View Full Version : NEW Stone Roses record.... All For One

The Black Adder
12-05-2016, 19:16
Did you hear it?

Wow... :eek::eek::eek::eek: sounds great to me. So fresh after all these years.


13-05-2016, 07:46
is this a single or an album?

The Black Adder
16-05-2016, 07:29
Just a single. The album is released in July I think.

It's a great single, I really like it. It's certainly more flowery, 'original' Roses sounding than Second Coming but I wouldn't have minded if it had a bit of darkness in there like Second Coming as I still love that album to this day.

16-05-2016, 10:08
I bet Mark E Smith is spitting feathers about it. There's more than a passing resemblance to The Fall's 'Squid Lord' in there.

I have to say the lyrics to the new Roses song are cringeworthy though. It's hardly up there with their original material is it.

The Black Adder
16-05-2016, 10:16
Well, lyrically...yes I agree. It's quite a simple sounding song. It's made for the radio for sure.

What's different I think that makes it more acceptable is that Ian Brown's voice is now more mellow... and mostly in tune... lol

16-05-2016, 11:16
I think they have run his voice through all sorts of gadgets - sounds like it anyway. You have to see them live to realise how much he can't sing. It never stopped Phil Collins though so who are we to judge?

16-05-2016, 15:41
I think they have run his voice through all sorts of gadgets - sounds like it anyway. You have to see them live to realise how much he can't sing. It never stopped Phil Collins though so who are we to judge?
They had to, because he is even more tuneless now.

16-05-2016, 18:57
Squire's guitar is great as always...the song's a bit pish though. :rolleyes:

16-05-2016, 19:01
Does anyone have Squire's solo album, 'Time Changes Everything'? Not an easy listen but I sort of got into it for a bit. Some good guitar work on it but no noodling.

The Black Adder
23-05-2016, 17:09
I've heard it. Not keen on his solo stuff. The Seahorses stuff was ok.

Regarding Brown, I think Music of the Spheres and Golden Greats were the best of the bunch IMO.

23-05-2016, 19:17
Wow they managed to get him in tune, easy these days though he he.