View Full Version : Is this in British Pounds or Euro's ?

11-02-2016, 03:31
Is this bike in British Pounds or Euro's.
I am trying to figure out how much in U.S. dollars.

Thanks, Jeff

11-02-2016, 03:41
Looks like it's 995 British pounds Jeff .

11-02-2016, 04:24
Thank you, Brian that's what I thought.

11-02-2016, 07:58
The Pound sign, before the '995', gives it away, daftee! ;)


Mark Grant
11-02-2016, 11:19
Although Jeff is in the USA and might not have the GBP sign showing on his PC depending on his windows language settings.

The price shows as 995 GBP including our 20% UK VAT TAX which is 829.17 GBP without UK VAT which is about 1200.00 US dollars for export.

11-02-2016, 16:07
It is confusing, I have ordered a lot from the UK over the last few years, E bay mostly. It says GBP I saw the little sight but could not tell if it was an E for Euro or what.
We use a $ sign and I have seen the E for Euro but here we see GBP when it is in pounds normally.
I know it must seem retarded I wasn't positive of the sign but in our daily life we just never see it. If it doesn't say GBP i'm not sure.
And there web site looks to be $1,400 U.S. as it doesn't even mention VAT,I do think we are looking at 2 different versions.
Thanks, Brian,Marco and Mark. Why don't we just establish the pound as the world currency it's doing better than the dollar and the Yen anyway.
It would end a lot of confusion.
So the GBP sign looks like an L with a squiggly line through it. Got it.

11-02-2016, 16:11
And in the U.S a 'pound sign' is this: '#'

Which we call hash. Although I have heard some people calling it 'gate'. Which is just wrong on any continent.

11-02-2016, 16:13
A backward race ;)

11-02-2016, 16:17
It's odd that we don't have a keyboard symbol for any other illegal drug.

11-02-2016, 18:17
Is this # Really a symbol for Hashish in England?

11-02-2016, 20:07
always thought it was pounds weight in us.... here its number, and called hash or hashtag. Techy name is octothorp ;)

11-02-2016, 20:19
Speaking of drugs and weights..
Thats a really nice bike by the way! :)

12-02-2016, 02:08
I love my 1975 Raleigh Sprite 27 3 speed but its 45 lbs.
I'm 50 years old in April my wife is 15 years younger than me and we have a 6 year old on a Red line racer.
We do take some long hills and this bike makes more sense at my age.
My wife will have a fit at 1,200 to 1,400 my sons bike was a 1,000 and she just got a Purefix Seirra $350.00.
I put almost 1,000 though in the bike she still has a 28lb. city commuter, she hates because it has 21 speeds and she hates shifting.
I my self hate ultra modern aluminum bikes,with dancing chains, give me a Stermy Archer 3 to 5 speed any day.

12-02-2016, 07:55
Pashley do list a load of dealers in the USA on their web site might it be cheaper to buy from them rather than import yourself?

12-02-2016, 13:37
Love the look of the 3/5 speeds but would never get one! Once you taste cassette gears you never go back to internal! ;)
I can imagine a single speed though, and even a fixie for joy rides!

12-02-2016, 16:08
No cassette gears for me, I had an old Raleigh sports when I was in the 6th grade it was second hand.
I got a Murray 21 speed road bike for Christmas the next year, I rode 14 miles to and from school 5 days a week and long trips to the record store on week ends so I put miles on my bike.
I gave the 3 speed to a friend when I got the brand new 21 speed.(huge mistake the new bike was always throwing the chain every time I shifted to go up hill.
I spent weeks trying to adjust the derail-er, the bike shop replaced it with a better derailer and in 3 months it was out of adjustment again and clacking a lot. I went back to the bike shop and the new derail er had come out of adjustment and he said the chain was worn, derail-er re adjusted and a new chain then the little slide wheel guide came off the front derail-er that guided the chain. got that repaired and after getting a flat just decided I hated that bike and traded my new bike with the guy I had given the old Sports to and stayed with my old second hand bike that went for years with just a few drops of oil in the hub and a few on the chain each week. Internal hubs are not the latest technology but they get you there and I have never had a chain come off, I only ever had to reattach the cable once that came unscrewed. So thats what I try to stay with.
BTW: went through the same problem with my wife's hybrid bike, replaced both derailleurs and found the front chain ring was put together crooked. replacing nearly everything it works perfectly, but she is going to sell it now because she has a new fixie.

I can repair everything my self on an old 3 speed, the hardest part is breaking the rear hub open with out a vise. the rear hub in my bike is a 1975 Stermy Archer AW and it shows only slight ware, I replaced all the balls with new 52100/grade 25 balls and re greased , replaced nothing else and it will most likely out live me with just a few drops of oil each week.
I like the idea of a lighter chrome molly bike with a 5 speed as I am starting to huff and puff going up hills at 50 now and a 45 pound 3 speed is for a younger person to power.