View Full Version : Wanted: Rotel Michi RHC-10 passive preamp

31-10-2009, 12:42
Looking for a nice Rotel Michi RHC-10 passive preamp to go with my vintage valve poweramp.

Condition must be good.

31-10-2009, 13:16
You need a Croft. Not as well finished, but it'll sound better! :ner:

31-10-2009, 13:29
You need a Croft. Not as well finished, but it'll sound better! :ner:

Which model:eyebrows:

31-10-2009, 13:32
The little credit-crunch buster at £350 will do you nicely sir.......:) Great phono stage and clean line stage too. The old Micro's sold in large numbers with Quad and Leak amps such as yours - ask HiFi Dave, he sold most of 'em............;)

31-10-2009, 13:42
The little credit-crunch buster at £350 will do you nicely sir.......:) Great phono stage and clean line stage too. The old Micro's sold in large numbers with Quad and Leak amps such as yours - ask HiFi Dave, he sold most of 'em............;)

It take it you mean this:)


31-10-2009, 13:59
No Shane, I mean the Series 25 Basic -


Looks the same as the Series 25 but with old style "Croft" control knobs ;)

It's new, it's inexpensive, it's hand-made by the master and it's very, very good!!!!!

31-10-2009, 14:01
Been looking at the Micro 25, very interesting. I will bare it in mind. I don't know how it will sound against a Rotel Michi passive, but I'm sure the croft will better my Quad 44.

31-10-2009, 14:09
The 44 is ok in a "controlled" kind of way and one person who compared it "blind" with an EAR 834l couldn't detect a difference. The EAR is now well over a grand to buy I understand and doesn't have a phono stage and that's the main reason I don't mention it..

The Series 25 has a "freshness" about the sound which I personally find highly addictive. It's not inaccurate, it's just that in typical systems like "ours" on here, the inevitable design compromises work to help one get deeply involved in the music being played, something that the better solid-state alternatives have more difficulty doing.

That's what we're going on about when we talk about "art" in audio design. Cost and looks are irrelevant here, it's how otherwise well measuring units "stir the soul."

31-10-2009, 15:03
Been reading about the Croft EPOCH ELITE preamp. Would this be suitable with the Leak Stereo 20 also?

DSJR, this is your fault tempting me for the crofts;):)

Ali Tait
31-10-2009, 15:13
If it's passive you want,consider this-


Can be bought built if you don't fancy DIY'ing.

01-11-2009, 12:43
Been reading about the Croft EPOCH ELITE preamp. Would this be suitable with the Leak Stereo 20 also?

DSJR, this is your fault tempting me for the crofts;):)

Crofty's moved on since then. PM marco if you want a blow by blow of what was done to his Epoch preamp...

Glenn Croft went through a period where he was "persuaded" to make ever more expensive (for the sake of it) products that were more bling and not always hugely better than preamps like the little Vitale, which I understand may be the direct ancestor of the current models rather than mine, which has a very different circuit I think).

The Epoch does look gorgeous though and Glenn will always have it back for a darned good updating and he won't charge you the earth either!!!!!