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View Full Version : Deep pockets anyone ? Lotto win maybe

Audio Al
21-07-2016, 11:25
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Studer-A820-1-4-with-Telcom-noise-reduction-/322192269289?hash=item4b0427dfe9:g:6oYAAOSwRJ9Xhjw T


Nice machine but well out of reach price wise :(

21-07-2016, 11:49
R2R's for old geezers with carpet slippers and pipes isn't it? ;) :)

Actually, apart from the 'tinkering' aspect, which no doubt will appeal to a few, I am beginning to wonder what the continual interest is though. Unless one visits live music performances and has permission to record, or has access to high quality original recordings, surely R2R's wiil just be used for re-recording from other media and limited by its quality? Good quality tape must be limited in supply I'd have thought too. Let alone parts to keep them going.

No doubt I'm about to be slammed as a heretic for even asking! :eek:

21-07-2016, 11:53

21-07-2016, 14:40
At least with mine, which has a carry handle on the top, I can use it as a door stop :D

21-07-2016, 17:36
Pretty scant information given, so despite its excellent condition and if I could afford it, I wouldn't buy it.

Anyway, the only Studer machines that interest me are: the venerable C37, the B62 and, my ideal machine, the A80 RC. No doubtful EPROMs used there!

Arkless Electronics
21-07-2016, 17:42
Pretty scant information given, so despite its excellent condition and if I could afford it, I wouldn't buy it.

Anyway, the only Studer machines that interest me are: the venerable C37, the B62 and, my ideal machine, the A80 RC. No doubtful EPROMs used there!

I've got a B62 but my PR99mkIII betters it;)

21-07-2016, 20:59
Lovely deck - the ultimate Studer in many ways - great transport, beautifully made and good electronics too. If it is in good nick (hard to tell with the photos) and the service record checks out with Audio House, then this is a good buy for someone yearning after the ultimate 2 track 1/4 inch R2R (with the ability to swap to 2 track 1/2 inch, if you can find the correct head block and bits).
Not really expensive for what it is. There are a fair number of people in this hobby, who will approach this for their vinyl replay system (TT/arm/cart - maybe more than one of each - phono stage etc). This A820 will only go up in value.