View Full Version : The new Stone Roses single 'All for One' - Thoughts

14-05-2016, 07:00

Well after 20 or more years here it is.. and what a disappointment it is.

Lyrically simplistic, production values awful. Whatevr filter they ran those drums and bass through in the studio is dreadful. John Squire comes out of this sounding ok but that's the best I can say about it.

What does everyone else think?

14-05-2016, 08:13
Well they gave us one perfect album and one good one so I suppose it is a bit churlish to criticise. They have a place in my heart. This sounds a bit like it belongs on that dire 'Seahorses' album, which is a shame.

15-05-2016, 11:42
I thought Second Coming was their best effort TBH even though the reviewers didn't. Some staggering guitar work in it.

Listened to this thrice. Not good.

15-05-2016, 11:45
For some 80/90s cheese with some quality port New Order are doing way better.

The Black Adder
15-05-2016, 20:36
Read the threads lads... :rolleyes:


15-05-2016, 20:41
I thought this was the same thread.

Anyway I was in Vinyl Exchange in Manchester years ago now and some bloke comes up to the counter to sell all the early 12 inch singles all signed by all the band. The bloke behind the counter wasn't that interested and I had a few quid at the time and thought about buying them off the lad but didn't. Always regretted that.

Arkless Electronics
15-05-2016, 23:43
Their first album was the best debut album ever and an all time classic IMHO. The second coming was a disappointment in comparison and although ok seemed a bit of a Led Zep rip off.