View Full Version : Hi there

04-01-2016, 21:39
As instructed I am introducing myself.

My current system consists of
Rega P3 with a Grado blue (something cartridge) and a modified counterbalance - bought 2nd hand so not certain of all details but sounds fine :)
LINN KAN II Speakers

Also running Raspberry Pi with HiFi Berry DAC, the original one that you had to solder the header on to the Pi board running Volumio controlled by BubbleUpnp on my Android tablet using another Pi running Asset upnp with a drive mounted to my NAS (NAS can run Twonky but forgive the pun but I found Twonky a bit clonky).

My first system was a Sansui amp (can't remember what) a Pioneer PL-512 TT and KEF Celeste II speakers back in around 1978

My musical taste include late 50s and early 60s jazz & crooners, 60s & 70s Pop, some Prog Rock probably other stuff I can't think of right now.

Most recent musical purchases/presents:

Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance - Re-issue vinyl
Best of Cream - Re-issue vinyl
Rolling Stones - Some Girls - Re-issue vinyl
Peter Gabriel 1-4 - ½ speed remaster vinyl
Adele 25 vinyl

I recently bought Horace Silver's Song For My Father and discovered where Steely Dan got the opening for Rikki Don't Lose That Number.

I found this forum because I was looking for more info on the Audiophonic sabre DACs for Raspberry Pis that look very interesting but can't find much in the way of opinion. I would like to set one up with dual linear power supply (one for Pi one for DAC) and by-pass micro USB but am not sure of what to do with each connection, I find Ground particularly confusing!

04-01-2016, 22:06
Forgot to say 1st name Richard location East Midlands, UK.

BTW running Asset upnp and Volumio headless and accessing with Putty (PC) or JuiceSSH (tablet). Vi is my Unix editor of choice and using Jessie Lite Asset can be run on 2GB SD (the sort they give away with phones).

04-01-2016, 22:17
Hello Richard. Welcome to AOS.

I'm sure you'll find plenty to interest you here and somebody is bound to have info on DAC in question.

Start a thread in the Digital Expressions section and ask away.

Enjoy the forum,

04-01-2016, 22:17
Welcome to AoS Richard. Plenty Pi users here so sure you will get some info if you go to one of the pi threads, of which there are a few in digital section. Got one myself; 2 actually :)