View Full Version : Cart storage, how do you do yours?

04-04-2016, 09:08
Hi all,

I just mopped up a bunch of headshells and budget carts to play around with on the second system (Planar 2 with R200 arm)

I'm looking forward to experiementing with mixing and matching carts to shells, to the deck etc, but what I'm not sure about is what is 'best practice' for how to store the shells and carts that aren't mounted at any given moment (there is also a dumb cat and an inquisitive baby to deal with).

So, what cunning (and preferably cheap) methods have you got for keeping your cart collection close to hand for ready swapping but also safe, sound and not too dusty?

04-04-2016, 09:11
In the boxes they came in.
I was looking at trying to find a suitable box with small storage compartments.
Either that or make one up, using expanded foam with circular holes cut into it. This is only useful if you have stylus guards though.

04-04-2016, 09:28
Headshell boxes usually homemade come up on ebay from time to time. The minature figurine wall boxes or thimble one would store carts if not attached to shells...some will do both and often have glass doors.. Ex shop display Boxes work well too and often are lockable.

04-04-2016, 10:37
Check out Wine boxes on Ebay (the ones made from proper wood with hinges and a clasp) buy a bit of upholstery foam and job done it will fit maybe 7 headshells

04-04-2016, 11:54
Here is an unpainted one, but there are often varnished / lacquered examples for similar money.


I bought enough 1" thick upholstery foam to put a layer in the bottom then second layer on top which if you cut a small "x" in this the headshell will stand upright. I added a further 1" layer in the top.

Works out a lot cheaper than the ready made boxes, and you can get more in.

04-04-2016, 12:10
I use a couple of these: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fidelity-Research-K-5-cartridge-and-headshell-keeper-case-holder-/291728327360?hash=item43ec5d02c0:g:Sz0AAOSwS7hXAVV N. Not cheap, but the best there is.

For un-mounted cartridges , that have a stylus guard, you could use a papier maché egg box. Not particularly elegant but cheap :)

04-04-2016, 13:19

Wakefield Turntables
04-04-2016, 14:19
Piece of 2x4 from the garage, cut straight and then 8-10 holes drilled in alignment to head shells diameter. Job done, cost free 'twas an off cut.

04-04-2016, 17:04
Thanks all,

Andy's wine boxes look like they'll do the job a treat, with a bit of wood in the bottom with some holes drilled is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for. (Barry's made-for-the-job box also looks amazing but I'd rather have more records / carts at that price).

09-04-2016, 07:21
Esoteric Sound in the US do a nice box taking 6 headshells each. I have just invested in two. A bit spenny, especially with import duty, but what the hell! Go to their website & look under Accessories.

Alternatively there are the individual Nagaoka ones, which they also show but I think you can find these on E bay. Not cheap either but good quality.