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View Full Version : Cristobal is in the house

09-08-2016, 01:25
Hi guys (and girls, if any)

I am Cristobal from Brussels (don't throw stones..), Belgium. English is not my first language, so please forgive me when I write "charabia". Even after 40 years of reading English hi-fi mags, I probably won't win the Nobel price of English litterature...

I am crazy about EMT turntables, but now they are much too expensive for me, so I use heavily modified Lencos. I prefer valve amps, and I would not exchange my Leak Stereo 20 and Golden Tube SE40 for anything else. Well, almost...

My homemade enclosures with Tannoy 12' HPDs (well, Tannoy Blue, Canadian equivalent) were an almost mystic revelation to me, but that was some years ago, and now I think they need a crossover rebuilt, or maybe an active crossover, but this is almost rocket science to me...

I also love some vintage German speakers, especially the wonderful Isophon Orchester coaxials, really amazing drivers. I have two pair of them (one for sale, I am broke again...) and another one with the Isophon KK8 tweeters dead. So if you happen to have Monitor Audio MA5 (yes, they embark the same tweeters) for sale, please get in touch.

Best regards,

Cristobal :)

11-08-2016, 12:44
Welcome to AoS Cristobal,

It is a shame you cannot now afford an EMT turntable - ironic given a Belgian company BARCO now own EMT. I use an EMT 930st, and have used EMT cartridges for over thirty five years.

Looks like you are a valve and vinyl man. You will find plenty of Leak valve and Tannoy speaker enthusiasts here. We have one trade member here (Reffc) who is an expert on Tannoy speakers, and I'm sure he would be happy to advise you regarding crossovers.

Enjoy the forum

12-08-2016, 20:06
welcome Cristobal. Hope you enjoy the forum. any pics of your system we would like to see in the gallery.

12-08-2016, 23:42
Hi Grant,

Do I enjoy the forum? I certainly do. People here seem to be much more polite and friendly than on many French forums...

Pictures of my system? Good question. I do not have many of them, moreover most of my hi-fi stuff is now in a furniture guard storage.

But here is a pic of my heavily modified Lenco L78 turntable, a beast called LencoCristo or sometimes LencoStar. Built here in Belgium, with a lot of inspiration, a lot of Belgium slate, and a lot of help from two fantastic guys called Marc and Karel. And much inspired by various turntables designed in the UK by the great Vic, from Trans-Fi Audio. Vic, if you read me, I salute you.

(Hope I can upload the image, because my internet connection is a bit lazy today).


Best regards from Brussels (come and visit this city, you'll love it...:)

13-08-2016, 10:17
What are the feathers for Christobal? :scratch:

13-08-2016, 10:19
Interesting shape.. I like it.

13-08-2016, 10:35
What are the feathers for Christobal? :scratch:

Aha! I was 1000% certain that somebody was going to ask that question...;)

It is a somewhat bizarre idea from my friend Karel: the feather is used to gently push the radial arm wand to the selected track, before cueing.

Who said "Belgian surrealism.."?

13-08-2016, 14:35
Aha! I was 1000% certain that somebody was going to ask that question...;)

It is a somewhat bizarre idea from my friend Karel: the feather is used to gently push the radial arm wand to the selected track, before cueing.

Who said "Belgian surrealism.."?

René Magritte would have been proud of you! :)

27-08-2016, 06:40

Well, that's tickled my fancy .... :rfl:

Nice system!