View Full Version : What are your 2016 HiFi projects.

Wakefield Turntables
16-11-2015, 20:22
Only 3.

1. New RFC X-O's for the Tannoys.
2. New Radford preamp.
3. Enjoy what I have and then buy shed loads of vinyl.

16-11-2015, 21:31
Enjoy what 2015 brought me.
Maybe a couple of mods on my Caiman II (if I can find anyone to solder the tiny bits to my board without messing it up!) + linear PSU for it.

16-11-2015, 21:46
I think a Clearaudio Statement TT might go nicely with an Ongaku driving a couple of Living Voice Vox Olympians. :)

(Oh and a nice Ikeda 9 Omega to bung on the arm)

Actually. I think my Goldring Lenco custom GL75 project will probably see first light of day in the new year. After that it's likely to be a speaker project (or another TT).

Just put an 'R' in your title Andy. Hope that's OK.

Wakefield Turntables
16-11-2015, 22:22
Enjoy what 2015 brought me.
Maybe a couple of mods on my Caiman II (if I can find anyone to solder the tiny bits to my board without messing it up!) + linear PSU for it.

I've seen these mentioned are you going to get SWV4 as well? Also isnn'y there supposed to be another DAC mod, called Venom 4????

Audio Al
17-11-2015, 01:55
Must do something with the 301 and 401 I have :hmm:

17-11-2015, 02:48
Arrange my CDs and records so that I can find things easily.

17-11-2015, 07:04
I've seen these mentioned are you going to get SWV4 as well? Also isnn'y there supposed to be another DAC mod, called Venom 4????

No idea what it's called, but it needs V4 software.
Initial feedback looks good. Details on TAS.

17-11-2015, 07:46
Enjoy what 2015 brought me.

Shockingly, I have a horrible feeling the same can be said for me. :doh:

I've had my speakers-for-life for over 5 years now. And they are going nowhere.

And my recent acquisition of a cheap Yarland amp intended to look cute on my spares shelf has turned into the biggest sonic success story since the MBL speakers. :scratch:

Yeah, OK, I am mildly curious about bigger and perhaps better Yarland / Ariand amps, and if one came along at a decent price I'd snaffle it to have a try.
But tbh I'd be perfectly happy staying with my little Yarland EL84 amp.

I'm very happy streaming from my laptop and feel no need whatsoever to get a 'proper' streaming device. I can't see the point as I am happy with the sound straight from the lappy - just more boxes and faff, and from what I hear from a streamer-swapping friend they all have a different sonic flavour anyway, so they are just another source of colouration.

Which leaves DAC swapping. Meh, Maybe. But the W4S sounds very good.

No more boxswapping for Jerry? :eek:
I might have to change my signature .... I'll see how it goes over the coming months. ;)

17-11-2015, 08:46
That's a bold statement Jerry :) TBH with you I'm really happy with Spotify Premium , especially since I hard wired the connection between my server and router . I think that this source will be a permanent fixture . I may try a different amp or DAC but I'm really happy with what I've got overall . Perhaps 2016 will be a year to sit back and enjoy the music .
My recent visit to NEBO , which I enjoyed immensley , didn't make me feel like I had to rush off and buy a certain piece of equipment . I must be doing something right :)

17-11-2015, 09:35
Shockingly, I have a horrible feeling the same can be said for me. :doh:

I've had my speakers-for-life for over 5 years now. And they are going nowhere.

And my recent acquisition of a cheap Yarland amp intended to look cute on my spares shelf has turned into the biggest sonic success story since the MBL speakers. :scratch:

Yeah, OK, I am mildly curious about bigger and perhaps better Yarland / Ariand amps, and if one came along at a decent price I'd snaffle it to have a try.
But tbh I'd be perfectly happy staying with my little Yarland EL84 amp.

I'm very happy streaming from my laptop and feel no need whatsoever to get a 'proper' streaming device. I can't see the point as I am happy with the sound straight from the lappy - just more boxes and faff, and from what I hear from a streamer-swapping friend they all have a different sonic flavour anyway, so they are just another source of colouration.

Which leaves DAC swapping. Meh, Maybe. But the W4S sounds very good.

No more boxswapping for Jerry? :eek:
I might have to change my signature .... I'll see how it goes over the coming months. ;)

:eek:Jerry, get yourself to the quack's pronto.

On a more serious note, what are those Virtue Audio cables like?:eek:

17-11-2015, 09:59
:eek:Jerry, get yourself to the quack's pronto.


Yeah, I know.

Psychiatrist more like it! :mental: :D

On a more serious note, what are those Virtue Audio cables like?:eek:

Stunningly transparent.
I've tried a few speaker cables, to say the least, but these do it for me.
Like the Epiphany Atratus 3 interconnects.

Argh - box and cable swapping coming to an end.

I might have to start listening to music soon. :(

17-11-2015, 10:06
Finally get some new sofas. (I suspect that moving the furniture round will have as big an impact on the sound of the system as any new boxes/wires, so won't be changing any of these for some time).

17-11-2015, 10:33
.... especially since I hard wired the connection between my server and router

I'm still working on that! :doh:

1st cable order went AWOL.
New Ethernet cable arrived today - but, being a numpty, I hadn't checked the clearance for getting cable round the doorframe, and it's quite a thick cable. :doh::doh: (BT hub lives in hall outside living room). And it doesn't fit. :(

Not sure what to do now - drill hole through doorframe? My wife thinks I'm potty anyway, so can probably get away with that.

Or .... there's a USB output from the hub. Could get a USB cable to join it to the lappy? (USB cable is thinner than ethernet cable).
Wonder if that would be any good?

Or I could leave it as it is and just listen to the fabulous sound I am already getting.
Hmm :hmm: that sounds like a plan! :D

17-11-2015, 11:06
Remember if you drill a hole it'll have to be a pretty big one for the plug to go through . I would try it first and see it it makes any difference before making it a permanent fixture Jerry .

Ammonite Audio
17-11-2015, 11:15
Build a wall mounted rack, then minimise the number of boxes that need to sit on it.

17-11-2015, 11:17
Shockingly, I have a horrible feeling the same can be said for me. :doh:

No more boxswapping for Jerry? :eek:


Jerry, Im very sorry to read that. But, keep positive, as things can change quickly.

Hopefully you feel better soon and things can get back to normal.

good luck

17-11-2015, 14:52
I have a Fi 421A amp coming in june (so i can have an SS and a tube amp, you never know what mood you will be in when you get home :) ) that i have ordered two years ago, i need to pay for that. :) otherwise im very happy with how the system sounds, so i wont do major changes. eventually i would like to get a more serious power distributor / filter (custom lessloss maybe) and more serious vibration isolation (SRA) but i dont think that has to happen next year. im a happy camper.

17-11-2015, 15:23
Sell the rest of my spare stuff. Then leave it that way.....its a challenge but am i up to it? We hope so

17-11-2015, 17:02
One of these

17-11-2015, 17:15
One of these

I'd like to try one too.

I've got the four UK models below it. An Omega would be nice though, but that's about what I'd pay for a used car.

Mike - H
17-11-2015, 21:45
1, 2014 saw me expand my classical collection, 2015 not so much. 2016 get back on track.
2, Clean and catalogue my music.
3, If money allows go MC

17-11-2015, 22:13
Having played around with all sorts of pre's over the past few months and still preferring the 34 (by some margin) I'm extremely happy with my set-up, so I think my efforts will go on some sort of Vinyl and CD storage solution.

Other than that, just plenty of chillin' down and listenin' to some groovy tchoons :cool:

17-11-2015, 22:17
I had a 34 but preferred a SCLDR with my 306
keep the tchoons coming :)

18-11-2015, 07:33
Mike your TT is to die for.
I d also love a Jelco like yrs.
Seems u are ready for a Denon DL301, but shld you bother?
I like my Nag MP 11. Whats the MP 200 like?

1, 2014 saw me expand my classical collection, 2015 not so much. 2016 get back on track.
2, Clean and catalogue my music.
3, If money allows go MC

Wakefield Turntables
18-11-2015, 08:56
Well I've screwed up one of my 2016 ambitions. I was going to get a radford pre, now it's changed and I have a croft epoch :eek:

18-11-2015, 09:09
Trying to sell stuff from the LHL crowdfunding campaigns as soon as - or hopefully before - they arrive at my door ;-)

Mike - H
18-11-2015, 12:56
Cheers Shahrin, the MP-200 is a fine cart, tracks superbly giving a very clean sound and the silent parts are like a black hole. My vinyl collection is in very good condition and plays well, but with the 200 you quickly forget you're listening to a recording.
On MC front I have a few in mind, a couple of the ZYX range, maybe a Dynavector or a Benz. The main issue is that if I go down that road I want come away from the phono stage in my amp and get a SUT and separate phono amp, possibly from the Graham Slee range which adds to the cost of going to moving coil.

19-11-2015, 10:04
Trying to sell stuff from the LHL crowdfunding campaigns as soon as - or hopefully before - they arrive at my door ;-)

i hear you. i sold my dac and lps after i got them. they didnt sound bad but every time i listened to music i was thinking about how pissed i was about the whole experience.

19-11-2015, 10:16
^^ I don't even begin to understand the above post. :scratch:

Can someone explain what it was about and why it was baaad?

19-11-2015, 13:43
I was also curious so I used something called a 'search engine' to look it up... ;)

And it seems to be this:


19-11-2015, 14:50

I needed to use a search engine to find out what a search engine is. ;)

... OK, that relates to IEMs .... so what about "lps and dacs"? Or were they just similar scams?

Anyway, just a tad off topic. :)

19-11-2015, 15:22

I needed to use a search engine to find out what a search engine is. ;)


looks like I'm a chapter ahead of you in 'computers for dummies'

I have a couple of projects lined up for this year but they are top secret at the moment.....

20-11-2015, 12:55
2016 Hi-fi projects you say?

Pretty much the same as the 2015 list as I haven't done any of 'em...:doh:

20-11-2015, 13:15
2016 Hi-fi projects you say?

Pretty much the same as the 2015 list as I haven't done any of 'em...:doh:

How's the DM 101 coming along?


20-11-2015, 19:47
2016 Hi-fi projects you say?

Pretty much the same as the 2015 list as I haven't done any of 'em...:doh:

Well that's being honest! My 'to do' list has gone into reverse.

23-11-2015, 10:42
How's the DM 101 coming along?


Done, finished, enjoyed for a while and then sold. Excellent - that means I did manage one then!

Wakefield Turntables
23-11-2015, 11:09
Well that's the Croft getting sorted out, now it's looks like the XOs are next on the Januray hit list.

Spectral Morn
23-11-2015, 12:29
I was also curious so I used something called a 'search engine' to look it up... ;)

And it seems to be this:


Wow that's bad, way bad :(

Spectral Morn
23-11-2015, 12:31
re 2016 no plans.

23-11-2015, 12:50
I am going to build some loudspeakers that will be capable of bringing the world to an end. I have the drivers to do it (fifteens, naturally). Just need to find someone to build me the bass cabs and I will be off and running. Xover will be digital. Mid-range will be open baffle.

23-11-2015, 13:27
The only thing I would really be interested in would be comparing current high end Accuphase monos with my 1975 M-60s.

There's a pair here (http://afroaudio.jp/products/list.php?transactionid=872b3f391cb2959db3feb4ab586 82b6a43426f67&mode=search&category_id=&name=27231) going for a mere £8500 plus postage and governmental rip offs:D

01-12-2015, 18:16
Enjoy what 2015 brought me.
Maybe a couple of mods on my Caiman II (if I can find anyone to solder the tiny bits to my board without messing it up!) + linear PSU for it.

And maybe a BK sub for the home cinema room.

12-12-2015, 16:48
a dac upgrade imminently and possibly new speakers too (with EQ for the sub, such as mini dsp ). Also aim to upgrade one of my two pc's (in dual set up) :eyebrows:

12-12-2015, 16:59
My biggest HiFi project is moving the whole caboosh to the South of France and installing in a new living room

The living room is much bigger, and will let me get the ESL63's working properly as dipoles, but it is a bit bare - and missing on soft furnishings, so I may have to look for some rugs and room treatment (break that to Sue gently)

Since I will have them there as spares, and the Yamaha AV amp appears to have plenty of grunt, I might try the Ventricals as the rear speakers. Otherwise I think I will probably go for ceiling speakers

The ESL's are probably going to need a once over with a heat gun after the journey down.

I am planning to buy myself a Benchmark AHB2 since I am not looking forward to giving the loaner back to Owen

Hopefully - if it works out - mount the motor on the sub-chassis of the PT. Maybe upgrade the motor to K-Drive. Try to interest Arthur in making just one more trilaminate sub-chassis to finish the Anni conversion. Maybe, just maybe, if I have gone that far, get some MDF cut for cabinet bracing, but I'm not that persuaded on that one. Probably a new carbon fibre top-plate, especially if we move the motor to mount on the sub-chassis

Should be enough to be going on with. Really looking forward to having a detached house where I can use the speakers and not worry about the neighbours, but even so, just might consider some Stax headphones


Audio Advent
12-12-2015, 17:37
Only 3.

1. New RFC X-O's for the Tannoys.
2. New Radford preamp.
3. Enjoy what I have and then buy shed loads of vinyl.

SURELY there's more to be done on the Paradise ?? :lol:

Audio Advent
12-12-2015, 17:54
Seeing as it's nearly 2016 already I'll push my projects into next year.

I'm determined to get my first ncores built before 2016 however but after that:

Re-house my Paradise phono stage into a better case, consider a better power supply.
Move to digital active speakers using ncores as amp - I've got some Dynaudio and Volt drivers ready.
Get a broken Ortofon MC5000 repaired as a high-end MC cart (came with my deck so was free).
Find an ultimate pre-amp of any flavour or DIY/mod one using Muse 72320 volume chip (as used in Pass Lab's XP30).
Make a good and wide hifi rack - going to learn some simple welding, probably is enough to spot weld some angle - with some large sheets of discarded aerolam.
I'd like to make a dac for fun, kind of NOS but actually upsampled and running at 384k using multi-bit DAC chips maybe AD1865.
Set up my home studio properly and integrate it to my hifi somehow.

Think about better file based audio, not just off my laptop.

12-12-2015, 18:14
I'm going to be paying particular attention to my mains next year . I'll be buying a good mains block and making up new mains cables with a cable Marco very kindly brought over from France for me :)

Wakefield Turntables
12-12-2015, 18:23
SURELY there's more to be done on the Paradise ?? :lol:

Not really I think it's been pushed as far as it can go. Si, thinks that some 0.05% tolerance resistors might be beneficial. The jury is still out. Certainly 0.1% tolerance Charcrofts worked very nicely and for the £21 they cost added a nice little upgrade in performance.

12-12-2015, 18:28
Doubt I will be doing much... pretty much sorted, but if notion takes me, then getting a pi working upstairs maybe, so possible set of tp link Ethernet transmitters. Maybe an isolation platform for tt. and just maybe a set of active speakers for upstairs pi or a pi amp and 1 of my sets of full rangers. nowt written in stone.

12-12-2015, 18:36
Well, I was kind of hoping this would have happened already but, Croft Series 7 monoblocks - definite, Origin Live Silver tonearm for the TD160 - quite possibly, Croft Micro 25 R preamp - possibly in place of the tonearm.

I have other hobbies to divide the financial resources between so synthesisers and guitars sometimes win. They are an awful lot cheaper than hi-fi after all.

Wakefield Turntables
12-12-2015, 18:45
Erm.... I'm afraid I've added a few bits

1. New RFC Reference XO's
2. Ultra Pimp the Croft EPOCH
3. Buy Silver Meister II SPU
4. Decouple Garrard 301 motor + new speed controller
5. Ultra secret 100W valve power amplifier :eek:

12-12-2015, 18:47
First of all to get my Allison 6s tarted up then my main project is to build a steel lined, ply cabinet triple Cube speaker like the NVA Cubix pro.

12-12-2015, 21:16
IF the buzz about MQA turns out to be true....and...
IF there becomes a decent amount of non streamed material released to support it...
then ....
I might get a dac that does MQA

Audio Advent
12-12-2015, 21:31
What is MQA as a standard?

EDIT: ok just looked it up, it's sample rate non-specific, is a little like HDCD in some ways

So all you will need is something to unpack the MQA and play back the original sample rate on any dac. i.e. you don't need to wait for a dac with MQA decoding built in, only that your file based audio playback source can do it - I'm sure there is something out there, a front-end for the audio driver for USB audio.

12-12-2015, 21:37
IF the buzz about MQA turns out to be true...

I'd not heard of MQA so I've just looked it up. Sounds very interesting. If it takes off, I may have a dabble in that.

12-12-2015, 22:15
What is MQA as a standard?

EDIT: ok just looked it up, it's sample rate non-specific, is a little like HDCD in some ways

So all you will need is something to unpack the MQA and play back the original sample rate on any dac. i.e. you don't need to wait for a dac with MQA decoding built in, only that your file based audio playback source can do it - I'm sure there is something out there, a front-end for the audio driver for USB audio.

My understanding is that unless your dac is MQA capable, quality will be only a little higher than cd. If decoded correctly, the original analogue sound feed from mic or mastertape is regained. There is some interesting youtube video discussing and explaining this assertion. It also has streaming implications as the data rate is only round about that of 16/44.1.

12-12-2015, 23:48
I hope to finally get that Ortofon T-3000 SUT!:doh:

Audio Advent
13-12-2015, 01:44
My understanding is that unless your dac is MQA capable, quality will be only a little higher than cd. If decoded correctly, the original analogue sound feed from mic or mastertape is regained. There is some interesting youtube video discussing and explaining this assertion. It also has streaming implications as the data rate is only round about that of 16/44.1.

I read this: http://www.stereophile.com/content/ive-heard-future-streaming-meridians-mqa and then watched this:


The latter especially talks about software MQA decoding via Tidal app and JRiver as examples, the decoded data just then goes to your usual 192/24 DAC. Or you can find a DAC which has the MQA decoding built in so that it's done in firmware instead of software... but it all depends on licencing and who wants to pay for what. That would imply that it won't be available for anything open source like RPi builds so you then would need it to be in the DAC.

What makes it only a little higher quality than CD is if the MQA is not decoded at all, neither by software nor firmware.

Shame it's not an open source project as the licencing aspects may well halt the whole project if anyone gets too greedy.

I'm not sure about your phrase "If decoded correctly, the original analogue sound feed from mic or mastertape is regained" though. The only thing MQA does is make compensation for the specific A/D converters used, reducing via DSP the ringing and pre-ringing in the A/D converter's anti-alias filters. That could be good but some companies in the pro world have already been addressing that problem within the A/D converters for the last decade and so push for higher sample rates for the recording process such as 384kHz. Also DSD itself is devoid of this problem.

Anyway, that's not for this thead. Still, MQA will be interesting when it comes about but all you'll need is perhaps a JRiver plug-in or update.

13-12-2015, 13:49
I stand corrected, in a good way. Here's hoping the reports are true, and it all takes off...

13-12-2015, 15:52
actually, after yesterday's lampizator DSD demo i think i should add a properly sorted a computer replay via DSD interface. it sounded so much better than any DAC i've heard in that price range.

15-12-2015, 21:33
New year wishes:

1. Get stands made for my Berkeleys
2. Do something with the Berkeley crossovers
3. Buy another flavour of cartridge
4. No more visits to the tech with my ancient kit - it's been one thing after the other lately.

20-12-2015, 18:50
Get a new job
Then get GC to upgrade my 25 to "R" status.
Start buying vinyl, (have not bought any new recordings since 2014) !

20-12-2015, 19:00
And maybe a BK sub for the home cinema room.

As I have ordered a XTZ sub in 2015, I will have to think again!

20-12-2015, 19:29
Going to have another go at getting audacity to work and copy some tapes perhaps; maybe even some stuff on R to R b4 I get rid of the player; Just dont have the room for it alas

20-12-2015, 19:49
No more gear - just need more tape to feed my machines :)

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj516/topoxforddoc/Sony%20APR%205002%20and%20tape.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/topoxforddoc/media/Sony%20APR%205002%20and%20tape.jpg.html)

21-12-2015, 17:24
Gonna get a TT up and running using Townshend Avalon deck and a knackered Rega R200 arm. Got the arm cheap off da-bay and someone has "been there before" as they say. Have never taken an arm apart before......and before viewing any pics on't 'net as to how to do it.....set to work. Well........I think I must have beginners luck as I did it alright according to what I later saw:D.

Now to re-wire and add some bits that are missing and find a suitable counterweight.

Martyn Miles
21-12-2015, 17:45
I have bought a pair of Harbeth M20s. This is the HL-P3ES2 in a grey cabinet with Speakon connectors.
The cabinets are currently being prof. re-sprayed in black.
They should look good.
One of the rear labels was missing, so I've had two new ones professionally made.

I may well sell them on, as I have my own LS3/5as and may buy a pair of used Harbeth P3-ESRs.


trio leo
21-12-2015, 18:18
I really want to get down to a 1 system rack, at present my t/t is on a separate table, so I want to get another level for the ReVo stand to place my t/t on, so long as it sounds the same or hopefully better.

I'm desperate to upgrade my power amps to Series 2 as well.

If I can I would like to get my SPU retipped, it has the transformer built in to an AT headshell and always sounded stunning, after having rebuilt with silver wire, new cantilever and tip by VDH I only used it a few times, then my wife accidentally knocked the cantilever off!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do miss her, :)

So, something to look forward to for 2016

Enjoy your music, Meeeeerrrryyyy Christmas

Cheers Al

21-12-2015, 18:55
I have no projects for 2016 but knowing me I will think of something to buy in the new year however happy I am with the sound of the system at the moment, you know how it is .. :doh:

21-12-2015, 21:40
I think in 2016 I will need to put sentiment behind me and shed some excess baggage of which i have a sh1t load. The proceeds will go into improving what remains. I have made a start already. Bring it on!

Oh yes, and organize NEBO 7

22-12-2015, 17:05
As I have ordered a XTZ sub in 2015, I will have to think again!

A set of Bo!ng feet for my Techie. :D

In the post as we speak. :)

23-12-2015, 20:59
I like the sound of my Red Book CD system but from listening to headphones I know that it is lacking in percussion detail. This detail often gives a nice rhythmic input which I would really like to hear from the speakers. My project is to try and achieve this.

The possible causes are:

1. Room treatment - maybe I've dampened it too much?
2. Speaker/listening position. I've done my best on this and used REW to help.
3. Some filter arrangement on my DAC.
4. Poor use of an equaliser. I have tried to EQ for this percussion (around the 6-8kHz area) but there are penalties in the form that some tracks are too harsh, and sibilance in some cases.

Possible solutions.

1. Alter room treatment. Some of the stuff is mobile but some is not!
2. Speakers nearer to me, perhaps at some radical angle (e.g. practically in line with my ears like giant headphones!), or raising them higher, or leaning them forward?
3. Try different filters, and perhaps a different, more modern, DAC.

I do believe my speakers are capable enough. They have ribbon tweeters.

Am I asking the impossible? I'm 62 and know my hearing has deteriorated but I can hear this on headphones so why not on speakers?

Any ideas gratefully received!

23-12-2015, 21:07
I think in 2016 I will need to put sentiment behind me and shed some excess baggage of which i have a sh1t load. The proceeds will go into improving what remains. I have made a start already. Bring it on!

+1 :exactly:

23-12-2015, 22:06
+1 :exactly:

Same here. 2 pairs of Minstrels to refurb first, then they can go to new homes too

23-12-2015, 23:51
I was not planning for much, but as I currently have a Sugden IA4 amp on loan I realised how much I was missing with my current amp (MF M6i). Apparently 30W class A, beats hands down 200W AB:)
So I might be looking for a new amp in 2016. although I like what I hear from the Sudden A LOT, I will have to do a much more detailed market research.
Bottomline, amp needs to be upgraded soon.

24-12-2015, 08:36
I like the sound of my Red Book CD system but from listening to headphones I know that it is lacking in percussion detail. This detail often gives a nice rhythmic input which I would really like to hear from the speakers. My project is to try and achieve this.

The possible causes are:

1. Room treatment - maybe I've dampened it too much?
2. Speaker/listening position. I've done my best on this and used REW to help.
3. Some filter arrangement on my DAC.
4. Poor use of an equaliser. I have tried to EQ for this percussion (around the 6-8kHz area) but there are penalties in the form that some tracks are too harsh, and sibilance in some cases.

Possible solutions.

1. Alter room treatment. Some of the stuff is mobile but some is not!
2. Speakers nearer to me, perhaps at some radical angle (e.g. practically in line with my ears like giant headphones!), or raising them higher, or leaning them forward?
3. Try different filters, and perhaps a different, more modern, DAC.

I do believe my speakers are capable enough. They have ribbon tweeters.

Am I asking the impossible? I'm 62 and know my hearing has deteriorated but I can hear this on headphones so why not on speakers?

Any ideas gratefully received!

Should really be a new thread but I had the same issue, resolved by using a high quality passive pre-amp. As you say the speakers shouldn't be the problem and the source is not the problem since your headphones deliver the goods. So look to the amplification.

24-12-2015, 14:08
Should really be a new thread but I had the same issue, resolved by using a high quality passive pre-amp. As you say the speakers shouldn't be the problem and the source is not the problem since your headphones deliver the goods. So look to the amplification.

Good idea. I've started one here:


25-12-2015, 23:49
Get a new amp, probably a Hegel H80 or a Rega Elex-R or Elicit-R and possibly a new phono preamp.

Maybe a new DAC too

My baby girl is starting to walk, so I'm considering getting some bookshelf speakers if my Rega RS3 start to get menaced. If so, perhaps some ATC SCM11.

Also possibly a small USB DAC headphone amp like a fiio or an audioquest given the sound on my computer at work is terrible.

But most importantly, getting back to buying records again. It was a terrible year for music collecting, 2015...

26-12-2015, 00:14
Get a new amp, probably a Hegel H80 or a Rega Elex-R or Elicit-R and possibly a new phono preamp.

For that kind of money, I'd be looking in this direction: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Creek-Destiny-Amplifier-silver-refurbished-with-manufacturers-warranty-/252212647738?hash=item3ab90b973a:g:yagAAOSw9mFWMP1 c

Creek amps are a bit special. Check out the reviews:



I seriously want one for my second system. Or the Destiny 2 (for a lot more money).

27-12-2015, 10:10
I will finish my MJR7 - MK5 power amp project. Might even be finished in 2015.
Commission the ESP P101 boards I have which are currently about 80% completed.
Continue with my experiments into sound quality of power amps, using my own design based on NCC200/Naim circuit ideas.

I'm sure I can find some other nonsense to waste some time during those rainy days to come.

27-12-2015, 11:25
May treat myself to a UK made energiser for my 009's if it improves over the Stax version.

27-12-2015, 14:24
... Commission the ESP P101 boards I have which are currently about 80% completed ...

I'm in a similar boat, I have finished all the soldering, and built the PSU for the P101 boards, and even drilled and tapped the heatsinks, but then I got distracted by Colin Wonfor's SECA amp boards, and I've now started converting the chassis to suit those boards..... Which of course means that I've not finished either project. I hope to get the Colin Wonfor amp up and running over the holidays.

28-12-2015, 08:10
I finally fitted the PFM Flea I bought 7 or 8 years ago to my Naim CDI over Xmas, for a nice increase in SQ - so am now motivated to continue modding it with further PSU updates.

28-12-2015, 11:56
I have had good results with a 16 stack DDDAC so I am in the process of building a 32 stack. 16 stack for L and 16 stacks for R channel.

It will have a separate power supply which has been built as there was no room to do a single box ...

I have built the main boards that will drive the Dac boards and are waiting for the Dac boards to arrive later in the year.

28-12-2015, 16:31
Maybe get one of these:

I've been interested in room correction for a while and there is so much positive on-line written about this product. Anyone on AOS got one?

01-01-2016, 22:16
A set of Bo!ng feet for my Techie. :D

In the post as we speak. :)

The above was completed in 2015.

2016 sees me adding a wall mounted turntable shelf, and then concentrating on the software.
I may change the speaker cable, but I have no urgent plans for that.

If a Mk1 MJ Acoustics Pro 50 sub comes up at the right price, I may add that to the system.

02-01-2016, 17:20
2016 projects = work in progress. ;) A new amplifier = main priority though. Currently the speakers are the best part of the system, but the rest needs some work.

02-01-2016, 19:47
Find a replacement cartridge for my 2M black.

Fancy something different so going to try the Shure M55e or M44-7 with Jico SAS stylus.

24-03-2016, 07:41
The above was completed in 2015.

2016 sees me adding a wall mounted turntable shelf, and then concentrating on the software.
I may change the speaker cable, but I have no urgent plans for that.

If a Mk1 MJ Acoustics Pro 50 sub comes up at the right price, I may add that to the system.

I seem to have added a Firebottle KIN preamp to my system.
I may look at a different DAC next, or get the Caiman II "upgraded".
I still need to add more software though, and I am using Spotify to discover new music.

Martyn Miles
24-03-2016, 17:31
My Harbeth refurbishment project went well and speakers were sold.

Now I have acquired a pair of unusual LS3/5a cabinets, with removeable backs.
I shall enjoy acquiring the parts to build up into a pair of useable speakers.

I love a speaker project...

24-03-2016, 19:02
I'm nyerested in exploring the better headphones out there. So far I've been happy with Grado SR80i but I fancy some than a bit more special. Not sure how much better headphones can get tho, or what to try.

24-03-2016, 19:41
6 Months on from getting the Lampizator P17's I am still tweaking and trying to get the best out of them. I might build another Gainclone. I can't see how they can make these boards for the price..........hope all the parts are legit:D



24-03-2016, 20:03
Hifi's all done, if not dusted. i'm still investigating sofas.

24-03-2016, 20:48
Make sure you get ones that sound good.


24-03-2016, 20:50
Going to sell / get rid of all the (hi-fi & other) stuff I've spent money on over the years, thinking it was a great purchase and then never really used; buy a new turntable (the current second hand one turned out to be a waste of money) and just enjoy the music.

24-03-2016, 21:47
6 Months on from getting the Lampizator P17's I am still tweaking and trying to get the best out of them. I might build another Gainclone. I can't see how they can make these boards for the price..........hope all the parts are legit:D

Faint Hope of that!. Copies wouldn't be a problem IF they were 100% copies rather than 50% ones.
Note that retail prices for "genuine" Lm3886 Chips are ~8$ Each.. from a reputable dealer.
Also note that a ...Decently Designed genuine Lm3886 Amp (there are a couple that fit that criteria nicely) is a Seriously! good piece of Gear.
and that even a cheap ass copy using badly made parts is still pretty good :-)

24-03-2016, 22:23
Get into making stupidly expensive crossovers with super-foo parts.

24-03-2016, 22:32
Get into making stupidly expensive crossovers with super-foo parts.

That's a big can of worms. So many types of filter and interpretations of each type. Deciding driver operating bandwidths, slopes, phase correction, attenuation (if any), choosing components, etc. Have fun! ;)

25-03-2016, 00:20
In that case, I think I'll start with bits of wood and some super-cheap parts:D

Seriously, though, I will have a go when time permits. As circuits go, they are fairly simple.

25-03-2016, 00:34
As circuits go, they are fairly simple.

That is true. But predicting the outcome is far from it.

I've not built speakers for a good many years, but getting things right is definitely an art and not just a bunch of calculations. One can anticipate that a particular set of drivers and crossover design will respond in a particular fashion and then find the end product just does not sound right.

My personal thoughts are that 'simple is best'. If 6db slopes will work. Use them. Or employ wide or full range drivers, with maybe a bit of 'supertweeter' reinforcement at the top end. That's my current philosophy and I've bought a few rather nice drive units to employ in this mode.

25-03-2016, 07:21
I know where you are coming from Geoff. I've already played a bit with the standard Apogee crossover with the man that restored my original pair, tuning the MRTW ribbon by ear. Actually, that isn't completely true, I knew what I wanted in terms of FR beforehand. Digital EQ makes it easy to know where to head.

However I just fancy messing around and trying a few ideas to see how they work out practically. The only way of doing that at reasonable expense is to do it myself.

I want to see if I can raise the bar still further. The Apogee Duetta Interstella project raised the bar over the standard refurbished Duetta by quite a bit. However, these things are NEVER perfect, and never will be. I reckon, though, with some effort, I can do better still.

The next time I am between contracts I'll apply some serious effort to it.

26-03-2016, 17:34
I need (want?) to build another set of 'Boxes' for my Golds.. Going to get the driver axis at ear level.
Don't have the room for Jensen Imperial boxes though.. Which does annoy.

26-03-2016, 22:18
Lockwood cabs work in small rooms and the Imperial is not that much bigger, is it?

27-03-2016, 02:21
Wellll.. An Imperial is similar sizewise to a Westy Royal (or whatever the Marketing Shills call it today)
Big enough so that the 'roomy' will make unpleasant noises, even more so than normal.
Some serious shoulda / woulda / coulda regrets to having gotten married.. those long decades ago.
My Motos , My cars and My sons seemingly irritate her , a lot.
Clearly.. the intermittent 'sex' wasn't worth it ;)
Take care... those (few?) of you young enough for this to have Relevance.