View Full Version : Goldring Elite MC - phono stage suggestions

06-07-2016, 15:06
Looking to upgrade my current Project phono se box - does anyone have any recommendations that work well with the low output Elite, under a grand.
Thanks in advance

06-07-2016, 15:26
I've tried a couple of ProJect phono stages and not really liked them. I have a Goldring Eroica LX amongst my MCs and it sounds lovely through my Graham Slee Reflex M with a Fidelity Research FRT-3 SUT. The Graham Slee ERA Gold V sounded extremely good with it too.

06-07-2016, 15:43
A couple of suggestions at a grand or less
World Designs Phono3 and PSU3
TRON Convergence
I've Listened to both in my system. WD is very good but the TRON is stunning at the price

06-07-2016, 15:56
Trilogy 906. A lovely, flexible phono stage.

06-07-2016, 17:02
Thanks will look at the suggestions, Graham Slee have a loan service was is good have not heard the others in person.

06-07-2016, 20:40
I have an Eroica LX and play it through the MM valve phono stage of a VTL 2.5 pre into a Rothwell low output step up. I've also a Noteworthy Audio SUT which is marginally worse but was only £200 new. Noteworthy is now Deco Audio in Aylesbury but I don't know if the sell them anymore.

I use the same set up for a Koetsu Black.

07-07-2016, 10:19
Thanks Steven, really trying to look at one box solution plus power supply.

07-07-2016, 20:18
Maybe try an Icon. Valves and transformers a happy marriage make with a decent MC :)

07-07-2016, 21:18
Thanks will have a look at Icon

14-09-2016, 10:17
Sugden has recommended the Goldring Elite as a good cartridge with the Sugden a21 stage 2 riaa.

best regards Lars

Ali Tait
14-09-2016, 10:35
Firebottle. Post on the loan thread so you can have a listen before you buy.

Arkless Electronics
14-09-2016, 11:32
Arkless 640P http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?43868-AOS-recommended-SPPV-products-just-an-idea-for-a-sticky

14-09-2016, 13:01
Thanks for the suggestions, still unsure which to go also considering an exposure 2010 s2d with a mc phono card added

14-09-2016, 13:12
Jez, if I see a 640p donor unit coming up in the classified I might be tempted

14-09-2016, 13:14
The new Musical Fidelity looks like a nice job ...


14-09-2016, 14:09
The Musical Fidelity is £699, which is fine, I really can't make up my mind up on sticking with my old Copland amp and buying a much better mc phono stage or upgrading to a better integrated with preferably a built in mc phono stage. I have a total budget of around £1500 maybe slightly more if I sell the Copland.

14-09-2016, 15:53
Does your Copland have a moving magnet input? If yes, then strongly recommend you try a mc step-up transformer (SUT) between the turntable and the mm input on the amp.

14-09-2016, 16:18
Does your Copland have a moving magnet input? If yes, then strongly recommend you try a mc step-up transformer (SUT) between the turntable and the mm input on the amp.

I agree. I've always had excellent results doing this. And I have a Goldring MC.

At the moment I'm running my MCs through a good SUT and into a Graham Slee Reflex M. The sound quality is all I could ask for.

14-09-2016, 17:00
No phono input on the Copland, my project se box uses one of the aux inputs

15-09-2016, 22:07
Can't see what the problem is.

vinylengine.com claim the Goldring Elite has a coil resistance of ~ 8 Ohm, and an output of 0.5 - 0.7mV (depending on version Mk.I or Mk.II). It therefore follows that any step-up device that presents the cartridge with a load impedance of > 100 Ohm and has a gain of no more than 20dB will be perfectly adequate.

16-09-2016, 12:12
Sorry Barry, a wee bit confused are suggesting that I use a SUT instead of a phono stage?

Arkless Electronics
16-09-2016, 12:16
Sorry Barry, a wee bit confused are suggesting that I use a SUT instead of a phono stage?

You can't use an SUT instead of a phono stage;)

16-09-2016, 12:25
That's what I thought so still not sure what Barry was saying

16-09-2016, 17:37
That's what I thought so still not sure what Barry was saying

My apologies - I should have been careful with my wording. By 'step up device', I meant either a transformer (SUT), or a 'head amp'. Either will run into the 'MM' input of your preamp.

If you only have 'line level' inputs on your preamp, you will need a 'phonostage' or equalisation amplifier, which not only provides sufficient overall gain, but applies the necessary RIAA frequency correction. Assuming the line level sensitivity of your preamp is 100mV, then the overall gain of the phonostage needs to be ~ 46dB.

16-09-2016, 18:19
No mm input on the amp so the phono stage which connects using an aux input

16-09-2016, 18:27
Any decent MM phono stage should work OK into your line level (aux) input. Then, if using a low output moving coil cartridge, you use a head amp or SUT between the turntable and phono stage. This brings the signal from the MC up to something similar to an MM cartridge.

You can of course buy phono stages dedicated to low output MCs. Then you only need one unit between the turntable and amplifier aux input.