View Full Version : WTD: Tannoy Cheviots

07-07-2016, 20:44
Hello - does anyone out there have a pair of Tannoy Cheviots in good condition they'd consider selling?

I'm a recent convert to vintage Tannoys, now looking for smaller 12"s for a second home system.

Please PM or post if you can help.



07-07-2016, 20:55
I'm a recent convert to vintage Tannoys

Ha Ha. There's no cure and no going back once the bug bites Nick. :)

Don't rule out the similar sized and much prettier Chatsworths either. I had a pair with early corrugated surround 12" Monitor Golds that sounded beautiful. You sacrifice a little bass extension, but it's no big deal. Later examples had rubber roll surrounds and deeper bass and are good, after that they used foam surrounds that eventually fall apart. The last version had the 12" HPDs in (and the rare first model had Monitor Reds).

Good luck finding something!

08-07-2016, 09:17
What about these on here? http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?43789-Tannoy-12-quot-Monitor-Golds-rubber-surrounds-custom-cabs

Not far from you. The drivers look superb and they have the desirable rubber surrounds. No upgrades needed here by the look of things.

08-07-2016, 09:52
Hey thanks, W. I will definitely enquire about these.

Audio Al
08-07-2016, 10:50
I have a pair that were sent to Lockwoods for re coning and new surrounds , and alignment of the voice coils , The cabinets are original so do show their age , Also original crossovers ( not rebuilt )
£800 , I can show / audition them for you if you are interested :)

09-07-2016, 09:32
Cheers Audio Al - I have sent you a PM.

Audio Al
20-07-2016, 14:06
Now with the new owner :)

and I now don't own them :(

Hope you enjoy them Nick ;)

anyone have any 15" for sale :eyebrows::D

20-07-2016, 20:34
They are settling in nicely to their new home... listening to them right now & they are sounding lovely. :eyebrows:

Cheers, Al. :cool: