View Full Version : FS: hORNS FP10 by Auto-Tech

12-07-2016, 21:49
hi everybody. long time no see but still crazy after all these years ;). it may appear somehow rude to launch my comeback in this gallery but i'll try to make it up later with more audio adventures.
i'm parting with a great pair of speakers that replaced vintage Altec Model 19 at home. the 'tecs were fine but too big and too loud for my room and like so many others before me, this inadequation of room/space vs.15" created quite a frustration. i sure had fantasized in front of videos showing japanese audio-freaks listening to enormous vintage speakers, powered by single-ended valves in tiny rooms or apartments invaded by audio paraphernalia. and it actually sounded almost great on YouTube, with no highs or bass, all medium. the fact that it would sound almost the same in the real flesh is commonly overlooked. the japs sure love their mediums, mostly because they can't get much more of their baby monsters in their environment and that's why they praise so much nearfield listening speakers - such as LS35a, which in this case offer better perception of music.

when a friend of mine who had experienced the same troubles with big speakers discovered the hORNS, developed by G-point Audio, he tried the FP15 series
then settled with the FP10 with these words: it's all we'll never get with our big old ones, whatever we try on them...
of course i argued i needed to hear it to believe it so we met halfway from both homes (Luxembourg/Lyon, France) so i could pick up the Horns and its stands ;-)

the FP10 is a 30-litre, bass reflex box with a polimerobeton front panel, a 10" woofer/midwoofer and a 1" high range horn, announcing a 55-20000 Hz Frequency range at 96 dB.
it weighs 30kg and is completed by beautiful steel 45kg stands made by Roggoz. both speakers and stands are in black piano laque that look beautiful.

don't get me wrong, i don't say hORNS are better speakers than Altec 19. i say they are better sounding in my environment, with the limitations and side/size effects of my room, where the speakers have to stand in the corners and not too far from the back concrete wall. add more concrete, windows, no fancy audiophile stuff on the walls and you get the idea. the Nineteen were designed for huges spaces and loud/realistic sound volume, not 50 square-feet rooms.
while the Nineteen still remained, i had tried smaller speakers that i could tuned more "naturally" in my room, which opened my eyes - and ears - to the virtues of basics in acoustics.
So when i finally placed the hORNS at home, it took me very little time to fall for these black beauties. of course they still had to be cornered but their size allowed some room and space for tuning. finally i could experienced bass without loudness or resonance, i could listen to music at fair volume without shouting in my friend's ears and clock sessions at 30' tops before my own ears bleed. and most important, i could listen to music at low volume without frustration and the soundstage was much more coherent than the Altecs.

i must say that another friend of mine DIYed a pair of model 19 which stand in the middle of a huge listening room, with enormous space in front and BEHIND them. the experience is astounding and the Altecs seem to breathe music so naturally, especially at high volume. it's a perfect adequation of space, room and speakers.

so i lived with these beautiful sounding speakers for more than a year now and experienced various amps to challenge them. Heathkit El84 monoblocks, early Sugden a21 and finally, QLS-100 FDA amp/dac. people who heard the different combos are really impressed by the balance of the FDA with the FP10. it's among others, one of the virtues of FDA to put more money in the speakers than hardware. but it's another story.
Life leads me now towards other projects and that's why i'm parting with these impressive hORNS.
I purchased them in april 2015. they have their original boxes. same for the Roggoz stands. they're in top-shape. feel free to ask for more pics.
i'm asking £2250 for both speakers and stands. they sure would travel on wood pallet thru TNT , which seems to offer the better rates these days - at a price, depending on destination.