View Full Version : Wanted: Best amp + phono stage + DAC for £1200

07-04-2016, 17:03
Does anyone have a great amp they want to sell?

I need a phono stage and DAC as well, but you may have 1 or all 3 pieces.

My speakers are B&W 683s2. They're ok. I want to focus the upgrade on amplification, as I think my Arcam A19 + irDAC is at a ceiling.

My father in law has a Peachtree 220se which I'm impressed by. Dual mono, class D. Drives speakers well and lots of good definition for digital sources with their inbuilt Sabre DAC and valve/tube. You can pick up a returned 220se with full warranty from peachtree for about £875 (just in the US). I was thinking something like that + a Firebottle phono stage.

What say you wise forum? Is there a better way I can do this for my budget?

And if anyone wants the Arcam bits, I'll sell both together for £600.

07-04-2016, 17:15
The A19 isn't a bad amp; but the 683's do deserve better IMO

I'd be looking for 2nd hand MF (A3 etc) amps or the likes of the Arcam FMJ A32 and a matching power amp; but then again, have you thought about adding a power amp to the A19; that'd take control of the 683's much better!

I'd pop a post up re this in the 'Blank Canvas' section and get some other suggestions there etc ;)

07-04-2016, 19:46
Cheers for the tips Dan.

08-04-2016, 07:46
One of these which is perfect match for the B&W 683


and get a quality passive pre-amp to go with it, will sound like you spent £10K

08-04-2016, 08:46

That's the bugger! Was racking my brain yesterday trying to think of the huge amps that everyone has raved about recently!

However, to throw another 'spanner' in the works; I'd seriously consider the likes of the NAD C165BEE pre with the matching C275BEE power combo; absolutely stunning set up and can drive speakers more or less to melting point ;)


Pre: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NAD-C-165-BEE-Preamplifier-/252333737225?hash=item3ac0434509:g:h-kAAOSwzgRWy4LV
Power: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NAD-C275BEE-Stereo-Power-Amplifier-/252333737547?hash=item3ac043464b:g:p6AAAOSwe7BWy2O S

I've heard that combo running MA PL200's and PL300's and, I think, they were B&W 804's and they sounded fantastic! So well controlled and with a huge soundstage and bags of power in reserve. Not the typical NAD sound as well, there is more finesse and tautness with this set-up IMO

As for the DAC, the best I've heard, IMO, up to £500/£600 has been the MF M1DAC and they can be bought for around £200 now! More open than the Rega DAC and not as clinical as the Audiolab DAC, IMO

08-04-2016, 09:03
I had the smaller 684's powered by a Unison Research Unico, sounded great. Had tons of power in reserve so should be fine with the 683's.

08-04-2016, 11:23
The 683 need a lot of current to stop them bottoming out in the bass. Need a fair few watts as well if the room is large. And they show up crap sources as well. But properly powered and sorted they are really good.

08-04-2016, 17:00
Really appreciate the tips. Even one from a Swedish site. Cheers! Will research. Opinions valued too.

08-04-2016, 19:12
You can have my pioneer a30 and lite ah DAC for 1200sovs, free post nall:eyebrows:

Ali Tait
08-04-2016, 19:53
You won't go wrong with a Firebottle phono. Maybe Alan's amp would be a good choice too.

09-04-2016, 08:40
Thanks for the help chaps but after some research I think an integrated amp may suit me better. I'm running out of space and I think it makes sense that the Firebottle phono stage, turntable PSU remain as separates but an integrated amp can save me space and look nicer. I'm only running two sources, vinyl or digital. Digital sources are less of an issue with an integrated amp, so hopefully the quality of the Firebottle gives the analogue a good path too.

09-04-2016, 09:30
One of these which is perfect match for the B&W 683
and get a quality passive pre-amp to go with it, will sound like you spent £10K

Your XTZ review thread was very entertaining. Great to read. I emailed them last night asking a few questions and they said the amp is sold out but they are working on a new version, but it will take some time.

09-04-2016, 09:40
Have you thought about something along the likes of a NAD C365BEE DAC; or maybe the Cyrus 8DAC...?

Both are superb amps; both with very good DAC's too!

For the 683's, the Cyrus 8DAC along with a 2nd hand Power X would make great combo; the NAD amp wouldn't have any issues driving them on it's own, it kicks way above it's power rating and price tag!

NAD: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NAD-C-356BEE-DAC-2-0-Stereo-Integrated-Amplifier-DAC-C356BEE-DAC-/370868877090?hash=item565981f722:g:D08AAMXQBlJR-9D4

Cyrus 8DAC: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CYRUS-8-DAC-/291728953466?hash=item43ec66907a:g:0UIAAOSwEK9XAlN J / Power X: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cyrus-Power-X-amp-in-Brushed-Black-Boxed-/231907641753?hash=item35fec5c999:g:xJ0AAOSwUuFW1IB K

09-04-2016, 09:47
Thanks man. I had a few trials and tribulations along the way. :)

They don't come up used that often but worth keeping an eye out. There is a power amp only version that would do just as well, too, but I notice that is not on their site anymore.

There are other power amps out there that will do just as good a job. I was after a Parasound originally. Just avoid those where the money has been spent on bling and a badge, instead of on the power supply.

09-04-2016, 16:32
I've got a new plan having read so many forums and reviews now.

Step 1. Find and buy XTZ integrated amp
Step 2. Sell Arcam FMJ19 + irDAC (should get more for them than the XTZ)
Step 3. Buy Firebottle MM/MC phono stage
Step 4. Either buy passive pre to work with XTZ or sell XTZ and buy better integrated amp (Peachtree?)

Sounds like Step 1 will be the challenge. Even though its a big beast 46cm deep! It should be cheaper than my current set-up and better performing with my speakers.

09-04-2016, 18:07
If you manage to track down an XTZ D3, you won't need a passive pre as it's an integrated amp.