View Full Version : WTD: Phono pre-amp for my Quad 405-2

06-03-2016, 14:59
I'm very happy with my Quad 34 pre but I have read so many times that it holds back the 405 that I've decided I would like to see / hear for myself.

I've tried various passives and they just seem to suck the life and drive out of the music, so it will need to be active please.

The pre will also need 2 line level inputs and a half decent phono stage. At the price I am considering (£200 - £250) it is far more likely to be SS but I'm not against valve either.

Not overly fussed about cosmetics but must be functionally 100%.

I must admit to being sceptical about beating my current pre for sensible money but what do you have / recommend that will show my 34 a clean pair of heels for that sort of money ?

Thanks for your help and for looking.