View Full Version : The Arkless MC head amp.

21-02-2016, 20:21
I have never written any sort of review for any type of product or service before, therefore I apologise in advance for the lack of structure of these sentences. Nor am I very good at describing exactly what it is which I hear; I simply know what I like. I do though, kind of feel compelled to try and compose something about that which I now have sitting in my system.

Firstly, I'll try and explain how I ended up with this head amp. Like many of you I rely on other peoples opinions and recommendations regarding which kit I buy to try in my system; I don't think I've bought a brand new piece of hifi equipment in over 10 years, hence demonstrating before buying is nigh on impossible. After all my research, I had pretty much decided that a Hashimoto based SUT was the way forward for me. These transformers are heaped in praise on every single post or review I read about them, not only that, the adjectives used match perfectly with my listening tastes. With SUT's decided on, I posted in this forum to see if anyone would kindly loan me something similar before I went ahead and spent a few hundred quid on a couple of transformers, this before trying to stumble my way through wiring diagrams and relearning how to solder so I could install them in a box and use as intended. The kind gent that is paule offered to loan me his extremely well reviewed Choir Audio SUT-H7.

In the meantime I was speaking to Jez by pm regarding his one off MC head amp which he advertised for sale here. He agreed to let me loan the unit to try with the prospective to buy. I got my hands on the Choir Audio unit first and installed it in my system. I was AMAZED. This unit completed (until the next upgrade of course :doh:) my vinyl system. I was there. Made it. At last. Everything I had read about the Hashimoto's was perfectly true, 'organic' was a word I often read regarding the noises produced with them in a vinyl system, I now know exactly what was meant by this.

After a short while I felt slightly bad as I knew Jez had already sent out his head amp and there's no way it could compete with this H7 based SUT.

Turns out I was wrong. Jez's head amp is absolutely superb. Firstly the bass is just so impressive, my speakers surprised me at the depth of bass they were now producing. The attack of the bass and the mid range is mightily impressive. My dogs aren't keen mind. Notes stop and start ferociously and the amount of detail retrieved is unreal. With all of the above and more the music presented is just so enjoyable and exciting. I sit, smile and tap my foot. My girlfriend commented that my stereo now sounds more like you're there at the gig. That she has an opinion at all says a lot in itself. I absolutely love this thing! I fully expected to need to try the head amp for a fair amount of time before making my decision but I just didn't need to. It works perfectly well in my sytem and I feel very lucky that I managed to claim it before anyone else snapped it up.

My system is:-
Technics 1210. MN bearing. Timestep PSU. VA platter. Micro Seiki MA-202. AT 33PTG.
Croft 25R
Sugden A21aP
B&W 805N

Arkless Electronics
21-02-2016, 20:56
Thanks for the great review Alex! I'm glad it found a good home.

A small but sonically important mod was made to it after Marco and Ali tried and loved it so it should be something really special now ;)

A budget head amp will be available for trial very shortly ;) Check out the thread at my trade section folks....

21-02-2016, 21:52
Excellent stuff, Alex. Glad it's hitting the spot. It is indeed a really nice sounding piece of kit :)

However, even although it's not exactly a 'looker' (that's wasn't the point), some pics of stuff being reviewed, and in this instance Jez's head amp, is always appreciated! :cool:


Ali Tait
21-02-2016, 22:05
Yep, good bit of kit this, sounded great in my system.

22-02-2016, 07:24
I am gutted the timing was not right for me, but I am glad that it has found a worthy home and is no being used instead of being sat in a cupboard.

22-02-2016, 09:13
Is that the wheels of a modest production run i hear starting to turn...

22-02-2016, 09:33
Could you post some pics of the head amp, Alex? :)


22-02-2016, 10:28
I will do; at work at the minute and have the joy of buying the internals of a wardrobe this evening but I will when I get chance. Promise.

Arkless Electronics
22-02-2016, 12:29
Is that the wheels of a modest production run i hear starting to turn...

A budget head amp will available in days (would have been a day ago but other stuff needed doing) ;) Strangely, although SUT's at £1200+ seem to sell, there appears to be no demand for a head amp at £800 that will beat them :scratch:

Pending further positive feedback on the unit, a PCB will be designed for the hybrid phono stage and a "production demonstrator" will be made of which an identical one can be ordered (the exact spec to which to make these is still rather in the air... It will be a high end ish design but whether to try and do it for £1500 or so or fling everything at it and make something at around £3000 designed to take on the competition at say £6K is the big question). A discrete SS MC only phono stage at a lower price (say £800 for now) and built on Paradise concept of zero feedback transimpedance amp is also on the cards as is a "budget" op-amp based phono stage, MM and MC at around £400. A VFM headphone amp will also follow (not the high end single ended class A one already prototyped)

Them's the plans folks...

22-02-2016, 14:37
I'm confused - is the headamp reviewed by Alex the same as that auditioned by Marco and Ali, and is the one proposed to sell for £180?

22-02-2016, 14:44
It's not the one that will sell for £180.

22-02-2016, 14:47
So exactly what was the "one-off headamp" that Alex reviewed?

22-02-2016, 14:50
What happened to the cheap head amp?

22-02-2016, 14:52
EXACTLY - what is the prototype supposedly doing the rounds?

Arkless Electronics
22-02-2016, 14:56
I'm confused - is the headamp reviewed by Alex the same as that auditioned by Marco and Ali, and is the one proposed to sell for £180?

Oh I thought it was very clear.. maybe not. The one bought and reviewed by Alex is the same one tried by Marco and Ali (it has been improved since they heard it though). This is a high end head amp which would be £800 if I made any more.
It has nothing to do with the budget one which is about to be available at a still undecided price... but in the ballpark of the £180 you mention. I intend the budget one to offer probably 80% of the sound quality of the high end one and to certainly wipe the floor with £500 ish SUT's ;)

22-02-2016, 14:56
See thread here regarding proposed head amp:-


This is the one I bought:-


Arkless Electronics
22-02-2016, 15:05
Obviously nobody reads all the stuff I post :D All the above has been explained in detail more than once.

The one Alex bought is my original prototype for a high end head amp. It is a one off because it seems no one wants to pay £800 for a head amp even if it beats an SUT at double the price. Alex got it at a knock down price as a clearance item. I therefore have no plans to make another one UNLESS by some miracle people suddenly start asking for one (checks window for flying pigs...).

There are no head amps doing the rounds at the moment but there will be within a couple of days. This will be the budget one. See the thread on the budget one in my trade section for more details.

Edit: Alex beat me to it by putting the links in!

22-02-2016, 15:20
We're not expected to remember designs that were discussed over three years ago!

Arkless Electronics
22-02-2016, 15:28
We're not expected to remember designs that were discussed over three years ago!

Lol. It has been mentioned quite a lot lately though...

22-02-2016, 21:55
As promised, a little pic of this rather boring looking, but oh so very exciting sounding head amp.

http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq99/alcarmichael/Mobile%20Uploads/image_8.jpeg (http://s437.photobucket.com/user/alcarmichael/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_8.jpeg.html)

22-02-2016, 22:13
Cheers, Alex.

Although, as you say, it's "boring looking" (actually I quite like the unit's utilitarian looks), pics put some 'meat on the bone', on reviews, and also help cheer things up! :cool:


22-02-2016, 22:20
I like my stereos to be like my women.... sweet and pretty ;)

22-02-2016, 23:02
I like my stereos to be like my women.... sweet and pretty ;)

Down to earth and up front is also good for both! ;)

22-04-2016, 17:08
Another picture showing it alongside the rest of my system.

http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq99/alcarmichael/Mobile%20Uploads/image_12.jpeg (http://s437.photobucket.com/user/alcarmichael/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_12.jpeg.html)

23-04-2016, 08:40
What's the arm on the Techy, Alex - an Audiocraft? :)


23-04-2016, 09:15
Micro Seiki MA-202

23-04-2016, 09:33
Ah yes, that's the chap. Love 'em! And they work superbly on a Techy :)


23-04-2016, 10:48
Having seen this picture on my iPad for the first time I've realised just how poor it is! I'll try and take a better one.

23-04-2016, 10:59
That's a funky looking rack Alex. I like it! :)

23-04-2016, 11:15
I do too. My girlfriend is very difficult to please! For over a year my stereo has been sat on the floor while searching for a rack she found aesthetically acceptable. It's actually a TV stand but she likes the curved wood which matches the B&W speakers and the Eames (style) chair.