View Full Version : Denon DL103R

21-07-2016, 12:33
I got a Denon 103R with perfectly matched channels, Mopingo shim and a stabilizer shim, as recommended by Marco and I must admit its a good call :eyebrows:

I normally use a Ortofon Kontrapunct B, quite a neutral sounding cart with low coloration and low surface noise. Turntable is the trusty Pioneer PLC 590 and SME 3009 mk2 tone arm, Paradise Phono Stage 100ohms loading
The only spare head shell I have is a an Oyiad carbon fibre type which weighs in at 10g, with the stainless bolts and the shims I get 14g.
For alignment I set the cart up to the null points 60/114mm as per vinyl engine for the SME, it is an easy cart to align with its nice parallel sides.
After alignment I checked it on the HIFI news test disk and it tracks perfectly.
Straight off the cartridge sounds vibrant and weighty, a little warmer than my Kb but I like the mid range and the channel balance is very good. I really like the bass weight.
So only a few hours in and I think this is a keeper and my primary cartridge
I may have a play with loading and I’m sure it will get better with running so looking forward to any further improvement :eyebrows:
some pics

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8114/28332829672_5f31f26a89_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KaFaaj)IMG_2645 (https://flic.kr/p/KaFaaj) by Alan Towell (https://www.flickr.com/photos/69508926@N05/), on Flickr

https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8823/28405137816_e9404b09ee_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/Kh4KRs)IMG_2667 (https://flic.kr/p/Kh4KRs) by Alan Towell (https://www.flickr.com/photos/69508926@N05/), on Flickr

https://c8.staticflickr.com/9/8499/28358896671_fac3257335_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/KcYKYk)IMG_2680 (https://flic.kr/p/KcYKYk) by Alan Towell (https://www.flickr.com/photos/69508926@N05/), on Flickr

22-07-2016, 12:45
Would this benefit by a Heavier head shell say 14g one
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-JELCO-HS-25-Headshell-Magnesium-ca-14g-OFC-Kupfer-Headshellkabel-Neu-/371450713584?hash=item567c3015f0:g:rJ4AAOSwKIpWCCx k


Audio Al
22-07-2016, 13:09

I now have my " WANT FACE " on thanks to you posting photos of your lovely TT :eyebrows:,
Please STOP IT :steam:

22-07-2016, 13:17

I now have my " WANT FACE " on thanks to you posting photos of your lovely TT :eyebrows:,

Please STOP IT :steam:

:lolsign: Yes its gorgeous isnt it, and it sounds as good as it looks :D


22-07-2016, 13:49
Would this benefit by a Heavier head shell say 14g one
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Original-JELCO-HS-25-Headshell-Magnesium-ca-14g-OFC-Kupfer-Headshellkabel-Neu-/371450713584?hash=item567c3015f0:g:rJ4AAOSwKIpWCCx k

Hi Alan,

Nice one on fitting the stabilisers and stuff! How's it sounding? :)

The Jelco headshell you linked to may be better again, than the Oyaide, due to mass, but it's largely a 'suck it and see' thing, as the main sonic influence will probably be respective resonance properties of both headshells.

In my view, you can never have too many spare headshells, when you own a detachable headshell arm, so it might be worth taking a punt on the Jelco, fitting the stabilisers to it, and seeing how it goes :cool:


26-07-2016, 07:50
Loving the look of that turntable Alan, great stuff!

27-07-2016, 08:40
Yeah, let us know how it's all sounding, Alan :)


28-07-2016, 17:04
Sorry haven't had much time this week as Iv'e been cutting trees down in the garden
Ill have a little play with it next week
I want to try ot on its own in the head shell then try the different shims to see what the effect is ?
