View Full Version : Big Hello from a new member

Chris H
06-11-2015, 17:52
Hi folks ............. after a gap of some 18 years I'm stepping back into the world of Hi-fi, and I cant wait! Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) my Hi fi thinking is currently stuck in about 1997. Eg, came as a real shock to learn that Alchemist is no more. My current (legacy) system is as follows:

> Audiolab 8000S Amp with Trichord Dino Phone amp
> Monitor Audio Monitor 3s (in walnut - v sweet!), bi-wired with Van Den Hull CS 122 hybrid cable (Silver and carbon)
> Cambridge Audio DiscMagic CD Transport with Trichord Black Box 1 mains conditioner, Cambridge Audio DacMagic 2 (waited 18 months for the IsoMagic which never went on sale in UK to best of my knowledge)
> Garrard Turntable (destroyed by my children 10 years ago)
> All sat on Atacama anti vibration mats
> Arca Hifi cabinet

First thing I'd really appreciate some advice on. I'm planning to put together a second system shortly, and would like to build it round an Alchemist Kraken integrated Amp. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I might get one from in good nick........ as they seem to be far and few between?
Second - any speaker recommendations to go with them? I'd always rather fancied Accoustic Energy AE1s - anyone ever heard them together?

All advice greatfully received.


Ali Tait
06-11-2015, 18:13
Hi, welcome. I had one of the original green ones for a while, a nice amp. Sold it back to the chap I bought it from, who is a member of this parish, not sure if he still has it though.

I did find that the amp needs a speaker with an easy load to give of it's best though, don't think the AE's fit the bill in this respect.

07-11-2015, 06:12
Hi Chris, welcome to AOS. There were a couple of kraken amps on E-bay last week. one an early mk 1, the other a mark 2, both had dual transformers in the power box. The Kraken likes an 8 ohm speaker, and as Ali said an easy load. I have used mine with 4 ohm ( duevel planets speakers at present), sounds fine. I have used AE105se speakers ( lower range compared to the AE1s) with the Kraken, worked very well. I have not heard AE 1 speakers so cant comment on that sorry. May be worth asking Shane on here to see if he still has his kraken as Ali mentioned, or place a would like to buy add on the forum.

07-11-2015, 06:19
Sorry forgot to add-- Shane is Southall 1998 on here

07-11-2015, 09:10

last one on the 'bay'. No bids, may be worth contacting the seller.

Chris H
07-11-2015, 09:44
Big thanks to all for your responses........... will follow up un your respective leads.

By the way. Would anyone here know why Alchemist shut up shop? I seem to remember that their last product release was an unbelievably hi-end amp (The Alchemist?) and thought at the time that that was a big gamble for a small firm in a saturated market........ but I'm probably wrong. I'm one of those who thinks that well designed and crafted machines can be beautifull ........ and Alchemist really took that to new heights.



07-11-2015, 10:41
Hello Chris. Welcome to AOS.

Nothing wrong with being stuck in 1997, there was some decent gear about then.

As for the AE1 speakers. They need a pretty powerful amp with tight grip to work at their best. I feel the Kraken (whichever version) will not be a good match. There is a modern compact speaker that is not too dissimilar to the AE1 that should work well with the Kraken and that's the Usher S520. It offers a fine sound and superb build quality.

Enjoy the forum,

08-11-2015, 10:23
I had an Isomagic years ago(they do come up for sale on ebay occasionally at silly prices as they are said to be soooo much better than the Dacmagic) I wanted to improve on the "Brick" power supply and built an nice linear PS to power it. It sounded great, but when I went to tidy all the wiring up I got it wrong and killed it:D

Happy days.

09-11-2015, 22:59
Welcome to AoS Chris,

Enjoy the Forum
