View Full Version : Whats vinyl all about? Liked this explaination...

29-07-2016, 20:25
Liked this...
Very smart but explains the vinyl "thing" very well.


29-07-2016, 20:54
good starting point I guess Gaz. Not sure about a stylus wearing out in 600/800 hrs though... More like 2000 in my opinion. Ive never worn out a stylus

29-07-2016, 21:03
good starting point I guess Gaz. Not sure about a stylus wearing out in 600/800 hrs though... More like 2000 in my opinion. Ive never worn out a stylus

Same here. I've never worn a stylus out. 2000hrs would be a minimum if records are clean and appropriate downforces are employed I'd say.

29-07-2016, 21:32
Totally true guys....was just impressed that some kid interested but still "skim reading" about vinyl would pick up all the basics from that article.
Liked the sharp prose and the way he distilled down the basics.

29-07-2016, 21:35
Good read for newstarts and others though. Its not totally accurate but what is? hopefully it will remove a lot of the fear and more will pick up the needle

29-07-2016, 23:27
The kid was trying to sound like he knew what he was blathering on about, and threw in what he thought would be a few attractive buzz words and names.
When I saw the name Clearaudio Master Reference the game was up - I've yet to hear one of the statement TTs from Clearaudio actually sound decent ....:eyebrows:

29-07-2016, 23:29
My thougts too.


29-07-2016, 23:30
The kid was trying to sound like he knew what he was blathering on about, and threw in what he thought would be a few attractive buzz words and names.
When I saw the name Clearaudio Master Reference the
game was up - I've yet to hear one of the statement TTs from Clearaudio actually sound decent ....:eyebrows:

I know, I know....
but as a PRIMER "to da kidz" its not the worst I've read? :)

30-07-2016, 00:14
I know, I know....
but as a PRIMER "to da kidz" its not the worst I've read? :)

I'd be more inclined to describe it as a fair approximation of what's going on, and a pleasant, but not definitive or authoritative version of what's going on.
Yes, I'm a hard taskmaster, but that's what I think.

There's no substitute for proper research, and the author's research probably consisted of going to Starbucks or Costa, asking "can I get?" (this particularly pisses me off, this use of language as a weapon - the response from the staff should be "no Sir, I'll get it for you. Now what would you like to have?", and repeat this answer until the bastard finally conforms to acceptable use of English, and asks if he could please have whatever it is that he fancies) for his frothy milky drink (it ain't coffee, that's for sure), and then spent 2 minutes on his iWhatever browsing t'interweb before typing up this collection of part truths.

Da kidz are a lot brighter than the dumbed down world they inhabit gives 'em credit for.
Lowest common denominators are not something to aspire to.
The best fruit is usually just out of reach, and takes a little thought to get hold of.
The article was low enough to grab without thinking too hard about it.

On the flip side of this, my son much prefers to listen to recorded music from vinyl records.
A nice, fresh copy of The Blues Brothers movie soundtrack turned up at ours today, and it sounds awesome. Much, much better than the files ripped from the CD.
There are a few kidz that get regular exposure to analogue music playback, and who knows, they may yet prove to be its salvation.