View Full Version : Nagaoka stylus replacement- silly question

28-06-2016, 16:51
I am trying to replace my Nagaoka stylus. The original came off with a little difficulty ( a tight fit0 but I can't seem to get the other one in. Sounds silly I know as it is a push fit, but I have Parkinson's & I don't want to ham-fistedly break anything by over forcing ( as I said it is a tighr fit). Is there a technique? It seems a slight upward movement is in order - am I right?

Any tips greatfully accepted.

28-06-2016, 17:15
Where in France are you?

Instructions can be found here - http://www.vinylengine.com/ve_downloads/index.php?nagaoka/nagaoka_mp_series.pdf
A slight upward movement is required if the cartridge is still on the tonearm.


28-06-2016, 18:32
I am in Lectoure in the Gers, half way between Agen & Auch or if you like half way betwwen Toulouse & Bordeaux.

I thought so; need an upward thrust! ;)

28-06-2016, 19:25
About an hour away from me.
If you are struggling, let me know. I may be able to help.

29-06-2016, 07:23
That's a very kind offer Kevin. I expect I will get there in the end, with the help of SWMBO hoding a torch so that I can see what I am doing, but if not I will get back to you.

Whereabouts are you exactly?

29-06-2016, 07:36
Launac, on the outskirts of Toulouse (almost in the Gers).

02-07-2016, 15:29
With herself indoors helping I have mounted it now & it sounds wonderful!:); it is a MP11 stylus on a MPii0 body but retipped by Expert Stylus with a boron cantilver etc.

Thanks again Kevin for your offer of help.

That's what I like about this forum - the general friendliness & help from all!!!