View Full Version : Upgrades to Origin Live turntables - a review of sorts

26-04-2016, 15:48

The turntables and tone arms designed and manufactured by Southampton company Origin Live are what might be called sleepers. Despite stellar reviews, for some reason they seem to get overlooked or dismissed by a lot of audiophiles. Who knows why? Designer and company owner Mark Baker, now joined in the company by his son Luke, doesn’t spend money on advertising in what remains the hi-fi press. But he’s not the first in high-end audio to step off of the scratch-my-back hamster wheel.

I think OL’s decks and arms are very worthy. And in particular the Resolution turntable and Enterprise and Conqueror tone arms, of which I have direct pay-your-money-and-own-it experience.

The curious might want to spend five minutes wandering through what I wrote on the ‘wam in July 2012: http://www.hifiwigwam.com/showthread.php?72673-Origin-Live-Resolution-II-turntable-and-Illustrious-3c-arm

In October 2013, after being struck by the upgrade bug, I wrote this,

There’s been water under the bridge since then. The 9” Conqueror was part-exchanged for a 12” version, but other elements of my system have changed too. I was going to use the word ‘evolved’, but that implies advancement and to suggest such would be a tad dishonest. There were backward steps too until I realised my folly and retraced my steps. Throughout, and whatever else has been changed, the Resolution and (latterly 12”) Conqueror have remained constant, appreciated for what they do rather than annoying for what they do not do. No audio component can be judged perfect: everything ever made is a compromise in one way or another. For the money though, I always have thought the Resolution, and the Big C, to be very good sonic value. It has come as something of pleasant shock, therefore, to encounter a trio of just-released Origin Live upgrades.

Applicable to all Origin Live turntables apart from its flagship Voyager, the upgrades deliver, at least with the Resolution, such a profound uplift in sonic joy that they made me rock in my listening seat and laugh out loud. If you already own an Origin Live turntable, you owe it to yourself to buy them. Together the three upgrades cost £805, but in my view they are subjectively a no-brainer. I use the word subjectively only because of course we all to a lesser or greater degree balance cost against family priorities, and while Origin Live may well have scoped the market and formed a view about the comparative sonic value of the tweaks, that perspective may not be universally shared. Not all of us are happy for the children to walk to school in bare feet.

The changes
A new DC motor – Origin Live has long favoured DC motors – delivers four times the torque of the original one fitted to the Resolution and just on its own gives the turntable a huge kick up the backside that elevates dynamics and provides greater pitch stability and separation between musical elements. It is now being fitted to all Resolutions that leave the factory but for a cost of £395 can be easily retrofitted by owners of earlier turntables. Changing the motor in mine took me all of 10 minutes.

Original Live has for some years separated the AC and DC elements of its power supplies, offering standard turntables with a wall-wart feeding low voltage AC via an umbilical cord to the motor pod that also contains rectification and regulation. An optional ‘upgrade’ power supply containing a much chunkier transformer sounded considerably better than the wall wart, with more sonic heft and agility.

The revised upgrade power supply uses a balanced toroid, custom-made for Origin Live, in which the two live legs are 115V out of phase, centre-tapped to earth, in order to achieve common-mode noise rejection. It will cost you £365. Origin Live are not the first audio company to use a balanced transformer, but the results with the Resolution are really quite astonishing – a blacker background and less surface noise. Yes. You read that right. Less surface noise.

Finally, we have Origin Live’s modifications to the motor pod’s control board. These are mere tweaks compared to the other two upgrades; a few component swaps that stiffen temperature stability and make the load compensation more reactive. I put the modified pod back in my system on a warm spring day and heard no difference at all. Maybe they’ll be noticeable in the winter when the temperature in the listening room fluctuates as the heating goes on and off. New Origin Live turntables come with the revised control board. Owners of existing turntables can send their motor pods back to the factory and for the grand sum of £45 Origin Live will apply the changes.

Having applied all three upgrades to my own Resolution I am struck again by just how well designed and engineered as a platform it is. Mark Baker’s direction of travel is different to many. He doesn’t favour high mass platters or AC motors that deliver massive torque, but neither has he applied suspension like some other manufacturers do, preferring instead to use multiple materials, some decoupled from the others, in a way that mitigates the transmission of unwanted vibration. In some ways it is simpler, in others not, but there’s no denying that it works spectacularly well, combining with the upgrades to produce an addictive combination of funk, tonality and timing, making an already very good turntable package substantially better and even more desirable.


+44(0)2380 578 877

27-04-2016, 21:25

As always, a very insightful and well written review.

I too have always had a liking for OL products having originally tinkered with various of their DC motors and separate power supplies each of which were fitted to my original LP12. I agree with you that for some reason OL products never seem to have gained much support or recognition within the hifi community, despite their various offerings normally receiving positive reviews.

Having got a little tired of constantly feeling the need to fiddle with the suspension and arm dressing requirements of the LP12 and watching Linn issue a succession of must-have updates to sub-chassis, armboards, power supplies and their own dc motors I decided to 'jump ship' some time ago and purchased a non-suspended OL Resolution turntable and Conqueror Mk3c tone arm and I have since enjoyed both the visual appearance and sonic performance of this combination.

It is good to read of your initial experiences having fitted these latest upgrades to your own turntable because when, as a past customer, I recently received an email from Mark Baker informing me of these new offerings I did initially react a bit negatively by thinking I might be facing a constant need to keep upgrading the very turntable I had purchased in order to escape 'upgrade-itus'. Further consideration does, however, suggest that OL products do tend to stay current for lengthy periods of time with existing models only being subject to upgrade on a fairly infrequent basis.

It would appear from what you have described that the new dc motor and power supply transformer have made an obvious and noticeable improvement to what is already a fine turntable and that I may have to give serious consideration to investing in these new products myself.

Thanks for posting your findings.

28-04-2016, 08:51
Like you I tend to bridle at this sort of thing. My initial thought is "Well, why couldn't you have made it that way in the first place?"

In this instance though it is not as if OL is deleting a model and launching a new one, cutting adrift existing users and leaving them with a product whose used value has just tanked. People can continue with their existing RIIIs and ignore the upgrades. It is still a great turntable. Or they can apply the upgrades and turn a great turntable into an even better one. As you'll see from my review, I was not able to place a sonic value on the control board changes, but the new motor and balanced mains transformer make a profound difference. I played Chalk Mark in a Rainstorm to a visiting pal yesterday. He heard the same side two weeks ago before departing on a cruise and was quite set back by how different - in a good way - it sounded with the OL revisions. The greater drive, better pitch stability and the quieter background combine to open out the sound and make it more involving.

29-04-2016, 16:53
Good to hear you have managed to squeeze a bit more performance out of the old girl, so to speak.:)

07-05-2016, 17:44
John McCabe Haydn Piano Sonatas Vol 5 tonight. OL upgrades make it very pleasingly percussive....as it should be. I am much enjoying the improvement. As a matter of fact, same cartridge, same arm, the OL deck now kills my 401 with fire. It has as much dynamic punch and better tonality.

07-05-2016, 19:13
John McCabe Haydn Piano Sonatas Vol 5 tonight. OL upgrades make it very pleasingly percussive....as it should be. I am much enjoying the improvement. As a matter of fact, same cartridge, same arm, the OL deck now kills my 401 with fire. It has as much dynamic punch and better tonality.

I guess the bearings on the D300 motor are fully run in now.

07-05-2016, 19:24

As always, a very insightful and well written review.


+1 An interesting read. Great photo too.

08-05-2016, 16:49
The changes
A new DC motor – Origin Live has long favoured DC motors – delivers four times the torque of the original one fitted to the Resolution and just on its own gives the turntable a huge kick up the backside that elevates dynamics and provides greater pitch stability and separation between musical elements. It is now being fitted to all Resolutions that leave the factory but for a cost of £395 can be easily retrofitted by owners of earlier turntables. Changing the motor in mine took me all of 10 minutes.


I am seriously thinking of at least trying one of the new motors.

Was there any soldering involved in fitting your new one?


17-05-2016, 13:12

I am seriously thinking of at least trying one of the new motors.

Was there any soldering involved in fitting your new one?


No soldering. Choc block.