View Full Version : Hello Art of Sound !

03-11-2009, 21:21
Good to be here !

Returning to analogue after a long lay off - decided to get the old girl up and running again - A Source turntable bought new from the Music Room in Glasgow in 1986. Going to get the arm (Mission 774) rewired. Have an original Garrott P-77 to get things going. Have had to fit a new motor to The Source as the old one gave up the ghost a few years back (Origin Live). Looking forward to a new arm eventually and a better phono stage - have Musical Fidelity X-Phono at present - but would love a Audion Premier !

Let the vinyl proceedings kick off again !

Spectral Morn
03-11-2009, 21:23
Good to be here !

Returning to analogue after a long lay off - decided to get the old girl up and running again - A Source turntable bought new from the Music Room in Glasgow in 1986. Going to get the arm (Mission 774) rewired. Have an original Garrott P-77 to get things going. Have had to fit a new motor to The Source as the old one gave up the ghost a few years back (Origin Live). Looking forward to a new arm eventually and a better phono stage - have Musical Fidelity X-Phono at present - but would love a Audion Premier !

Let the vinyl proceedings kick off again !

Hi welcome to AOS.

Source TT is a very nice deck indeed. Enjoy your trip back into spinning "12 in of plastic with a hole in the middle"

Whats the rest of your set up ? and we tend to use and like members to use a first name in their signature...makes for a more friendly forum.

Regards D S D L

03-11-2009, 22:39
Yep, welcome and above all, good luck!

The Grand Wazoo
03-11-2009, 23:33
Hi there!
Welcome to AoS. Always liked the idea of the Source/Odyssey, so I'm a little jealous!
I spent loads of cash at that place in Bath Street too!

Hope you get what you want from the AoS. What sort of music will you be playing on your TT?


04-11-2009, 22:32
Thanks for the welcome guys.

My other front end is a Consonance Droplet 5.0 CD player.

Amps are Audiopax Model 5 pre and Model 98 power.

Speakers are Magnepan 2.6R's

Cabling by Acoustic Zen

Musical tastes - very broad - prog, jazz, rock, funk, classical, electronica, blues, pop - you name it really - if I like it I like it - the genre doesn't matter.

Names - Rush, Zappa, Porcupine Tree, Kraftewerk, Steve Hackett, Brand X, Flower Kings, Frost

I play bass guitar too so I do like the likes of Percy Jones, Marcus Miller, Stanley Clarke, Jonas Hellborg etc etc

Have been going to a lot of classical music concerts in Cardiff - in the bay - a venue called Hoddinot Hall - its part of the Millenium Center and is a fantastic rehearsal space for the National Orchestra of Wales. Can recommend it if you live anywhere near South Wales. Plus some of the concerts are free - you don't know what that means to a Scot like myself....
The free concerts tend to be recordings for BBC Radio 3 - a recent programme about Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition was just fab - incredible dynamics. I can't imagine what you'd have to spend to get your system to sound like that !

What gigs have I been to of late - Steve Hackett, Porcupine Tree, Michael Schenker - off to see Riverside/Pineapple Thief on the 16th Nov (Bilston) - possibly Senser in Cardiff on 12th Nov. Have tickets for Gong/Steve Hillage in Bristol and Rammstein in Brum in Feb.

Looking forward to getting the old TT back in action !


04-11-2009, 22:44
Hi Bill,

Welcome to AoS! Are you from South Wales, then? :cool:

It's good to see someone who regularly goes to gigs and hears live music!


Spectral Morn
04-11-2009, 23:17
Thanks for the welcome guys.

My other front end is a Consonance Droplet 5.0 CD player.

Amps are Audiopax Model 5 pre and Model 98 power.

Speakers are Magnepan 2.6R's

Cabling by Acoustic Zen

Musical tastes - very broad - prog, jazz, rock, funk, classical, electronica, blues, pop - you name it really - if I like it I like it - the genre doesn't matter.

Names - Rush, Zappa, Porcupine Tree, Kraftewerk, Steve Hackett, Brand X, Flower Kings, Frost

I play bass guitar too so I do like the likes of Percy Jones, Marcus Miller, Stanley Clarke, Jonas Hellborg etc etc

Have been going to a lot of classical music concerts in Cardiff - in the bay - a venue called Hoddinot Hall - its part of the Millenium Center and is a fantastic rehearsal space for the National Orchestra of Wales. Can recommend it if you live anywhere near South Wales. Plus some of the concerts are free - you don't know what that means to a Scot like myself....
The free concerts tend to be recordings for BBC Radio 3 - a recent programme about Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition was just fab - incredible dynamics. I can't imagine what you'd have to spend to get your system to sound like that !

What gigs have I been to of late - Steve Hackett, Porcupine Tree, Michael Schenker - off to see Riverside/Pineapple Thief on the 16th Nov (Bilston) - possibly Senser in Cardiff on 12th Nov. Have tickets for Gong/Steve Hillage in Bristol and Rammstein in Brum in Feb.

Looking forward to getting the old TT back in action !


Wow....love your system, cabling and music taste.

Please post some pictures of your set up in the Gallery section of the forum....pretty please.

Regards D S D L

05-11-2009, 21:47
OK - will send some piccies when the Model 98 comes back from a service.

It's place is being taken by a pair of Acoustic Reality monoblock power amps - class D amps using the B&O module - 1200watts per side into 4 ohms. Mind you class D watts must be quite different from valve watts as the 30 watt Audiopax is not far behind in the punchiness stakes - quite a surprise really !


05-11-2009, 21:55
Hi Bill,

Where are you from, mate? I did ask before but I don't think you said :)
