View Full Version : Wanted: Cheap Class D/T Amplifier

01-02-2016, 23:27
I think I may have a problem with the Oto so am looking for a very cheap Class D/T amp to tide me over

I really don't want to spend too much on it as it will only be used while the Oto is away for checking/repair

01-02-2016, 23:43
Never mind Class D/T amps Bev. Just put a biggish (£85-£90?) bid on this about 15 seconds before it finishes in an hour or so and be astonished at the sound quality when it arrives. They are amazingly good!

(the phono stage is very good should you want to play with vinyl)

01-02-2016, 23:47
Never mind Class D/T amps Bev. Just put a biggish (£85-£90?) bid on this about 15 seconds before it finishes in an hour or so and be astonished at the sound quality when it arrives. They are amazingly good!

(the phono stage is very good should you want to play with vinyl)

Thanks Geoff but there was no link.....

01-02-2016, 23:48

senility creep ;)

01-02-2016, 23:50
Damn. I do forget to include the links occasionally (Altzhiemers setting in I guess). Here you go:

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Denon-PMA-350SE-Amplifier-with-Phono-Stage-/191792032257?hash=item2ca7b22a01:g:s4sAAOSwL7VWmRz l

It's a cracker!!

01-02-2016, 23:51
was going to offer you a loan of one of my d class monos, but tbh the postage would be prohibitive. They are handy to have and you can buy them cheaply on the bay... they are quite good.

01-02-2016, 23:52

senility creep ;)

Just 'cos I'm older than you! :ner:

02-02-2016, 01:25
I think I am now sorted... thanks all.. :)