View Full Version : Wanted: Isophon KK8 tweeters

09-08-2016, 22:59
Wanted: Isophon KK8 tweeters. Those (pale) yellow ones you find in Monitor Audio MA5 speakers.

10-08-2016, 04:43
I believe that's the same tweeter fitted to the ms pageant series 2 . If so I have one .

10-08-2016, 23:50
Hi Jamie, (nice avatar...:)

Thank you for your answer. But of course I need two of them.

Good news: I have learned a few hours ago that it is still posible to buy them:

11-08-2016, 20:43
Good news yesterday, bad news today: the German seller does not have these tweeters anymore, he forgot to delete the ad...

Jamie, I have seen pics of Mordaunt Short Pageant 2 and I do not think that the tweeters are Isophon.

12-08-2016, 10:17
I think my friend might have a pair, will check with him.

May have come from MA5.

12-08-2016, 18:51
Hi Spendorman, :)

That would be fantastic. I cross my fingers...

12-08-2016, 19:10
I have emailed him, no reply as yet.


He said that he will look for them, cannot guarantee that he's still got them.

I'm going to ask another friend too that might have some.

13-08-2016, 08:08
Update, first friend still looking for tweeters

Second friend has this to say, I apologise for this, it's not meant to offend, but might be useful:

"Greetings, think I got rid of both pairs (one 25mm, one 19mm) (all shifted last winter) Didn't hang onto them as they were both so bloody horrible (25mms from MA3 truly hideous) that I couldn't imagine anyone in right mind (or ears) would actually want any for purposes other than torture; if so, I seem to remember EMI producing some tweeters capable of non-invasive removal of earwax. Otherwise,for goodness sake, just replace with a decent Audax 25mm dome.

This friend builds many speakers, has a good ear (pair!) too.

13-08-2016, 09:55
Well, that is interesting to say the least. In fact I wanted to keep the Isophon Orchester as authentic as possible, but if these tweeters are so bad...

Now I have to find a tweeter with the same specs (and I do not know them, so maybe I could get some help from someone who has an old Isophon drivers catalogue) and the same size (remember the Isophon Orchester is a coax).

Or maybe I should give up the idea of coax and simply buy the best tweeter I can find for reasonable money. If possible one that works with a simple capacitor as a crossover, just like the original. :scratch:

13-08-2016, 10:05
I know nothing about Orchester, but a quick inter web search seemed to give many different models.

Obviously if you want to keep them original, best to get correct tweeter, but if you just want good sound, that is a different thing.

Incidentally, the first friend that is still looking for the Isophon tweeters, never liked the sound of the Monitor Audio MA5's, but then the KEF B200 can have a nasal midrange.

A picture of your Isophon Orcherters would be interesting, what is the size of the bass unit?

13-08-2016, 10:40
Bass is 12' (30 cm). Pictures will follow.

13-08-2016, 10:50
Sort of competitor to the Dual Concentric Tannoy.

13-08-2016, 10:58
My friend has used the cheap, but quite good, Audax tweeter in these speakers: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pair-of-JPW-mini-monitor-2-way-speaker-system-bookshelf-speakers-black-70-Watt-/201640634054 mounted coaxially with 8" Philips units, to very good effect.

The tweeter easily dismounts from the rectangular plastic faceplate.

You may want a tweeter that goes a bit lower than these though.

13-08-2016, 17:14
As promised, some pictures (taken with my smartphone, so not the highest quality):



Nice alnico magnet.


Crossover: just two caps on this version, only one on earlier versions.

Isophon Orchester had a long lifetime: they were built from 1949 to I do not know exactly when, probably the end of the seventies, so they are not all the same.

Do a Google search, you shall find a lot more pictures.

13-08-2016, 17:44
Can't seem to see your pics, get a message "Invalid Attachment specified". If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

I did a search for Isophon Orchester and got a lot of of different versions.

Arkless Electronics
13-08-2016, 17:58
This is like the ones fitted to my MS Festivals http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Isophon-KK-7-8-Tweeter-from-Mordaunt-Short-Festival-cabinet-/272281641183

13-08-2016, 18:11
This is like the ones fitted to my MS Festivals http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Isophon-KK-7-8-Tweeter-from-Mordaunt-Short-Festival-cabinet-/272281641183

And the ones supposedly fitted to MA5 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MONITOR-AUDIO-Pair-Of-Tweeters-For-MA1-3-4-5-Models-/112020740644

13-08-2016, 18:39

Better like this?

13-08-2016, 18:58
Look very nice, guess valuable, are you sure the MA5 units will fit in?

Arkless Electronics
13-08-2016, 19:17
May be best off just changing over the voice coil/diaphragm....

13-08-2016, 22:30

My older Isophon Orchester (1968) are more valuable. Some Asian customers are supposed to be ready to pay up to £1200 for a good pair like this. Anyone here has audiophile friends in Japan, China, HK, Singapore, etc?

These speakers are fully working, with original packing and instructions. Some people say they are better than Tannoy 12' Dual Concentrics. And I need cash to finance a house move...:(

I wish I could publish an ad on eBay Japan... But the only word I know in Japanese is "futsukayioi", which means alcool hangover, or something like that. I read that in a James Bond book, some 45 years ago...:rolleyes:

13-08-2016, 22:35
Some more pics:

13-08-2016, 22:42
Look nice, strange to see a transformer on one model. My BBC Rogers LS3/6 have a transformer for matching input impedance and adjusting output to the units.

13-08-2016, 22:53
You are right, eagle eyed Alex. With these speakers, it is possible to choose your favourite impedance. These German engineers (not sure of my spelling...) were clever guys.

13-08-2016, 23:12
Nothing wrong with your spelling, or English. I have relations in your part of the world, but not been over since about 1971.

13-08-2016, 23:15
Alnico magnets by look of them. You can select worldwide shipping etc and it should show up in the Japan version.. There is a way i think

13-08-2016, 23:19
Alnico magnets by look of them. You can select worldwide shipping etc and it should show up in the Japan version.. There is a way i think

Good idea, of course there is Google Translate too. https://translate.google.com/