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View Full Version : R2R Ball Breakers

23-12-2015, 22:25
Why are R2R so bloody heavy :eek:
Following numerous complaints from SWMBO to tidy up my stash of HIFI gear for Christmas I decided to take all the gear I am not using up to one of the attic rooms, but R2R players are real Breaker to carry up 2 flights of stairs :steam:, shown below 5 x Tascam Br20, 2 x Otari MX55, 1 x Revoxpr99 mk2, Teac 3440 3x DIY power amps and a B4 pre amp, pair of Rogers Jr19 * wilmslow audio Kit sapeakers Classique with scanspeak soft dome tweeters, Garrard 401 with 15" Jelco and a Lenco GL75.

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5633/23848460901_d2b254f0ae_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/CkpAyn)20151221_120527 (https://flic.kr/p/CkpAyn) by Alan Towell (https://www.flickr.com/photos/69508926@N05/), on Flickr

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5780/23302728314_0683960d35_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/BvbzgQ)20151221_120613 (https://flic.kr/p/BvbzgQ) by Alan Towell (https://www.flickr.com/photos/69508926@N05/), on Flickr


23-12-2015, 22:41
No wonder these are hard to come by.... youve got 'em all;)

24-12-2015, 00:11
You'll just have to bring the best ones to my place for safekeeping and I won't even charge you for the storage.;)

Audio Advent
24-12-2015, 03:50
I bet those Wilmslow Audio kits are pretty good with their Volt driver and scanspeak 93000 tweeter (guess that's the tweeter).

Audio Al
24-12-2015, 06:00
:doh: Alan , tut tut tut :doh:

Priorities sir , Put the WIFE in the nice empty loft room and keep the MAN CAVE full of R2R's :)

If you want , I can re home a BR20 ;) , Im kind like that , and it saves you lugging it up and down :)

That is certainly a impressive amount of kit you have accumulated :eyebrows:

Re the weight of a R2R its the quality of construction from long distant days of " Built to a standard , not a price " ;)

Ali Tait
24-12-2015, 07:14
You'll need a bigger room soon Alan. :-)

24-12-2015, 08:13
I bet those Wilmslow Audio kits are pretty good with their Volt driver and scanspeak 93000 tweeter (guess that's the tweeter).

Yes they are very nice speakers, I have had them for over 20 years. The tweeters are the excellent Scanspeak D2905/95000, sweet as a nut, the Volt BM220.8 drivers were sent back to volt about 6 years ago for a service, I'm convinced they just sent me 2 new drivers.
When all the chrismass presents are out of this room I will set a system up here with just a R2R, amp and speakers
