View Full Version : AVI - anyone got any experience of their stuff ?

29-11-2009, 12:44
Having been reading on another forum a rather enthusiastic thread which started as a review by an owner but soon altered course my interest is aroused. Anyone here heard or owned any of their gear ?
The set up I read about is the Neutron 5 2.1 - a pair of satellite speakers, and a sub with 3 built-in amps and a DAC (and for those that have not guessed or seen the thread, it is over on PFM !)

29-11-2009, 12:55
Mods. Please don't let this turn into a never ending advert and slagging match about these products as has/is happening on other forums....:(

I heard a pair of the ADM9.1 a few months ago. One of my customers has a pair in his Study, connected to his computer as a second system. He came over to buy a pair of Harbeth for his main system and brought the A*I with him because I had expressed some interest.

Cut a long story short, they are an OK, small active speaker. Nothing wonderful, ground breaking or earth shattering, just a pleasant small speaker with in-built amp. IMO you can do better or similar for less with a passive speaker and small amp of your choice and definitely so if you look at pre-used gear. If you want small active, companies like Tannoy make some excellent models with programmes allowing them to be optimised for their surroundings.

29-11-2009, 13:07
Cut a long story short, they are an OK, small active speaker. Nothing wonderful, ground breaking or earth shattering, just a pleasant small speaker with in-built amp.

...Which is precisely what I've always said that they were. It's just a pity Ashley has other, rather loftier, ideas! ;)

Anyway, there are a couple of happy ADM9 users here whom I'm sure will be able to assist Steve :)


Steve Toy
29-11-2009, 13:27
Quite. One guy here is happily using ADM9s in his second system!

29-11-2009, 13:36
I would like to quickly point out that I am not here to stir up any sort of trouble, but being as far away as I am from any hi fi shops, buying second hand and without audition is my only option, and the idea of reducing my number of boxes and being able to tailor the bass output slightly sounds interesting. I have no link or interest in any company, though am happy to sing the praises of my current system as for me it does what I need !
Having read the thread on PFM, I am hoping that I might get an honest reply without the usual stuff that AVI threads seem to arouse.
If anyone has any thoughts on ANY systems that are similar in approach, new or old, then please tell me more !
If this thread does stir up any trouble, then I apologize in advance...

29-11-2009, 13:50
If this thread does stir up any trouble, then I apologize in advance...

Relax. There's no chance of that Steve.

Just wait for Alfie & co (happy ADM9 users) to come along... :)


29-11-2009, 14:08
Phew !
The worst (ie most angry outburst) post I have ever made online was on this forum a while back, and I am not here to be wound up or to do any winding up. I'll relax and wait peacefully, happy in the knowledge that I will remain chilled and happy, despite the rain that is falling outside(the first for weeks! )

29-11-2009, 14:13
The worst (ie most angry outburst) post I have ever made online was on this forum a while back...

What was that about then, Steve? I wasn't aware of an 'incident' having taken place with you involved...


29-11-2009, 14:18
Hi Steve

Yes its a bit of a shock seeing rain on the windows here isn't it you were right about the temperatures though it is not hot - but not cold. Are you looking for some kit for a second system or a surround set up?


29-11-2009, 14:29
Quite. One guy here is happily using ADM9s in his second system!

Hi steveinspain,

I am that guy ^

I've been following that thread to :) & know Tim a little, as some do here.

I have not heard the Neutron 5 2.1 system that the thread started with so can't comment on those. I do use their ADM9's in my second system as Steve rightly says. They are a very very nice sounding small monitor type speaker IMO they need a sub (or two :)) to fill out the bottom 2 octaves to hear them at their best!

I would also say not to beleive all the hype that surrounds the ADM9s. Forum battles, Internet marketing & shilling have done alot of damage to the reputation of AVI & their products. The ADM9s are Dynamic, very detailed & Image very well, they get more impressive the longer you have them. They are great value for money & I think it would be hard to get a better system of separates for the same money (IMO). Using 2nd hand gear you might get close! but I picked up my ADM9s for £500 2nd hand, so that doesn't give you much to buy Speakers, pre-amp, power amps & a good dac. A well set up separates system could leave them behind but I think will cost considerably more money!

The thing is we all appreciate different sounds & approach to our Hi-Fi! So to cut out the Bullshit you would need to hear them, as hard as that would be for you.

Cheers, alfie

29-11-2009, 14:56
Marco - posts 14, 39 and 49 in this thread may refresh you - It was no big deal, certainly not an 'incident' but it is not my way..
Nick - actually it has only rained enough to wet the ground here, but still, it is a surprise, given that October and November are when we often get lots of rain and I have been in shorts till a few days ago ! I am not even looking at this stage, but wondering about changing a whole load of my gear - especially if I can replace without needing to spend much. I have a lot of gear that isn't getting much use, as I rarely get time to sit and listen, and my 2 girls are growing, so staying up later, meaning less time to be alone. I have not played a single record in the last 2 months, so my entire turntable set-up is wasting away, and that alone would free up a large amount of cash (Orbe, SME1V, Te Kiatora Rua, Tom Evans Groove).
I am also planning to move the music room to allow youngest daughter to be on the same floor as the rest of us, making the new music room an open place, with desks for homework, computer for me to edit pictures etc and as the kitchen comes off that part of the house, we would hear more music, rather than as now, when the music room is rather cut off, meaning it is either used or not - rarely is music played unless I am in there.
Alfie - THAT GUY ! - is your avatar anything to do with the so-called implied violence on that thread...?? Thanks for what you wrote !
I am looking at the idea of some S/H Neutron 5 speakers now, with the idea of a sub later - I had not read anything about the ADM9's until a few moments ago..
I was thinking of buying the 5's just to try, in the hope that I could sell them on at little loss if I didn't like them, but am now wondering about waiting to see if some ADM9's come along. I am back in the UK for a few days in January, so may wait till then to try to audition some unless some appear second hand - it would also give me time to think about what to do with my gear, and how to sell it or not - I have no idea at all what any of it may be worth. As you so rightly say - we all appreciate different things and have different priorities in everything, including our music !
Cheers All !

29-11-2009, 15:02
I would also say not to beleive all the hype that surrounds the ADM9s. Forum battles, Internet marketing & shilling have done alot of damage to the reputation of AVI & their products.


Unfortunately, though, their 'head honcho' seems blissfully unaware of this - either that or.........??? ;)

It's a crying shame, because like you say, in their appropriate context they're a rather clever, decent sounding, and useful design! :)


29-11-2009, 15:06
Marco - posts 14, 39 and 49 in this thread may refresh you - It was no big deal, certainly not an 'incident' but it is not my way..

Ah, I see, you 'crossed swords' with the rather infamous MP ;)


29-11-2009, 15:13
Hi Steve,

:lolsign: My avatar is the violence I will dish out if anyone else slags off my ADM9s ;) (just a little joke) :lolsign:

This may be of some interest http://www.hifiwigwam.com/view_topic.php?id=38163&forum_id=5&highlight=avi+neutron+5 they're from the guy that started the thread on PFM I believe.

Steve I'm in Nottingham & your very welcome to come over & listen to my ADM9s when you're back in January depending on where you will be staying! :)

Thats an open offer if anyone else would like to see what all the bloody fuss has been about! ;)

Cheers, alfie

The Vinyl Adventure
29-11-2009, 15:21
steve, i dont think you should bother with avi!
buy your self a naim system that way when you come to sell it, it wont have lost any value so you basically get naim hifi for free! ;) :lolsign:

29-11-2009, 15:41
Hamish - is your surname Parry by any chance ?
Alfie - many thanks for the very kind offer - I will be in London, but may take you up if I have time !
I'll take a look at your link right now..

29-11-2009, 17:18
N5's are great little miniatures (I dare not say "fantastic" else I'll be accused of shilling as well.....). I wrote a basic description of their innards on PF yesterday and was totally ignored ;) What you get is a well finished lightly stuffed simple rear-ported box, a simple hard-wired crossover and two well designed (IMO) drive units. Not much bass of any worth, but the roll-off is smooth a la Kans so not a huge problem. The mid and top is lovely IMO and very informative of the musical message. They LOVE my Quad valve amps and the soundstage can be wide and deep if the rest of the system allows it - IMO.....

Forget Ash, the designer and "other half" of AVI, Martin Grindrod, is a very dedicated engineer with a good amount of experience and, from past personal experiences, very comprehensive files on the development and testing of his products. No "bodging" of any sort here :)

I've told marco privately where I stand on this. I'm not a shill, but the products have always been good, if not for everybody..

29-11-2009, 17:59
Not ignored DSJR - I read what you wrote..!
Having had Kans, I now have some idea what to expect..
Thanks !
It is amazing how something like listening to music can be surrounded by so much negative stuff - I don't care about the people who make things, if the product does what I want. Nor do I care if my possessions are better than yours, or my wi**y bigger or smaller than yours. Even my wife doesn't care, thankfully !

29-11-2009, 18:02
Hi Steve

Just wondering what was making you head down the small speaker route - AVI it seems are in the town I live in in the UK about 1 mile from my house and ATC are about 2 miles in the opposite direction !!!

If size is of major concern perhaps you should see/hear what I have set up in Spain at the moment !!!!!


29-11-2009, 18:21
Nick - nothing really pushing me towards small speakers, but I sort of like the idea - Currently I have some Avondale Rev 1 speakers that never really went into production, are little bigger than kans but almost too bassy in my room, some SBL's with a specially made crossover, and a pair of Magnaplanar MG1c panels, that are almost as tall as me.
The Rev 1's are wonderful, but with the new music room something small, easy to place and with adjustable bass (not a tone control) I am hoping to end up with a room suitable to family use rather than just for me..
I actually started this thread having seen Eggers 'for sale' post (which Alfie mentioned here) for some AVI Neutron 5, but am open to ANY ideas of what might be worth a listen, and size is not really an issue, but fewer boxes is - I currently have a TT, PSU, phono stage, mains conditioner, 2 amps, crossover, psu pre, psu, cdp, psu, caiman and mp3 player - a fair size rack of boxes - ridding myself of a few would be nice, and clearing the shelves of about 2,500-3,000 cd's would also free up some space (when the pc is finally connected up to the Caiman)

29-11-2009, 18:47
There's Phil who has a complete AVI system and is very happy with : http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=4552