented '

Here is another of mini mog in a little bed made up by my wife ' Caren .

02-12-2009, 14:02
hi all,
the one thing that threads like this always brings home to me is that despite what we are fed daily by the media and such, there is still a hell of a lot of good people in this world.:)

02-12-2009, 14:49
hi all,
the one thing that threads like this always brings home to me is that despite what we are fed daily by the media and such, there is still a hell of a lot of good people in this world.:)

That's pretty much why I've cancelled the papers, and hardly ever watch the news any more - quick catch up with events on Radio 4/BBC online so I'm not completely unaware, but I've found I'm much happier not constantly absorbing the negativity!

02-12-2009, 15:11
That's pretty much why I've cancelled the papers, and hardly ever watch the news any more - quick catch up with events on Radio 4/BBC online so I'm not completely unaware, but I've found I'm much happier not constantly absorbing the negativity!

Alex, if you ever feel you're missing the papers checkout the DAILY MAIL-o-MATIC (http://www.qwghlm.co.uk/toys/dailymail/). All you ever need really, Mick Parry swears by (or at) it.

02-12-2009, 15:38
That's pretty much why I've cancelled the papers, and hardly ever watch the news any more - quick catch up with events on Radio 4/BBC online so I'm not completely unaware, but I've found I'm much happier not constantly absorbing the negativity!
hi alex,
i can honestly say i cant ever remember buying a newspaper, like you,,, i watch or listen to the main news at least once a week just to make sure there is no iminent demise of mankind on the horizon,:scratch: but thats it realy.
my point is/was we are fed by the media mostly what those who must be obeyed need to get the right reaction from us,which is,,, usualy fear!

02-12-2009, 16:51
Alex, if you ever feel you're missing the papers checkout the DAILY MAIL-o-MATIC (http://www.qwghlm.co.uk/toys/dailymail/). All you ever need really, Mick Parry swears by (or at) it.

cheers for that, did make me chuckle.


Dave Cawley
02-12-2009, 17:22

Come on guys, this is a cat thread!


02-12-2009, 18:55
That's cracking, Ralph - my favourite so far "COULD LESBIANS MOLEST CLIFF RICHARD?"

Sorry Dave, normal (pussy) service can resume! ;)

02-12-2009, 21:03
Good grief Dave, that puss sure has Catitude by the bucketful..........

02-12-2009, 22:19
That's pretty much why I've cancelled the papers, and hardly ever watch the news any more - quick catch up with events on Radio 4/BBC online so I'm not completely unaware, but I've found I'm much happier not constantly absorbing the negativity!

Indeed. I never buy newspapers, and only look at the national news occasionally. It's all bollocks, and politics bores me to tears. I'm more interested in the local Welsh news, which is blissfully free of such negativity, and also on the whole, of far more relevance to me :)


02-12-2009, 22:26
Good grief Dave, that puss sure has Catitude by the bucketful..........

Cooking Fat (Rosie) catitude by the digger bucket full


03-12-2009, 08:07

Love 'em all.....

Rare Bird
03-12-2009, 10:25
Indeed. I never buy newspapers, and only look at the national news occasionally. It's all bollocks, and politics bores me to tears. I'm more interested in the local Welsh news, which is blissfully free of such negativity, and also on the whole, of far more relevance to me :)


People that buy the newspaper every morning religiously are pure & simply nosey tw*ts.yep local news is ok but i won't switch on the TV everyday to watch it.Not intrested in world affairs at all.

Rare Bird
03-12-2009, 10:33
Like i said he's got a life of Riley. Here's our 'Lucky' Sunbathing at the side of that very patchy lawn :(

He has a nice comfy basket but prefers the floor :confused:


03-12-2009, 10:53
Max and Megan my 2 blue's

03-12-2009, 11:09

Ginger cats are normally male, however there could be exceptions, although it would be rather unusual...

Are any of your other cats male? If so, they may try to 'mount' her (unless they've been snipped)...http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6388/smileysex016.gif (http://img109.imageshack.us/i/smileysex016.gif/) http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/6388/smileysex016.gif (http://img109.imageshack.us/i/smileysex016.gif/)

Then you'll know for sure, unless the others are gay! :lol: :lol:


LOL :lol: Marco you are twisted individual ' you may be right about mini mog being a Tom though i had a closer look , yep i reckon its a BOY :doh:

Dave Cawley
03-12-2009, 11:42

Yup, we all said he is a boy!! The blues are beautiful!!


03-12-2009, 12:22
Thanks Dave

That is a handsome mog ' i do like long hair cat's .

john blackburn
03-12-2009, 17:22
This was Eric who infested us for a while.


He was a bitey bugger but had his charms.


Rare Bird
03-12-2009, 20:46


03-12-2009, 21:32
I would rather title it : "I hope you have a good reason for waking me up, or you will regret it one day"....

Rare Bird
03-12-2009, 22:11
Believe me it's feed me eyes ;)

03-12-2009, 23:21
So many lovely puddy tats!

I lost my Chloe in the divorce from my first wife. She is still going strong, aged 19. So is the first wife, unfortunately (though much older!)

04-12-2009, 00:06
Next doors pussy.


Jason P
04-12-2009, 11:05
Ahhh, puddy tats. One day ours freaked out a bit and we couldn't figure out why, till we found a rather sorry specimen in our garden. His fur was so matted he couldn't stand up, he was riddled with fleas and was in a right old state.

So we caught him and took him to a vet, who shaved him (the indignity), gave him a once over, did all blood tests. Cost us about £150. The vet told us he had feline AIDS but wouldn't be a risk to our other cats, oh and as well as that we found out he was stone deaf. Undaunted, we took him back home in a far better state, called him Vincent (after the motorbike not the artist). We gave him a lovely cat basket by the radiator with food and drink aplenty....

He f*****d off two days later. We never saw him again. :doh:

Doncha just love 'em?


Rare Bird
04-12-2009, 11:56
I've found your cat pissed


Jason P
04-12-2009, 12:43

Bit too shaved for Vincent, he looked like he had moon boots and a ruff on! I think it was the humiliation that drove him away...


Peter Galbavy
04-12-2009, 16:43
I lost my second cat, George, in August when he was about 18 1/2. He'd been on (Kidney) pills for a couple of years but went downhill of a sudden. His "step sister" (they came as a pair from CPL) passed away 4 years ago. The house is rather empty and while I though I would have more by now I am not quite ready, even with the lack of fur, but will leave fate to work her magic over the next few months...

http://www.facebook.com/purrr <- George (no longer accepting friend requests) :-)

The little buggers really get under our thick skins, don't they ?

04-12-2009, 17:35
I like threads like this, so here's my little contribution - Jack, the head of the Smith household!

04-12-2009, 20:25
I can't believe Marco hasn't commented yet on the "bald pussy" video! He must be away... :lol:

04-12-2009, 21:12
Hehehehe... Never mind that, is there anything cuter than this:




04-12-2009, 21:37
Hehehehe... Never mind that, is there anything cuter than this:




The Vinyl Adventure
04-12-2009, 22:49
marco, thats made my day!

04-12-2009, 23:01
Super-cute, innit? :eyebrows:


04-12-2009, 23:12
Wish I still had a cat or two... I missus em :(

05-12-2009, 00:00
cute cute CUTE!

Rare Bird
05-12-2009, 01:44
Ah gimmi gimmi. I'll trade everything for him

24-03-2010, 00:30
Took the little rascal to the vet's today ' and guess what ' its actually a Girl ' been spayed :doh: