View Full Version : Teach me about sut's

01-04-2016, 19:47
Looking to get my new tt sorted in the next couple of months in an attempt to enter the world of MC cart's. I have a superb dual input phono stage and have been trolling ebay for sut's. Now being genuinely doubting Thomas I've seen a couple of adjustable sut's one by graham slee and the other a lounge audio copla. Now looking at other solid state sut's I feel that really can one soild state non adjustable sut perform better than a variable adjustable one and give just as good sound????
All answers welcomed as I'm totally new to MC carts :) :)

01-04-2016, 19:50
probably better with a head amp. Both Jez and Firebottle have loaners on the go,

01-04-2016, 20:05
I don't know about the Lounge Audio, but the Graham Slee is not an SUT. They do an MC phono stage and an MC head amp (not the same thing). A head amp is an alternative to an SUT. The Elevator is their head amp and the MC phono stage I'm familiar with is a version of the Reflex model. I use the Reflex M which is the MM version, with a proper SUT. Sounds great!

01-04-2016, 20:05
+1:) even though I have a SUT Graham i would certainly recommend you try the Firebottle Head amp. I had one on loan and its superb, in fact so good i'm buying one.

01-04-2016, 20:39
some light reading


01-04-2016, 20:41
I'm confused about all this head amp business - I have a great phono stage and happy with my croft destiny so why do I need and use another amp - the slee elevator has various ohm switchable inputs and the copla works like a tuner where u just turn the knob to the required ohms :) :)

01-04-2016, 20:46
Looking to get my new tt sorted in the next couple of months in an attempt to enter the world of MC cart's. I have a superb dual input phono stage and have been trolling ebay for sut's.
Shouldn't do that! Trawling is better. :D

01-04-2016, 20:48
the elevator is a head amp as well, just a different name.I think. step up amp' head amp, just different terms. they boost a mc signal to mm level. A sut does it via windings

01-04-2016, 20:51
A head amp and an SUT do the same thing. They raise the output of low output MCs to a point that meets the input requirements of an MM phono stage input.

The MM phono stage has output that matches amplifier line level inputs.

An MC phono stage provides output at line level also.

01-04-2016, 20:58
that makes more sense guy's but the solid state ones like ortofon etc do they do just a good job without being adjustable ??? I've seen people mention jap transformers solid state as well for big money Im just curious as to how something solid state transformer can accommodate various output MC's and work well

01-04-2016, 21:04
they dont tbh Graham. They are wound at a level say 15/1 step up, but are voiced a bit for a particular stage and cart(not completely but are better with some, not all). a head amp is more versatile as you can load them to suit different carts etc... cheaper too

01-04-2016, 21:19
You could consider high output MCs I guess. That would save you a lot of messing about, as they are used directly into an MM input without SUT or head amp. In my opinion many high output MCs are pretty dire, but there are exceptions. Something from Dynavector maybe?

What MC did you have in mind anyway Graham?

01-04-2016, 21:37
Yeh Geoff, my whole plan is to have a play with various low output mc's on removable headshells so I can just play and listen - I suppose just like valve rolling but with carts instead - I've been shying away from the likes of denon etc cant see the point when I've got my 2m black set up perfect on my other deck :) :)

01-04-2016, 23:13
I must need glasses, or maybe it was just wishful thinking. I thought this was entitled "teach me about SLUTS". Oh well, it was posted April 1st.

02-04-2016, 08:35
I must need glasses, or maybe it was just wishful thinking. I thought this was entitled "teach me about SLUTS". Oh well, it was posted April 1st.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: probably wishful thinking :cool: :cool:

02-04-2016, 09:07
One thing to consider with SUT,s Graham is that they can be very cartridge specific. In many cases it is all about trying to find a SUT that works well with your particular MC cartridge.

On the other hand Head amps are a bit easier to match with a MC Cartridge especially if they have options for cartridge loading.

In my opinion though a well matched SUT with a MC cartridge can sound better than a Head amp. They tend to be more transparent.

If you are after a SUT I would strongly suggest the K&K Audio SUT, it really is superb. Mine was bought off Marco who can testify how much he though of it and I know he has tried quite a few SUT,s in his system!:)

02-04-2016, 09:16
Rothwell stepups are excellent, whether SS or transformer. There is a huge amount of non BS information about this on their website.

Arkless Electronics
02-04-2016, 12:30
The best head amps will generally be more transparent and lower colouration than SUT's.