View Full Version : FS: CROFT Super A Micro pre amp

31-01-2016, 11:38
CROFT Super Micro A -- £375 plus delivery

The Super Micro A was £650 in 1990's as I have discovered from a couple of reviews online http://www.southampton.ac.uk/~apm3/d...t_preamps.html and http://www.croftacoustics.co.uk/reviews/9_rev.html
From what I can establish it was 3rd highest ( out of 4 ) versions of the Micro pre's ....I did contact Glenn Croft to see if he had more info but apparently the details of this generation of amps was lost ( not sure how ) and so I am passing on all the info I have available on best efforts basis
All hand wired obviously ...... and has a MM phono stage
The amp was recently serviced by AmpLabs I am assured by the previous owner ( and this is where the internal photo was taken ) but I do not have proof of that --- I can say it certainly sounds great.
Reason for sale ?
Funds are a little tight and whilst I was looking to have a Tube front end with solid state power, I am now looking towards a tube power with a passive front end ( I have been very very impressed with a little Schiit passive pre personally ) and so this lovely piece is available -- price is firm as I am not desperate to sell and given it's condition and quality I think it's about right.
Photos are not brilliant but I can see no obvious flaws, the leading edge of the faceplate has tiny 'pitting' but ntg at all serious ---- I hope I don't regret selling as I have not seen one of these crop up for a while but ideally I do the need funds elsewhere

cheers Chris

31-01-2016, 11:43
sorry having nightmare with photos

31-01-2016, 11:46

31-01-2016, 13:00
Looks very nice for the price offered. Does it have a phono stage as it appears to have. Also is that at least one Telefunken valve I can see. If so someone is going to get a complete bargain.

31-01-2016, 13:24
Looks very nice for the price offered. Does it have a phono stage as it appears to have. Also is that at least one Telefunken valve I can see. If so someone is going to get a complete bargain.

tks Paul -- yes it has a mm phono stage although I haven't used that myself but previous owner was very much a vinyl man ........ dont get me wavering !!!!

31-01-2016, 13:51
I just missed this sell on ebay the other day as I was busy if I'd known about the valves and service I would have definitely made sure I bid, you got a real bargain there.

Wakefield Turntables
31-01-2016, 13:59
If it wasnt for the fact I have the Charisma I'd have had this like a bloody shot!

31-01-2016, 14:01
I just missed this sell on ebay the other day as I was busy if I'd known about the valves and service I would have definitely made sure I bid, you got a real bargain there.

yep but must stress I'm not looking to trade to make money just to help towards a power ---- if anyone has a Croft 7 power or similar and is interested in swap and a little cash I'd be keen to discuss

31-01-2016, 14:40
I certainly didn't mean to imply you were after a quick buck sorry if it came across that way. It's still a fair price and having bought and sold a few items in the past you lose a bit of money on most things and if you can't make some of it up on others when you have the chance it would be an even more expensive hobby!

31-01-2016, 15:23
I certainly didn't mean to imply you were after a quick buck sorry if it came across that way. It's still a fair price and having bought and sold a few items in the past you lose a bit of money on most things and if you can't make some of it up on others when you have the chance it would be an even more expensive hobby!

no offence taken ...... like most on here though i look to buy and sell and bit cheaper generally and not just because of commission costs

31-01-2016, 20:50
If it wasnt for the fact I have the Charisma I'd have had this like a bloody shot!

Yep ... I am seriously considering withdrawing it from sale --- it feels like I was meant to keep it --- I have actually tracked down the original owner over on another forum ( WAM) so pretty much know its history !!!
Its just budget but I am looking at ways ot get round it ...... just won a NAP 150 I bid on ages ago and didnt expect to win (!) .... an ok price £325 delivered so not too concerned -- so the question is has anyone tried a Croft with a Naim before --- it could be great, it could be a disaster I guess -- thoughts !!?? ... and if anyone wants a very clean NAP 150 I may have one to go !

31-01-2016, 22:05
Withdrawn from sale for now --- apologies

06-02-2016, 12:17
I have spoken with the original (2nd) owner from this another forum and I can confirm it was made circa 1998 ------ I want to be 100% honest and say between us we cannot 'prove' this is a Super Micro A and not just a Micro A because Glenn hasn't got the records from this era ------- what I can say is that it definately shares the same circuit layout as a Super Micro from that era per this photo https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cr...QDPgaXd1-YM%3A
It has high quality valves as highlighted in the comments
AND the phono out put sockets are gold ( in colour atleast !) whereas they werenot on a super micro
Lastly the A on the back label is very clear
So I do sincerely beleive it is a Supermicro A but I do not want to be seen to try to rip anyone off so please buy (or not ) on that basis
As Croft watchers will know Glenn did a lot of upgrades and modifications at owners request ---- the layout is super micro --- the connectors are super micro A ---- and the label on the back has a clear A on it ------------ thats all the info I can provide apart from saying it sounds wonderful and any audition is welcome
but as i have no certificate ( never issued to my knowledge ) ..... I will say £350 collected firm add £15 for UK delivery



I am only selling as I have managed to buy an Anthem hybrid which was what I was looking for from the start --- this Croft does sound really really good

07-02-2016, 10:34
Sunday bump === great amp, it has been well looked after as I have been able to trace ownership from new via hifi forums

07-02-2016, 15:13
Silly billy - that's a LATE version of a traditional Croft pre and probably has all the tweaks he picked up that went into the Micro 25 - and not the basic version either! The supply caps are smaller for a start (the huge ones in my 1990 era 4PP were potentially lethal and he told me to discharge them and replace - with smaller ones, which I duly did).

Bargain for someone!

P.S. The NAP150 isn't good enough for this Croft - in my opinion - so there! :lol:

07-02-2016, 15:57
Much appreciated Dave - I know how good it sounds but as Glenn doesn't have records I don't feel comfortable making any claims --- but your input is much valued .......... I really hope this stays within hifi enthusiast's circle - only lack of funds is forcing sale

it is a bargain I know !!


08-02-2016, 16:53
CROFT Super Micro A -- £375 plus delivery

The Super Micro A was £650 in 1990's as I have discovered from a couple of reviews online http://www.southampton.ac.uk/~apm3/d...t_preamps.html and http://www.croftacoustics.co.uk/reviews/9_rev.html
From what I can establish it was 3rd highest ( out of 4 ) versions of the Micro pre's ....I did contact Glenn Croft to see if he had more info but apparently the details of this generation of amps was lost ( not sure how ) and so I am passing on all the info I have available on best efforts basis
All hand wired obviously ...... and has a MM phono stage
The amp was recently serviced by AmpLabs I am assured by the previous owner ( and this is where the internal photo was taken ) but I do not have proof of that --- I can say it certainly sounds great.
Reason for sale ?
Funds are a little tight and whilst I was looking to have a Tube front end with solid state power, I am now looking towards a tube power with a passive front end ( I have been very very impressed with a little Schiit passive pre personally ) and so this lovely piece is available -- price is firm as I am not desperate to sell and given it's condition and quality I think it's about right.
Photos are not brilliant but I can see no obvious flaws, the leading edge of the faceplate has tiny 'pitting' but ntg at all serious ---- I hope I don't regret selling as I have not seen one of these crop up for a while but ideally I do the need funds elsewhere

cheers Chris

Silly billy - that's a LATE version of a traditional Croft pre and probably has all the tweaks he picked up that went into the Micro 25 - and not the basic version either! The supply caps are smaller for a start (the huge ones in my 1990 era 4PP were potentially lethal and he told me to discharge them and replace - with smaller ones, which I duly did).

Bargain for someone!

P.S. The NAP150 isn't good enough for this Croft - in my opinion - so there!

09-02-2016, 15:17
I have now listed on eBay as I need to pay for a hybrid amp I have bought ( there are 11 people watching it right now -- this guarantees nothing of course but I would genuinely prefer this amp to go to a real enthusiast --- it's one of the best components I've ever owned, and I think other who have commented agree ! )

10-02-2016, 19:14

11-02-2016, 12:11
I was asked about valves on another forum -- for good order the complement from left to right (looking down at the preamp with the front of the unit facing you) is:

2 x ECC83 ( Telefunken )
1 x ECC82
1 x ECL85


11-02-2016, 20:03
Just SOLD on eBay for £420

The Black Adder
11-02-2016, 20:15
lol.. well done! Not sure why this didn't sell here... it's a smashing preamp and worth every penny.

11-02-2016, 20:58
The valves alone are worth £100 or more!

12-02-2016, 11:36
The valves used were your choice - Glenn usually gets great results from bog standard ones :lol:

Great price, so very well done :D

12-02-2016, 11:38
lol.. well done! Not sure why this didn't sell here... it's a smashing preamp and worth every penny.

tks a lot --- it took a little longer but got there and glad to see the Quads sold too

12-02-2016, 11:39
The valves alone are worth £100 or more!

yep -- it sounded lovely

12-02-2016, 11:41
Tks Dave DSJR and tks for your helpful comments along the way ......... I am now going to see if Clones do the same type of thing ( w/out valves ) in HK with their amps --- all reading suggests they have succeeded so cross fingers