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View Full Version : Goodbye hifianswers.com and hello Audiophile News and Music Review.

Neil McCauley
05-11-2015, 11:53
A change of name to reflect a significant shift in editorial policy.

In a few days time the site name will change to Audiophile News and Music Review. The hifianswers.com URL won’t change; there will be an automatic redirect in place.


There is an entirely new and fresh graphical image to reflect that we have evolved into an online newspaper / magazine; publishing in three daily batches 24/7 @ 01:00, 09:00 & 17:00 GMT because, the makers and retailers want their releases online asap and, to our surprise, our readers do too.

Free access to the 6,477 articles remains unchanged.

So why?

Well, two reasons really. First, the truth is that there are quite a few sites (rather than fora / forums} who do a better job than HFA can regarding answering some readers' questions. It’s as simple as that really and we see no point in denying this.

For example, it was and remains hard for Howard and I to keep up with the rapidly evolving streaming technology and frankly, clever though that technology is ..... none of the HFA team are truly passionate about it. We found ourselves unable to offer worthwhile advice on that topic. That said, Colin (Wonfor's) Clinic will continue because he's so damn good at answering technical questions in a practical and coherent way – and we love him!

Secondly, as you you'll see from the top posts number count for the previous few days, the Breaking News section is proving to be very popular. Moreover more and more makers (including many who continue to decline offers to be interviewed by the print-based audiophile publications) are keen to be interviewed by Howard. We cannot ignore this rapidly increasing interest.

And no, the ownership has not changed, and yes, the staff lineup remains the same.

And yes, we did receive and reject a substantial offer from a print publisher to buy us. We declined because as best we could tell, they wanted to close us down and make us redundant. We're having too much fun to agree to that! That’s it – and thank you.

Neil McCauley / editor in chief (piggy backing on HP's LFD4U trade account.

Marco, if you are reading this, we'd like to set up a paid-for AoS Audiophile News and Music Review trade account please. Thanks - Howard

Colin Wonfor
05-11-2015, 15:55
Great news, Neil and Howard.

And it looks nice.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/12109932_10153806447793933_3741109477977828584_o.j pg

Neil McCauley
05-11-2015, 17:27
Thank you Colin.

05-11-2015, 18:03
Hi Howard,

You have email :)
