View Full Version : Wanted: Quad Series 5 Power Amp.

05-11-2015, 08:14
I'm in the market for a Quad 520 / pair of Quad 510's, open to all variants, WHYG?

05-11-2015, 08:27
There are three 520s on eBay from European sellers at the moment, but they are on the high side IMO.

05-11-2015, 08:41
I'm glad you agree they are on the high side and I'm not just being cheap! Missed a 520C on Tuesday (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252144050063?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT) :(

05-11-2015, 08:42

I can vouch for this outlet, my current Primare CDP and Tannoy Cheviots were purchased via the same source ;)

05-11-2015, 09:26
You don't want a Quad 500 series ;) Overpriced now sadly, and not as powerful as a 606, which I think is easier to service as long as you can get the case apart... The 500 used slightly different supply caps and a little more skill is needed when replacing them I think. They do look meaner though in the flesh, but we don't listen with our eyes now, do we? (takes one to know one :o)

05-11-2015, 15:31

I can vouch for this outlet, my current Primare CDP and Tannoy Cheviots were purchased via the same source ;)

Thanks for the link, whilst it does look to be in great condition and I appreciate original packaging, it's too expensive for me.

You don't want a Quad 500 series ;) Overpriced now sadly, and not as powerful as a 606, which I think is easier to service as long as you can get the case apart... The 500 used slightly different supply caps and a little more skill is needed when replacing them I think. They do look meaner though in the flesh, but we don't listen with our eyes now, do we? (takes one to know one :o)

I did consider adding a footnote apology especially for you :). Sorry, but my mind is made up, yes it is partly cosmetic but also I think better VFM than a 606.

05-11-2015, 17:41
I know I know, I'd have loved one as well, but mentions on forums has lifted prices on these now, studios that had them have probably cleared them out now in the mass exodus to dinky little desktop actives and I maintain a 606 is more plentiful and I think, often cheaper now.

I really do wish you all the good luck in the world in finding a nice one for not too much money. I find the 606 looks so damned boring, but then my amps are in a cabinet, so it wouldn't matter. Whatever, they're still great amps and I'm sure you'll love a fettled one :)

05-11-2015, 17:48
Thanks David :thumbsup:.