View Full Version : Wanted: armbase for Hanss / Amari turntable

29-02-2016, 16:45
Hi all,

by chance does anyone have an armbase for the Hanss/Amari turntables for the old Rega arms (I attach the pic, I guess that the code is HA-CMA)?

Indeed my Hanss TT has the new 3 point armbase but my tonearm has a larger diameter and not with the new 3 points fitting.

Paolohttp://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j58/Paolo_Carrozza/11227507_10153817245589929_6176871687866016111_n_z pszj41ooox.jpg


Spectral Morn
29-02-2016, 17:01
Nice turntable, I have heard the T20 and liked it.

Problem is you are going to have to talk to Hanns direct, or a European distributor to get a new board, old stock arm board. Hanns presence in the UK was brief and despite positive reviews it didn't take off here, therefore I doubt there are many users and certainly not any with a spare armboard, I could be wrong though.

I am sure you might be able to find someone who might be able to machine you one, but you would have to send the board to them so they have the sizes, but it would not have the VTA aspect.

In the UK, and a member of AoS, the guy to talk to is speedy.steve here is his trade shop and examples of his work both metal and wood http://theartofsound.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?83-Magna-Audio

29-02-2016, 18:29
Thank you Neil,

I am in contact with Hanss directly and also with their distributor in italy.
The distributor is lost in the mist...no answers after first mails...
I am dealing with Hanss since some time and they have to check with the chinese manufacturer...
So I am trying to speed it up.
I am not very expert with hands and setting...and also here in Dubai there's no much choice in terms of analog knowledge.
Thanks for the tip. I will keep it as an option (surely not too quick...)

Spectral Morn
29-02-2016, 18:41
Thank you Neil,

I am in contact with Hanss directly and also with their distributor in italy.
The distributor is lost in the mist...no answers after first mails...
I am dealing with Hanss since some time and they have to check with the chinese manufacturer...
So I am trying to speed it up.
I am not very expert with hands and setting...and also here in Dubai there's no much choice in terms of analog knowledge.
Thanks for the tip. I will keep it as an option (surely not too quick...)

No worries a fixed armboard like the SME one could be made, for whatever your arm is. The Hanns VTA system is very clever and well executed.

29-02-2016, 18:46

standard cut outs are Sme & Rega on the T20
Sure speedy steve could make you a new arm board

29-02-2016, 19:47
Indeed...the VTA... I do not have it :)
I have an SME 3009 series 2 upgraded on the other base and here I should install an Origin Live Silver.
The base I have is this one, the internal hole is 22-23 mm. It doesnt fit the OL

29-02-2016, 22:07
There's a shop in HK that stock Amari turntables. I've bought from them before with no trouble. It might be worth asking them.

Spectral Morn
29-02-2016, 22:19
Indeed...the VTA... I do not have it :)
I have an SME 3009 series 2 upgraded on the other base and here I should install an Origin Live Silver.
The base I have is this one, the internal hole is 22-23 mm. It doesnt fit the OL

That's weird, as OL make these to fit current Rega armboards, so Hanns must have made this hole off spec, at a guess. Email Mark Baker at OL and ask.

Spectral Morn
29-02-2016, 22:36
There's a shop in HK that stock Amari turntables. I've bought from them before with no trouble. It might be worth asking them.

Love the look of the new Amari (Hanns) turntables. I wonder what the item is in the header, I can't see it in the product listings. It looks cool.

01-03-2016, 03:29
Thanks Richard,
good suggestion.
I'll do immediately

There's a shop in HK that stock Amari turntables. I've bought from them before with no trouble. It might be worth asking them.

01-03-2016, 03:32
What deos "OL" stand for?
I guess that my OL is for the old Rega base. While the new is different?
Anyway I sent a mail to OL as well. I hope they might help
Thanks for the suggestion

That's weird, as OL make these to fit current Rega armboards, so Hanns must have made this hole off spec, at a guess. Email Mark Baker at OL and ask.

Spectral Morn
01-03-2016, 07:44
What deos "OL" stand for?
I guess that my OL is for the old Rega base. While the new is different?
Anyway I sent a mail to OL as well. I hope they might help
Thanks for the suggestion

Origin Live (OL) they still supply some of their arms with the old single hole mount, but also for the three small hole and arm cable hole, the new style Rega mount. Mark of OL can tell you what the standard hole sizes should be.

My view is if your Origin Live is the new mount and it doesn't fit then the Hanns hole is off spec. If it's the single hole mount arm then it won't fit the new mount, because the old Rega arms have a thread for a nut, and the new doesn't using the three mounting screws instead.

Which version of the OL Silver do you have ?

01-03-2016, 19:14
Which version?
OMG do more than one version exist?!?!? :eek:
Here it is

Spectral Morn
01-03-2016, 21:37
Which version?
OMG do more than one version exist?!?!? :eek:
Here it is

Yes, but I was wrong about the mounting :doh: both old and new use the old Rega threaded stub and nut arrangement. Sorry, old age. I was confused in that you could get a Rega arm upgraded to silver status and I recall a friend had one, but it was based on the new Rega mount not the old - sorry, wonky memory.