View Full Version : Tonearm alignment issues (Rega on NAS Spacedeck)

15-07-2016, 10:56
Recently purchased an Ace Spacedeck and have put my current Rega RB300 arm on it until I upgrade that eventually. I've never really delved into arm alignment before as my LP12 was set-up for me by Cymbiosis and I'd left it untouched.

I'm trying to slign it using the supplied NAS template but the headshell always looks slightly twisted compared to the lines no matter how I adjust it. Maybe I need a different template?

The pivot to spindle distance is currently 217mm, not sure how normal that is but I can't find much helpful info online. I've only read that Rega's should be 222mm.

I've also had issues with VTA. Even using a 4mm spacer the arm was too low to reach the platter and be level. I've had to pull the collet out by about 4mm to get it level. Am I missing something here with VTA adjustment or is that a limit of the arm (which has no adjustment of it's own)?


15-07-2016, 11:01
There is nothing wrong, just not set up properly. Dead easy to do. Did you purchase from a Notts dealer ?

15-07-2016, 12:00
It's purchased 2nd hand, came with no arm but have taken the RB300 off my LP12.

15-07-2016, 13:04
I bought one of these when I had an RB300, makes vta adjustment much easier
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Michell-Engineering-Rega-Threaded-Tonearm-VTA-Adjuster-/291806081129?hash=item43f0ff7069:g:gdUAAMXQS6pRpS~ 3

15-07-2016, 13:44
I know when I fitted a Technoarm to my spacedeck I had to remove one of the bolts holding the arm mount on and swivel it out a bit before tightening the one remaining bolt to get the arm distance to 222mm. I think there is a different arm mount that will sit at the correct distance, best phone Nottingham Labs to confirm.

15-07-2016, 14:07
Simon. It's very easy to do - no extra parts required. Please e-mail me and I will explain all.


15-07-2016, 15:24
Have emailed you Dave, thanks.

15-07-2016, 15:50

17-07-2016, 13:41
I'm almost there, thanks to Dave for the advice. I've downloaded and printed off a Baerwald arc for Rega arms mounted at 222mm spindle to pivot. The arm mount I can only assume is slightly off as the stylus is bang on point on the outer part of the arc but nearer the spindle it falls short by about half a mm. Obviously very hard to measure 100% accurately pivot to spindle distance so it must be off by less than 1mm. I'm trying to figure out though if I need to move the mounting point closer or further away? I'm thinking closer. I will try to move the cart in the headshell first but don't think that will help me line up at both ends.