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View Full Version : My new system - the shape of things to come?

Phil Bishop
21-11-2009, 10:48

Just thought I would post some info and pictures of a new system I have which I consider groundbreaking and possibly the shape of things to come in domestic audio.

The new acquisition is AVI's new Neutron 5 2.1 system. I assume the N5 bit stands for the satellite N5 speakers and the 2.1 is the name given to the unit which contains all the electronics and also houses a mighty 10" sub.


The sub controls everything and contains a Wolfson digital receiver chip (which is supposed to completely eradicate jitter) and DAC - apparently the DAC is the same one found in a competitor's £12K music server. The sub also contains pre-amp and three 100W power amps to drive the individual speakers. The amps are derivatives of the ADM9.1 and apparently superior to the renowned AVI Lab Series which still exchange hands for serious cash on ebay.


The sub has four optical digital inputs, one USB and one analogue. This is all a nod towards computer audio which is where AVI obviously think things are moving at a pace - no coaxial input.


I have only had this system for a week and it is in a temporary set-up. I drive it from a wireless link to my Apple TV music server playing lossless files. Operation is completely remote. I use an ipod touch to control the ATV (in another room) remotely and the AVI remote controls everything in the N5.2.1 system - input, volume, sub level, sub settings, etc.


So the critical bit - how does it sound? Well, in a word fantastic. It is detailed and smooth, excellent at low to medium levels but also able to rock when it needs to with that sub. The fact that you can fine tune the sub remotely means you can get the level of LF underpinning just right. I have thrown a wide range of music at it from Tracy Chapman to AC/DC and it seems to handle them all with aplomb. It is also a very user-friendly bit of gear and will fit into the domestic environment with TV, etc, very neatly.

An excellent groundbreaking system in my view and one which deserves to sell extremely well.

....but what about housing all those delicate electronics in the sub I hear many cry? Do you really need isolation for electronics - does it really make a difference? I am not qualified to answer, but I don't notice any detrimental impact and regret all the hard earned cash I parted with in the past for cones, sorbothane, etc. I can see the arguement for turntables and speakers, but am sceptical about electronics.


21-11-2009, 11:11
An excellent choice Phil !
I used to have a Revox 2.1 system and I lived happily with it for many, many years...

As far as the isolation (for electronics) is concerned, it has a lot to do with the way the whole system is conceived. I guess we can be confident that AVI engineers know how address these (usual) problem and be confident they are able to build a system in a good way. ;)

Enjoy it !

21-11-2009, 11:40
I'm sure it's a great little system and a definite sign of future high-quality audio if the N5's I have are anything to go by...

To all out there - The above set isn't hugely expensive and I'd wager that it's tons better than the mass-market KEF/B&W/MA etc passive systems at a similar price - without amplification...

Regarding electronic isolation - Martin Grindrod has extensive experience of digital components' isolation in very demanding circumstances (the DAC is well decoupled in the ADM9 I think), so I don't think this will be an issue with this product.

I just wish AVI had introduced the preamp with analogue and digital inputs (A-D and D-A). The proposed price wasn't excessive either..

Enjoy your system and keep us posted of any developments/extra sources you may include. I wonder how much the Meridian A-D converter fetches nowadays? A Lux T-12 tuner sounded fab playing into one of these and thence to a Krell CD player/digital preamp...

Phil Bishop
21-11-2009, 17:31

It was the N5's that attracted me to this system in the first place - they are truly fine speakers. Taking a step back in time, the previous versions of the Neutrons all received immense praise with accolades such as best speaker under £1000, etc. These N5's are supposedly even better and the WHOLE system retails at little more than a grand. An unbelievable bargain. A couple of years back I paid more-or-less as much for a new cartridge and service for my Linn Sondek as I did for this entire system......and this system sounds better IMHO. Very family friendly too with just one switch and an easy to use remote. Martin & Ashley are geniuses IMHO!


21-11-2009, 18:31
Very interesting Phil, and an absolute bargain by the sound of it... Are the speaker stands bespoke for the N5's? My worry is my 14 month old little 'un (see my Avatar!) pulling the speakers off a stand, hence why I have floorstanders.

Phil Bishop
21-11-2009, 23:10

They are standard Apollo stands, but I feel I do need to make 'em more sturdy by part-filling with sand. I have blu tak between speakers and stand tops.

My kids are 11 and 14 now. Never had any problems when they were little 'uns, but recently my 14 year old did knock a speaker off it's perch. If I could afford it, I would buy more stable sturdy stands.

Pets and children can be a problem, but I have caused a fair few mishaps myself as I am sure we all have!


21-11-2009, 23:39
Hi Phil,

It looks nice in the flesh!

So, I know it's about a grand cheaper but how does it compare SQ wise to your 9.1's & sub?

22-11-2009, 00:34
recently my 14 year old did knock a speaker off it's perch.

That would be why you started a separate thread on speaker stand stability then! Doh! :doh: Sorry, I didn't connect the 2!

I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world to screw the stands and speakers together - actually, maybe it would, not sure I could do it! I'm surprised manufacturers don't pre-fit nuts/bolts for their own stands - or maybe they do?

Phil Bishop
22-11-2009, 17:54

Hard to do a direct comparison with the ADM9.1 system as I have not listened to them side-by-side. However, I think the 9.1 system remains justifiably the AVI flagship system. I would say it probably has more "authority" than the N5 2.1 system. The N5 2.1 system seems to have a light deft touch, underpinned by hefty bass from the sub (which is the same driver as the ADM9.1 sub driver). The 9.1 system gives maybe a more meaty sound overall. Very difficult to describe and it may all be influenced by the rooms I am using the systems in and the fact that maybe the N5's need to loosen up/break in a bit. The N5 2.1 system has a better user interface with everything (including the sub) fine-tunable from the remote.

I picked up my 2.1 sub directly from AVI HQ and had quite a long chat to the chaps there. They have been rushed off their feet with orders for ADM9.1's this year as word continues to spread of how good they are. I dare say the N5 2.1 system will sell well as word spreads in a similar fashion.

Alex - agree with you - I would have trouble with screws (or even spikes) into that lovely piano black finish!
