View Full Version : Tannoy solid brass badges

24-03-2016, 22:58
I am looking for the little round badges Tannoy used to place on their speakers. I need 2 of them, I've been searching eBay and some of the other sites but to no avail. I'll consider any leads. The picture of what they look like can be found here:

https://www.google.com/search?q=badge+tannoy&tbm=isch&imgil=oYE2qXV_pMxHmM%253A%253BBGGxgPUg90C2gM%253Bh ttp%25253A%25252F%25252Ftheartofsound.net%25252Ffo rum%25252Fshowthread.php%25253F40937-WANTED-Circular-Tannoy-badge&source=iu&pf=m&fir=oYE2qXV_pMxHmM%253A%252CBGGxgPUg90C2gM%252C_&usg=__HddyHG4rd-6t8IhaV2GBNI5xyA4%3D&biw=1144&bih=618&ved=0ahUKEwi0mrrWtdrLAhUG1h4KHc42D3MQyjcIJg&ei=lHD0VrSAAYase87tvJgH#imgrc=oYE2qXV_pMxHmM%3A

24-03-2016, 23:21
Good luck Rick. They are few and far between, but do pop up for sale now and then.

Have you contacted Lockwood Audio? It's just possible they may be able to help.


25-03-2016, 00:00
On ebay are people that will make a badge from a photo. A friend has some replacement RAM badges made, pretty good they were.

26-03-2016, 15:49
Hi Rick,

I know I'm on the other side of the pond, but I could make those for you. I'd just need to know the correct diameter and thickness.

