View Full Version : WTD: Technics Rega armboard

20-07-2016, 16:37
Does anyone in the States have a Rega armboard for the Technics that I could demo? I’m tempted to have my Audiomods modified with the Technics mount and micrometer, but it’d be nice to make sure that the sound quality when switching from my belt-drive deck doesn’t change too much for the worse. This would only be temporary, to allow more direct comparison between the decks with the same arm.

24-07-2016, 14:23
Eh. Broke down and bought an Origin Live board, along with some Isonoe feet, a new belt for the Michell, and the already-purchased Achromat, since the GBP has dropped so low. If I opt not to keep any of it, I'm sure I can resell it to someone without much loss and still have it be worthwhile to them. I'm VERY curious to compare the two decks with the same arm to discover the qualitative differences.