View Full Version : Fs ortofon 2m black

06-02-2016, 18:15
Cant believe I'm actually moving this on. If you've been anywhere near this forum in the last few years you'll likely know just how I feel about this superb cart. I can honestly say it is one of those items that really opened my eyes. I'm not surprised it is often spouted as the best mm out there.

It has about 350 - 400 hrs on it and has been treated meticulously. All records anti static brushed each side, each play as well as the stylus carefully brushed. I have and purchase no scratchy vinyl, just as near mint or mint first press where ever possible. It's just how me and the fabulous Shibata stylus like it. This one has been out of action for long periods due to one thing or the other ie: amp failure, bearing base plate install issues and so on, all documented here on various threads - I'm know around these parts :). I've just got back into action after another amp failure and the search was on for my current amp which I've recently received after almost a year out of the game :( painful !

Anyway I'm back and decided to treat myself to my first ever MC - of course it had to have the same DNA as the fab 2MB and so it's bigger sibling the Quintet Black is now onboard hence the sale I never envisaged.

Oh, just to add the 2MB is fussy with regards to set up, in my experience so I'd recommend you have easy vta adjust and set up with care.

Comes with original box / packaging, stylus guard, two sets of headshell screws, stylus brush, booklet as per pics.
Sorry about the flash - rest assured the stylus is spotless.
I'm gonna offer this to someone at £200 including postage which is an opportunity for someone who's had an eye on one but hasn't been able to stump up the £460 I paid. Be quick ! :)






Old boy
06-02-2016, 19:30
Hi Rob !
Yes please
PM your payment preference ��

06-02-2016, 20:16
Hi Kev, pm replied to.

Old boy
06-02-2016, 20:33
And replied back

06-02-2016, 22:17
Payment received - SOLD