View Full Version : WANTED, Balanced mains power supply

26-02-2016, 20:39
Title says it all. Happy to consider Airlinks or similar.

Please reply here or send me a PM.


26-02-2016, 21:50
Got a Furman IT-Reference 16E i Discrete Symmetrical AC power supply if interested. Boxed but weighs an absolute ton http://www.furmansound.com/product.php?div=04&id=IT-REF_16Ei

26-02-2016, 22:39
Got a Furman IT-Reference 16E i Discrete Symmetrical AC power supply if interested. Boxed but weighs an absolute ton http://www.furmansound.com/product.php?div=04&id=IT-REF_16Ei

If you want to sell it, you should advertise it for sale in Private Exhibitions, stating price asked and providing a photograph of the actual item you have.

26-02-2016, 22:43
Thanks Droom, read your links and saw the price. This is not what I am looking for. I just want a basic balanced supply such as an Airlinks. This kind of thing:


Thanks anyway.

26-02-2016, 22:51
Airlinks a good'un.

Ran mine for a few years now, improvements across the board.
Noise floor? What noise floor!

26-02-2016, 23:12
If you want to sell it, you should advertise it for sale in Private Exhibitions, stating price asked and providing a photograph of the actual item you have.

Barry, this is my thread. Your reply seems a little unfair. I have made a wanted advertisement. droom has responded believing he has an item that meets my requirements which as it turns out is not the case. Nevertheless, I believe he responded genuinely to my original WANTED advert and I am thankful to him for that. If he has breached any rules by not conveying this by PM only, then an apology comes from me. after all, I did invite responses to this public thread, and maybe that was incorrect. I don't know, please educate me.


26-02-2016, 23:18
Barry, this is my thread. Your reply seems a little unfair. I have made a wanted advertisement. droom has responded believing he has an item that meets my requirements which as it turns out is not the case. Nevertheless, I believe he responded genuinely to my original WANTED advert and I am thankful to him for that. If he has breached any rules by not conveying this by PM only, then an apology comes from me. after all, I did invite responses to this public thread, and maybe that was incorrect. I don't know, please educate me.


A PM would have been better.

26-02-2016, 23:40
A PM would have been better.

Why, when you originally made it a public matter? You haven't answered my questions. As said, I'm happy to be responsible if I made a mistake. No problem if YOU made a mistake and if you did, a simple explanation would help all readers to put this into a perspective bed. Let's move on.... I just need to buy a Balanced Power Supply unit and would welcome potential sellers by PM or whatever is appropriate.

No beef, let's leave it at that.

Audio Advent
27-02-2016, 00:17
Thanks Droom, read your links and saw the price. This is not what I am looking for. I just want a basic balanced supply such as an Airlinks. This kind of thing:


Thanks anyway.

Shame you didn't post the wanted ad a couple of weeks ago - an Airlink like that sold on ebay for about £120 or so.

27-02-2016, 00:43
Yep, I know and my mate happens to be the happy new owner. Previously I trialled a NVA BMU and that improved performance, but for several reasons, I will not buy one. The Airlinks seems to provide the same solution, hence my search for one, although having said that, the course of this thread is such that a positive response is now unlikely. I'll shut up for now and ask again at a later date.

27-02-2016, 00:50
Yep, I know and my mate happens to be the happy new owner. Previously I trialled a NVA BMU and that improved performance, but for several reasons, I will not buy one. The Airlinks seems to provide the same solution, hence my search for one, although having said that, the course of this thread is such that a positive response is now unlikely. I'll shut up for now and ask again at a later date.

I was about to suggest the NVA BMU, as they receive good reviews and are very good value for money. But you have already gone down that path.

27-02-2016, 09:09
Previously I trialled a NVA BMU and that improved performance, but for several reasons, I will not buy one.

Heh-heh... Yup, old fashioned values, such as requiring to have a modicum of respect for the manufacturer of any equipment that one buys, can be a heavy cross to bear! ;)


wee tee cee
27-02-2016, 15:47
Ive run a Airlink bmu for a couple of years-great no nonsense bit of kit. They aint too salty price wise new!!!

27-02-2016, 19:42
Ive run a Airlink bmu for a couple of years-great no nonsense bit of kit. They aint too salty price wise new!!!

yes, I know. Not only a fair price (£100 cheaper than a NVA BMU), they are nicely compact, and having looked inside my friend's, very well constructed. The rub is, he got his for £123 on eBay, so was just looking to see if anyone wanted to offload one ;)

27-02-2016, 20:13
Why, when you originally made it a public matter? You haven't answered my questions. As said, I'm happy to be responsible if I made a mistake. No problem if YOU made a mistake and if you did, a simple explanation would help all readers to put this into a perspective bed. Let's move on.... I just need to buy a Balanced Power Supply unit and would welcome potential sellers by PM or whatever is appropriate.

No beef, let's leave it at that.


Upon reflection and after discussion with a fellow Moderator, it seem I was being somewhat heavy-handed with my interception of your thread, for which I now offer my apologies.


27-02-2016, 20:33
Hi Greg ,

What is your budget,

27-02-2016, 23:13

Upon reflection and after discussion with a fellow Moderator, it seem I was being somewhat heavy-handed with my interception of your thread, for which I now offer my apologies.


No problem whatsoever, Barry. Just forget it. Considering all I have read from you previously over the years, I could not believe you had suddenly changed character :)

No apology needed but thank you for your gracious response.

I'm all good here......just wondering why when I infrequently post on AOS, I always seem to attract controversy, which has resulted in the past with bans which, after some discussion, Marco has kindly agreed to recind, allowing me to resume membership here, which I appreciate. It has certainly allowed me to sell satisfactorily a couple of items.

Oh, on another point, It rather gobsmacks me to have to admit that regarding Lidl/Aldi discussions, I am (it pains me to admit it ;)), in total agreement with Marco on this topic. There you go Marco.....we do have something in common :)

27-02-2016, 23:49
Hi Greg ,

What is your budget,

Hi James,

Good to hear from you. Budget is exactly that, budget, so I'm looking for a nice price, say £200 for a good Airlinks. I don't think I am being an arse. My wanted add was based on the basis that someone might have one, not being used and would like to off load. I'm not into fancy filtering etc. I just want a basic balanced mains PSU because I now have trialled a NVA BMU and an Airlinks, both of which improved my sound in terms of tightening the whole frequency image and putting instruments/voices into clearer space. Also,the background was quieter/cleaner. To me, the Airlinks is the best option for reasons I have given above. Performance was equal, but construction and size puts the Airlinks well ahead of the NVA.

On another note, have just got my SC back from Chris and it is a brilliant Pre/Volume control. It really has improved my system. My only criticism is that with more than one source running, there is interfering crosstalk. However, I'm concluding that as I only ever need one source active at any time, this is a nuisance I can readily live with. It is well advanced compared with the early SC and I understand Marco's is currently being upgraded. Marco, I really expect you will love it!

28-02-2016, 00:23
As said previously, I believe this 'wanted ad' has now been very much compromised, and I know I have contributed to that, but it was good to make some positive communication with Marco, Barry and James. I will try again another time. After all, it's not helpful to a 'wanted' thread when other members who have what you are after, post that they already have it and it is the best thing since sliced bread! Surely that makes the potential seller to think again and reduce options for the buyer. No matter. I'll go on from here and maybe submit another 'Wanted' at a later date, or I might just bite the bullet and give Airlinks £400 and be done with it. It's probably worth it in terms of sound improvement in my system, I was just hoping for a nice deal. I'll think on it.........

28-02-2016, 02:55
I'd just stump up for a brand new Airllink, higher the KV value the better.

Its one of those "do once and forget about it" hifi purchases.
At the time I debated whether the (seemingly) high outlay was worth it....so glad I did.
Like getting your driving licence, you'll never look back. :)

28-02-2016, 08:55
I'm all good here......just wondering why when I infrequently post on AOS, I always seem to attract controversy, which has resulted in the past with bans which, after some discussion, Marco has kindly agreed to recind, allowing me to resume membership here, which I appreciate. It has certainly allowed me to sell satisfactorily a couple of items.

No problem, Greg. Life's too short to be bitter or hold permanent grudges. I'm always up for giving folk second, or even third chances, if they're willing to be reasonable :)

Oh, on another point, It rather gobsmacks me to have to admit that regarding Lidl/Aldi discussions, I am (it pains me to admit it ;)), in total agreement with Marco on this topic. There you go Marco.....we do have something in common :)

Lol - I think we have rather more in common than you might think!


05-03-2016, 22:34
I have, through this forum found what I wanted. Many thanks, MrRadish.

05-03-2016, 22:49
Youve been raddished? :D