View Full Version : Clapton - I Still Do

31-07-2016, 08:57
This album is going to appeal to those people who already love Clapton's music and have his back catalogue. The guitar sound is very Seymour Duncan Hotrails into an overdriven valve combo with some excellent playing thrown in as well but musically it simply doesn't stand out at all when compared to some that are around these days. Sue, my other half likened it to an easy listening album but then she is a fan of the likes of Brand X and Metallica. Some of the lyrics are very cheesy in the kind of 'Oh dear' category but there is still that guitar playing to contend with. On the guitar playing front, some of this album has a distinct Mark Knopfler feel to it without the nice sharp, crisp edge that Knopfler has and, I have to say, I personally think Mr Knopfler's guitar playing is way superior.

It is recorded way too quiet and has little impact from a hi-fi point of view with no real low bass and limited stereo depth or spread when compared to others.

To sum up; will I go back to this album...? Maybe in a year or so out of curiosity.

Marks out of ten...? It's just OK.

31-07-2016, 09:09
I've got most of Clapton's back catalogue but made my excuses and left after 'Reptile', which isn't great but has a couple of good tunes (much like most of his solo albums, really).

Surprised about your comments re production as the production on Reptile is very good and there is no issue with the bass.

My favourites have to be '461 Ocean Boulevard' and, oddly, 'August' from 1986, which is very under-rated IMO, although the Phil Collin's production dates it a bit.