View Full Version : Hello everyone

08-10-2009, 16:49
My name's Jonathan and I'm....an audiophile. It's been eighteen months since my last upgrade , but with the love & support of my fellow addicts, day by day, I'm gradually getting better.

Many moons ago I used to be "in the trade", working with Peter Merrick at Unilet amongst others.

My current system verges on the vintage I suppose, but still gives me great pleasure when all the planets are aligned. It consists of primarily: Goldmund ST4 or Oracle Premiere/Sumiko FT3 (currently in dry dock awaiting suspension upgrades & tuning).Various Koetsus , Shure VST V + others. PS Audio or Nagra Preamp; Jadis JA30 with EAT KT88s & Sonus Faber Minima Amators or early Snell model E. CD Player is currently in limbo. Cables are assorted siltech & symo & ART with various ART & Harmonix accessories.

My music collection , mainly vinyl (approx 3500 albums) covers the gamut from Art Pepper to ZZtop.

I'm currently doing some research into the formative days of the high-end in the UK and specifically been looking at the work of Be Yamamura, whos work fascinates me.

I look forward to a fruitfall relationship with all AoS members

08-10-2009, 17:56
Hello Johnathan,

Welcome to AoS.

Boy, have you got some choice kit there: Goldmund ST-4; Koetsus; Nagra preamp and Sonus Faber speakers! That and 3500 lps as well - Phew!

'Art Pepper to ZZ Top', can't complain about that. You should fit in well here.

If you can manage it, I'm sure we would love to see some photos of your kit.

Enjoy the forum


08-10-2009, 18:34
'Art Pepper to ZZ Top', can't complain about that. You should fit in well here.

If you can manage it, I'm sure we would love to see some photos of your kit.

Enjoy the forum

"Touche"Jonathan, from another Jonathan(i know how to spell it unlike Barry):eyebrows:

The Grand Wazoo
08-10-2009, 20:05
Hi from me too, Jonathan.
Welcome to the AoS It sounds like an interesting system you have there & the sort of record collection that many of us would like to flick through!

(i know how to spell it unlike Barry)

Think yourselves lucky - Just think what pseudo-Elizabethan mayhem Hamish could unleash with a word like that!!

Spectral Morn
08-10-2009, 21:04
My name's Jonathan and I'm....an audiophile. It's been eighteen months since my last upgrade , but with the love & support of my fellow addicts, day by day, I'm gradually getting better.

Many moons ago I used to be "in the trade", working with Peter Merrick at Unilet amongst others.

My current system verges on the vintage I suppose, but still gives me great pleasure when all the planets are aligned. It consists of primarily: Goldmund ST4 or Oracle Premiere/Sumiko FT3 (currently in dry dock awaiting suspension upgrades & tuning).Various Koetsus , Shure VST V + others. PS Audio or Nagra Preamp; Jadis JA30 with EAT KT88s & Sonus Faber Minima Amators or early Snell model E. CD Player is currently in limbo. Cables are assorted siltech & symo & ART with various ART & Harmonix accessories.

My music collection , mainly vinyl (approx 3500 albums) covers the gamut from Art Pepper to ZZtop.

I'm currently doing some research into the formative days of the high-end in the UK and specifically been looking at the work of Be Yamamura, whos work fascinates me.

I look forward to a fruitfall relationship with all AoS members

Welcome to AOS Jonathan.

You have some wonderful, classic kit IMHO. I would love to see photos of your set up....please.

Enjoy yourself.

Regards D S D L

08-10-2009, 21:14
"Touche"Jonathan, from another Jonathan(i know how to spell it unlike Barry):eyebrows:

Wot about the accenting then ? Shouldn't it be Touché ?

A very pendantic Chris:lolsign:

08-10-2009, 21:21
I don't think my keyboard speaks french very well, a bit like me really,but i still try, i still have trouble with English come to that

08-10-2009, 21:30
I don't think my keyboard speaks french very well, a bit like me really,but i still try, i still have trouble with English come to that


If you look for a key marked as "Alt Gr" it will help with certain accents á la Francais.

I must admit, I'm a bit nerdy about spelling and accenting - has a lot to do with a BFPO lifestyle as a kid. Being of a certain age I cannot stand textese, alright m8 ? Accents are the icing on the cake with this wonderful mongrel language known as Englisch.


08-10-2009, 21:44
Hi Jonathan

I forgot. Very rude of me. Welcome to the forum. With 3,500 albums it looks to me as though the music is of greatest importance - good man - way to go !


08-10-2009, 22:05
Lord - what have I done?

Sorry Jonathan, not the best way of welcoming someone to AoS by mis-spelling their name! :o

From the following posts I think you will have by now gained an impression what we're like here! :eyebrows: (Yes, we like smilies as well).

So, I'll try again:

Welcome to AoS Jonathan.


08-10-2009, 22:10

If you look for a key marked as "Alt Gr" it will help with certain accents á la Francais.

I must admit, I'm a bit nerdy about spelling and accenting - has a lot to do with a BFPO lifestyle as a kid. Being of a certain age I cannot stand textese, alright m8 ? Accents are the icing on the cake with this wonderful mongrel language known as Englisch.


Oh, is that how it's done? Before I've had to go into Word to access a whole repetoire of accents. Now I know what to do.



08-10-2009, 22:27
Thanks Guys for all your kind words of welcome ( I think).:scratch:
I'll try to get some pictures up in the near future, but first I'll have to take some digital snaps( unless you want some scanned 35mm).

I'm currently in the early throes of packing up the vinyl, in preparation for a forthcoming room redecoration & I'm desperately seeking attractive new vinyl storage to halt the rapid encroachment of floor space by the black gold. Should I go bespoke or Ikea? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Jonathan ( preferably pronounced " Jon a ten" in a heavy French accent(maid's costume optional).;)

The Grand Wazoo
08-10-2009, 23:06
Pedantic - me?
It was me who gave Hamish the excuse of Elizabethan spelling in the first place!
By the way, Chris - I've been a bit crap for time this week I'll PM you soon.

08-10-2009, 23:14
Oh, is that how it's done? Before I've had to go into Word to access a whole repetoire of accents. Now I know what to do.



It's prétty límítéd - júst úséfúl tó knów.


08-10-2009, 23:17
It's prétty límítéd - júst úséfúl tó knów.


Yes I noticed that. Oh well, into Word to do the job properly.

Thanks again

08-10-2009, 23:20
With regard to punctuation, I've just come across this (http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/accents/codealt.html) page, which is, in my opinion, well worth the effort of bookmarking.


12-10-2009, 20:49
Jonathan, hi. I am sure you will have a good time here.

12-10-2009, 22:07
Welcome Jonathan - great first post (you're not trying to sell anything, or persuade us to wear tinfoil hats, which is refreshing! ;) ) - or are you? :lol:

You'll have fun on here - if you get stuck in, and like a laugh! Enjoy! :cool: