View Full Version : Best amp on a budget?

25-11-2009, 15:33
Hi all,

I'm looking to upgrade my system with a new amp.
I now use a Beresford TC-7520 DAC to listen to my Flac files I stream from my Mac using Cog and Airfoil.
Budget is around €500,- for something to replace my Onkyo TX-SV535 receiver.
Speakers are Acoustic Research Status S50 floorstanders, between the DAC and the receivers sits a Monster 250 Interlink and between my Airport Express and the DAC sits a Beresford Optical cable.
Speaker cable now is standard 4mm Oehlbach stuff, nothing fancy yet but this might change when I upgrade some more.

I have been looking at The Marantz MP6003 and the Rotel RA-04 for starters, but the the feeling came that you guys might know a bit more about what is good and what isn't.

I'm fairly new to hifi so just asking the experts:)



25-11-2009, 15:52
Try and look out for a 2nd hand NAD C272 poweramp. Its a great amp for the money.
I had a C272 once, and it drove my father's Martin Logan Quest Z speakers with great results!

Good luck on your search.

25-11-2009, 16:06
On solid-state, the Harman Kardon HK-980 is a serious alternative to the Marantz, imho. :)

25-11-2009, 16:27
Now that you mention solid state, I also thought about a Chinese tube amp as they aren't that expensive.
I fact I would love a tube amp, but price of a good one is about the only thing that's keeping me from buying one...

25-11-2009, 16:31
Now that you mention solid state, I also thought about a Chinese tube amp as they aren't that expensive.
I fact I would love a tube amp, but price of a good one is about the only thing that's keeping me from buying one...

25-11-2009, 17:35

I have been thinking about that lovely little amp but I in wouldn't know if it has sufficient power for my 6x4 meter living room.
My speakers have a 92dB sensitivity and have a impedance of 6 ohm but I have no idea how hard they are to drive for such a little amp:)

25-11-2009, 18:10
Seriously, don't look at the mass marketeers. They seem to me to always be review fodder, rather than decent examples of amplification.....

For new solid state on a budget, please look at Rega amps. Well made, great service and an honest reproduction standard, if a little brightly lit for some on here. Cambridge are good too, but lack the "cachet" of other brands and their absolute straight-down-the-line truthfulness puts lovers of romance off a good bit..

Can't you use the little Mini-Watt at a couple of hundred notes and then save for a Croft Micro25/Series 7? Just a thought, but these are so good, you won't need to look at amps again unless you want some bling in your setup.....:)

25-11-2009, 18:33

I am not an expert but I'm going to make a suggestion anyway.

Consider good second hand. You can buy something that looks new and (obviously) your rmoney will go far further.

I've just got rid of an RA-05 (basically an 04 with a remote control) and have replaced it with an older Arcam A85 for less than than the Rotel cost me new. The Arcam is a significantly better amp in every respect.


The Vinyl Adventure
25-11-2009, 18:37
I have no real authority to recomend it but these beringer a500 pro amps get a lot of bice stuff said about them!

25-11-2009, 18:47
I have no real authority to recomend it but these beringer a500 pro amps get a lot of bice stuff said about them!
Good power amps, indeed. I forgot these, thought the OP needed an integrated.

Ali Tait
25-11-2009, 20:59
As for Chinese amps,you could get an Audioromy FU13 for your budget.Great sounding amp.Doesn't seem to have the best quality parts,but mine's been fine,and it gets used several hours each day.You'd really struggle to do better for the money I think.30w single-ended is a lot! The Chinese 813's are fine.but you'd need to replace the other valves that come with it as they are crap and unreliable.Do that,and you'll have a great amp for not much money.

25-11-2009, 21:07
On another thread, there're recommendations for WAD designs, which can be bought ready made for £500 or so. They seem eminently tweakable too. I seem to think Puresound have a baby integrated as well at this kind of money.

Why am I recommending valve stuff again after all those years? The rosy glow emanating from them fuels a rosy glow in my heart too I suppose. Forget any sonic comparisons, valve gear just seems to have more "heart and soul" to behold and use.

25-11-2009, 21:31
If I had £425 spare right now this would be sitting in my rack... :(


Ali Tait
25-11-2009, 21:37
Yep i was going to recommend a WD KEL84,but I thought people would now be very bored with me banging on about it! :lolsign:

25-11-2009, 21:37
I've just bigged up the WAD KEL84 on another thread! Great cheap entry into valves! Awesome value for money new & even better if you can pick a nice one up 2nd hand. On a budget I would look towards DIY kits in the future! There's better out there for sure but probably nothing better value for money!

I'm loving this little amp!

25-11-2009, 21:40
Yep i was going to recommend a WD KEL84,but I thought people would now be very bored with me banging on about it! :lolsign:
Please don't feel like that.
We often forget about bargains, and your proposal (as far as I'm concerned) was #2, just behind the Croft amp. Please don't hesitate to remind us. ;)

Ali Tait
25-11-2009, 21:57
Glad you're still happy with the amp Alfie :).Yes indeed,very little around to match it at the price,let alone beat it.The Audioromy is one such IMHO,but it's not as well built and has 1000v floating around in it! :uhho:

Dimitri,thanks for the sentiment. :)

25-11-2009, 21:59
Another vote for KEL84 from me... astonishingly good amps, and not just 'for the money', they're a bloody marvel in their own right. The price just makes them an absolutely mental bargain to boot!

Ali Tait
25-11-2009, 22:02
Agreed! A great amp is a great amp.The fact you can get one for not much money is a bonus.

26-11-2009, 07:23
Well, I have to say that I allready had a look at that amp when I came across it's name in a different topic.

Must admit I think I like it, or even like it very much;)
Only would I buy the build version since I'm not worth anything when it comes to electronics and stuff.
I'm a geo technical engineer so that's something completely different:)

I also had a look at the WAD Designs amps, also very nice.
I must have to take a look at these options.
I can always stay with the Onkyo a bit longer to save up for something better like a proper tube amp!

26-11-2009, 16:35
an old pioneer SA-9800 was my choice ... paid £275 off ebay and am delighted

26-11-2009, 18:31
Hi dim_span,

Welcome to AoS :)

Could you please pop into the Welcome area and introduce yourself by providing your first name and basic location details? We ask this of all new members.

Tell us there a little about your system too and taste in music :cool:



28-11-2009, 13:04
Good power amps, indeed. I forgot these, thought the OP needed an integrated.

From what I understand I can use my Beresford TC-7520 DAC as a Pre.
Only can't figure out how I can hook it up.
The TC-7520 had RCA out but the Behringer A500 doesn't seem to have RCA in.
Only XLR, jack and someting that looks like a single RCA connector.

Anyone can shine there light on this? ;)


28-11-2009, 13:19
The A500 has two RCA inputs, no worries : http://www.thomann.de/gb/prod_zoom_AR_183243.html

28-11-2009, 13:32
The A500 has two RCA inputs, no worries : http://www.thomann.de/gb/prod_zoom_AR_183243.html

Aha, but how doest it work then.
I have two RCA's coming from the DAC, do I plug one of them in the upper left RCA socket and the other in the upper right RCA socket?


28-11-2009, 13:39
Yes, you have to use the variable Caiman outputs into the unbalanced upper left and right of the A500, if you want to plug directly to the A500.

Be careful to have the Caiman volume completely down when you power up. ;)

04-12-2009, 20:11
Mhhh, searching info on the Behringer A500 I came across this Youtube vid.


Don't know how big of a problem it would be for home hifi use but it doesn't look good to me:)


Ali Tait
04-12-2009, 20:28
Not a problem running them into a pre with the vol turned fully up methinks? In any case,measured distortion bears little resemblance to what we hear with our ears.If it did,why do so many here favour valve gear? Often,a little second harmonic will actually add to the listenng pleasure.