View Full Version : Wanted : headshell..

09-04-2016, 11:15
Headshell wanted...most makes considered.....no ebay links please..been there thanks.....

09-04-2016, 11:34
I might have an AT MG10 for sale shortly, bought it not realising that is has captive threads and won't fit my ZU Denon as the thread holes don't go all the way through the cart and only screws in from the top, what a numpty !

09-04-2016, 11:42
Thanks Mike... but would like shell without captive threads.....my nagaoka stilton cart is threaded..so would prefer a shell which takes screws from the top into my cart...same problem you are experiencing I think..
I might have an AT MG10 for sale shortly, bought it not realising that is has captive threads and won't fit my ZU Denon as the thread holes don't go all the way through the cart and only screws in from the top, what a numpty !

09-04-2016, 11:44
Thanks Mike... but would like shell without captive threads.....my nagaoka stilton cart is threaded..so would prefer a shell which takes screws from the top into my cart...same problem you are experiencing I think..
Yip, same problem ;)

I never ever thought of that when I bought it, I blame Marco he recommended one to Jimbo lol

09-04-2016, 14:43

09-04-2016, 14:46
That what I'm using with my ZU 103. Much better than the stock Technics one the 1210 comes with ;)

09-04-2016, 14:54
That what I'm using with my ZU 103. Much better than the stock Technics one the 1210 comes with ;)

Aye an excellent head shell Mike, bit too light for a 103 though, I used it with an SAE 1000LT HOMC cart and someone on here told me that the headshell I was then using for that cart was way too heavy and to get a lighter one which I did and it was a revelation.

10-04-2016, 09:20
Thanks Tony..however I've just bought an LVV arm..with one of the very headshells on that you are selling..so I'm after something different ta....



10-04-2016, 14:57
Thanks Tony..however I've just bought an LVV arm..with one of the very headshells on that you are selling..so I'm after something different ta....


No problem Alan, thanks.